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“So where would you like to go?” Jed asked with that brilliant smile when he finished his shift and led the way out of the restaurant.

Beth noticed he’d taken the time to change into tight-fitting black jeans which hugged his very bitable ass and more than once she had to drag her eyes away from his butt as he walked slightly ahead of her.

Or perhaps it might be more accurate to say she trailed behind him so she could eye him up.

When he looked over his shoulder and caught her ogling him Beth bit her lip and hurried to his side with a guilty flush on her face. She heard his low chuckle. Busted!

“I, um, well…” Flustered at being caught with her eyes on the goods, she sucked in a breath to compose herself and started again. “What I mean is, I’ve not checked out any of the evening entertainment, so I don’t really know what there is.”

Jed stopped and looked at her, his eyes wide. “Really?”

Beth shrugged awkwardly. “It’s not so much fun checking things out on your own when everyone else is having fun around you,” she admitted.

Jed frowned at that. “I thought you were here with friends? Your table was originally for four.”

Beth nodded and resumed walking, even though they hadn’t established where yet. “I was supposed to be meeting up with my play partners for the Valentine Party and then checking out Iniquity, but there was some kind of issue, and they couldn’t make it.” She tried to make light of it but wasn’t certain the disappointment hadn’t bled through into her voice. She didn’t want him feeling sorry for her.

“Well, I can help with one of those at least,” he told her with a wink. “I’m happy to show you around Iniquity, so you can get your bearings and familiarize yourself with the club.”

“Really?” There was a definite breathy quality to her voice and this time she did nothing to disguise the excitement at his offer. “I’d love that!”

“Great!” Jed grinned and his blue eyes crinkled in genuine enjoyment which Beth felt on a far deeper level than she should. He was far less formal now that he wasn’t on the job, and while she’d felt grateful during dinner for his attentiveness, this was altogether different. She felt like he was truly invested in their time together, almost like it was a date. And that was a dangerous game to play when it was so far from the truth.

Still, she appreciated his sincere pleasure. It made her feel good about herself, even if she did have to remind herself that this wasn’t a romantic interlude.

His enthusiasm was infectious and quickly chased away the touch of the blues Beth had been feeling at being stood up. Jed was like a whirlwind. With him by her side they flew through the paperwork at reception, and she was glad she didn’t have to do it on her own. It would mean she didn’t have to deal with it tomorrow, when she was bound to be nervous about her rendezvous, too.

Beth felt like a kid in a candy shop when they finally cleared the nondescript foyer and got into the club itself. She wasn’t a stranger to BDSM clubs, but this place took things to a whole other level.

“Oh my!” she murmured as she gazed around the sumptuous surroundings. The places she’d been to back home had been functional and pretty basic. No frills might be the best way to describe them.

This was… well, it was like a cross between a very swanky private club and a boutique hotel. All lush furnishings, high end equipment and reeking of wealth. It was quite an eye-opener. And boy was it going to totally spoil her for when she went back to her old stomping grounds.

Still, that aside, Beth was eager to make the most of every moment of her time here. She almost wished she’d visited earlier instead of putting it off, but she pushed those regrets aside, they were worthless now. All she could do was enjoy the time she had left, and she could only do that by embracing it wholeheartedly. Not crying over the few days she’d missed.

“This place is awesome!” she said to Jed, her eyes wide. “It must be totally amazing having this available to you anytime you like.”

“It is pretty fantastic,” he agreed with a grin. “Employees get a sweet package, that’s for sure.”

“Do you enjoy your job?” she asked curiously as they wound their way past a luxurious seating area towards the bar. Jed had already explained that there was a strictly observed two drink limit. That was a new thing to her. None of the clubs she’d ever visited before had a bar, and, of course, Beth had already had wine with her dinner, so she couldn’t help but wonder how they monitored that, but she didn’t have time to ponder the situation before Jed replied.

“I love it actually.” There was a depth of enthusiasm in his voice that reeked of honesty. “I know there are people who might think working as a waiter is just a deadbeat job and I should have bigger aspirations - and I do…” he added, almost as an afterthought. “But this is an awesome environment. The work ethic here is great. Okay, so I guess the wealth of the patrons goes a long way towards the management ensuring that there are always plenty of staff, so we’re not overstretched, but honestly, I’ve worked for companies who don’t give a toss about the welfare of their employees or who skimp on staffing levels to bump the bottom line for their investors. It’s different here. The owners really do care about keeping their staff happy. We get a great package too, and who doesn’t want to live in paradise? I left what a lot of people would consider a far better job to take this one…” he paused for a moment and grinned at her. “Sorry, I’m running off at the mouth a bit, aren’t I?”

Beth shook her head. “Not at all. I love your enthusiasm for your job, really I do.”

Jed shrugged. “I left a supervisory job in event management to come here,” he admitted, a faraway look in his eyes, like he was remembering the past. “It was stressful, full-on, long hours and virtually no appreciation. We had big ideas; I was so keen…” He pursed his lips. “And we were stabbed in the back. I mentioned stuff to my immediate manager, and he took them to the board as his own ideas. He got a big raise and a promotion, then expected us to expand and roll out the ideas he stole and thought we should be grateful for the opportunity.”

Beth looked at him, her mouth agape. “That’s awful!” she exclaimed.

“I got my own back,” Jed replied, his eyes alight with laughter again. “We quit and left him with the outline of our plans, which he had no idea how to promote and I pointed out what he did in my resignation letter.”

“We?” she queried.

“Yeah.” He smiled. “There were three of us. We all jumped ship at the same time. They never counted on that. And we got lucky, because one of my friends saw job vacancy ads for this place. It wasn’t what we were used to doing, but it presented its own opportunities. And even though we took a pay cut on paper, the perks of the job - accommodation, bonuses, working environment - actually mean we’re better off. And we have more time to pursue…” He paused for the second time. “Sorry, I’m rambling again. Pretty sure you didn’t want my life history.”

Beth grinned back at him. “Honestly, I’m in awe. I work for the shittiest firm. One who actively pits us all against each other. You taking hold of your destiny like you have really puts me to shame and has me asking myself why I don’t look for something better.”

Jed slung an arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. Beth felt shivers of awareness tingle down her spine and settle in her lady parts. But more than that, she was surprised at how comfortable she felt with him. Like they’d been friends forever, not new acquaintances. “It’s not that easy for everyone, so you shouldn’t give yourself a hard time. We were lucky,” he admitted. “None of us had any ties, so it wasn’t difficult to uproot our lives and head in a different direction.”

Beth knew he was right, but his words also gave her pause. Because she had no ties either. Nothing to stop her from taking the plunge, just like he had.

No one was holding her back but herself.

Tags: Poppy Flynn Erotic