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“I… um… I don’t know…”

Amira was about to say something but before she could, the line went dead.

“Shit!” she yelled, running out of her room as she dialed Casey’s personal number.

Casey’sold pick up truck screeched to a halt outside of Amira’s and Amira jumped in. All their personal stuff had been put to one side in the efforts to save Rina’s life.

“I know where she will be.” Casey said as she pressed the accelerator hard and they roared off into the darkness. She spoke about it sometimes in her sessions with me. You heard traffic in the background, you are sure? I think its the freeway out of Forest Vale. Where the high bridge is that leads up to the beach. She said she thought about it sometimes when she drove under there. It’s a common place for jumpers.”

They were heading along the relatively quiet beach road at quite a speed, then Casey took the hard left that would lead to the bridge over the freeway. As they approached the bridge, Amira could hear the traffic from the freeway below and she could see a lone figure sitting on the railings in the middle of the bridge. Tall, long limbed, wearing Adidas sweats. It had to be Rina. She was such a talented basketball player. It was so tragic such that anyone was in this position, let alone a gifted athlete with the world at her feet. If she let go of the railings, she would fall to near certain death in the traffic.

Casey slowed the pick up and pulled over, leaving her headlamps illuminating the bridge ahead. They got out and walked. Amira let Casey lead, as much as she wanted to help Rina, she knew this was Casey’s speciality.

Casey’s jeans were tight around her ass and muscular thighs and her feet were in butch work boots and Amira couldn’t help but feel a twinge of desire as her eyes flitted over her body. Casey was wearing a tight black T shirt and no bra on her small breasts and her hair was still wet from the shower. Amira thought she had never looked more sexy. If this had been any other situation than what it was….

Amira shook herself back to reality, to the seriousness of the situation.

“Rina,” Casey called out to her, cautiously, as they approached. “It’s me, Dr. Rosen. You can call me Casey, we aren’t at work now.”

Rina’s head spun round to look at them both, her eyes were wide and her dark braided hair looked messy under her Adidas hoodie.

Casey stopped her approach about 10 feet away from Rina and Amira stopped just behind her.

“You remember Dr. Alvarez? Amira? You called her. Is it ok she is here too?”

Rina nodded and she looked numb.

“What happened?” Casey asked, quietly.

“We lost. In the grand final.” Rina looked desolate. “I missed a penalty shot in the last seconds. A shot I could have taken with my eyes closed. I’m supposed to be good at this. I fucking missed. It’s my fault…it’s all my fault…”

Tears flooded her eyes again and began to run down her cheeks. Amira felt her pain so acutely and wished she could help her.

“Rina, youaregood at this. You are one of the very best. But, nobody is perfect. Nobody scores every single time.” Casey began to work with her and Amira admired how she could think quickly and be so calming in such a situation.

“I should, though… I should…. they pay me enough… I’m supposed to be the star…”

“Rina, remember in our sessions we talked about perspective. Remember we said that as much as you feel that your performance on the court is what defines you, it isn’t that. You have so much more to give the world than basketball.”

“I don’t…” Rina’s voice was breaking again.

“You do. You are smart. You are beautiful. You are one of the funniest people I know. You could do anything you like after basketball. Or in fact, now. Remember, you don’t have to play. You never have to do anything you don’t want to.”

Casey paused for a second and looked kindly at Rina, “What would you like to do after basketball?”

Rina looked over and smiled weakly at her. “Um… well, maybe I could go back to school?” She sounded hesitant.

“Of course you could.” Casey said confidently. “We could help you with that. What would you like to study?”

“Um… well maybe science? Maybe I could be a sports doctor like you guys one day?”

Casey smiled widely. “Of course you can. I think you would make an excellent sports doctor. Ex athletes are the best sports doctors, don’t you think, Dr. Alvarez?”

Amira smiled and nodded, “Absolutely. Did you know Dr. Rosen- I mean, Casey- used to be an incredible football player?”

Rina shook her head, “No. I didn’t know. I love football though. I’d love to have a go at it one day, but they won’t let me at the moment. They say its too dangerous in case I get injured.”

She looked down at the traffic and looked deep in thought.

Tags: Emily Hayes Erotic