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Mom pursed her lips, she looked like she swallowed a lemon and I crossed my arms over my chest, enjoying the fact that I was looking down at them. “Karina called. I know about your little girlfriend. I know what she did—”

“Stop.” I held up my hand. “That is not your business. That is between Eliza and I and you don’t get to speak on it.” I had no idea what Karina told my mother, but my blood was boiling. “I have a plan for my internship. I have applications ready to be sent in, but they are not with any of the organizations you have in mind, but they open slots for the following August.”

“That’s too far away!” my father boomed. “You need your foot in the door now. This isn’t playtime, it’s crunch time.”

“I’ve got it handled,” I said, spinning on my heel and gathering my backpack from my room. I’d already spent too much time here, and I figured now would not be the best time to tell them about my little road trip planned for this summer.

“You’re not to see her again,” my father said.

“Not gonna happen.”

“We’ve done everything for you.” My mother’s lip quivered. “Just do this for us.”

I’d been doing everything for them. Making them happy. Walking on eggshells since Jude left.

“We have eyes everywhere,” my father said.

“Is that a threat? What are you going to do? Kick her out of town? Expel her from school? You have a certain reach in the community, I’ll give you that, but you’re not so cruel enough to ruin her life to get back at me, are you?” It was a challenge. I didn’t know which way he’d fall.

I ducked out before they could say anything more, hopping in the truck and startling Eliza in the process.

“Trask.” she asked as I peeled away from the house. I wouldn’t put it past them to come outside and give me a piece of their mind. They’d have a field day if they knew Eliza was with me.

“Hey,” I said, grabbing her hand and kissing her fingers. “I’m fine, my parents just ambushed me. Sorry it took so long.”

She gave me a long stare. “Anything you want to talk about?”

“Just arguing about internships for when I graduate. They want one thing, I have other ideas.”

She just nodded, probably sensing my desire to leave the conversation alone. She changed the subject, and I relaxed. “Should we stop anywhere for groceries?”

“Nope,” I shot her a wide grin. “I’ve got it all figured out. Also, I checked with Roman. He’s gone for the weekend, so you can relax.”

“You could tell I was nervous?”

I nodded. “I get it. When you’re tired, meeting people and interacting with strangers is the last thing you want.”

She nodded, exhaling a long breath. “Thank you.”

“But you’ll like Roman. I’ll introduce you sometime. He’s a mechanic and overall douchebag, I think you could put him in his place.” I shot her a wink. “But he’s obsessed with this girl and is always over at her place, helping her fix it up.”

“Okay,” she chuckled. “One day then. Maybe a double date.”

I didn’t know why I was getting nervous the closer we got to my apartment. This wasn’t going to amount to much. I didn’t care. I just wanted her to be comfortable. Watch movies and chill. Maybe make her orgasm again.

Her eyes widened when we walked in. “I know, I know, not what you were expecting.”

“It’s so tidy and clean. And big! I was going to ask how you could afford this but then I saw your real house.”

I half expected to bristle at the comment. My parents came from money, I came from their money. What was I supposed to do? Say “No thank you, Mom and Dad, despite all your hard work in your lucrative careers, I’d rather take out a mountain of debt.” It was a gift, and one I appreciated completely. Hell, Roman is smarter than me, but he was running the mechanic shop because the funds weren’t in his favor. It fucking sucked, and I knew I was lucky to be able to do what I’m doing.

She was still looking around the place when I finally pulled myself from my thoughts. “They help me out and I’m thankful for it. Make yourself at home. Want some wine with dinner?”

“What are we having?” She smiled, dropping her backpack to the floor near the couch and discarding her coat. She kept her boots on though.

“Italian,” I smirked.

“Well then, wine is an absolute must.”

Tags: Ash Larkin Romance