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“That seems like a great idea and all, but there’s a couple of weak spots,” he began. “One, he may be a good friend of ours, but he’s the craziest motherfucker we know, except for A-Bomb. How do we know they’re going to truly be safe with him? He has a laundry list of enemies. Two, what about the daytime? Diana, your family’s potential host is the leader of the largest vampire coven on the west coast. How does he protect them during the day?”

“That’s not a concern; they’ve been able to daywalk for centuries since they found a stash of Despair Diamonds. We have almost the exact same list of enemies, and we kept Diana safe. I trust Judas, he’ll take care of them,” Desmond stated, his tone holding a finality.

“I trust you guys. If you think this could be a solution, let’s at least see him and see what he says,” I agreed.

I started to feel antsy. It made complete sense that if demons, angels, and other supernatural creatures were real, then so were vampires. But the idea of my family being protected by them creeped me out. Wriggling out of Bash’s lap, I walked over to Charlie’s chair and pulled him up. I tried to get Oscar’s attention, but he was too busy trying to steal food from the kitchen island to give a flying fuck about me.Little douche knuckle.

“We’re going to my room to hang out and catch up. Let me know when you come up with a plan.” I led Charlie out of the kitchen, relieved to put some distance between myself and the guys.

Even though reuniting with my family was on the horizon, I had a bad feeling about the means we’d need to use to get them here.

Chapter 9

The crew agreed that the Costa Coven would be a solid ally against Red. Judas Costa had been a good friend of ours for centuries, and he despised Red as much as we did. Since Red took power, the restrictions he’d levied on vampires made it harder for them to hunt and own businesses among the human world, especially for smaller covens. Most vampires didn’t have access to blood banks, willing human donors, and Despair Diamonds to use as day charms like the Costa Coven did. They had to hunt among the human populations like incubi and sluaghs.

Hopefully in a responsible way. Although I can say with certainty that sluaghs were known for being ruthless hunters. They outranked incubi in what they were willing to do to feed.

Although Judas wasn’t as badly impacted by the restrictions because of his coven size and wealth, he was very much an all for one, one for all kind of guy. I could definitely respect that–and his love of fireworks, explosives, and torturing those who wronged him. And his obsession was sweets. His fashion. Honestly, I loved everything about the man–he was one of the few people outside the crew I considered a friend.

It had been too long since we’d partied together. Paris, 1925. We got absolutely shit-faced with Ernest Hemmingway, Gertrude Stein, and the Fitzgeralds–all the American expat writers–and inspired their weird stories. We ended up double teaming a ginger-haired burlesque dancer under a bridge with a bunch of locks on it.

But she had nothing on Diana,the voice in my inner head said. He sounded like the guy from that weird cult classic movie that also starred the guy fromGrease.

Right you are, Voice. No one has anything on Diana.

Maybe we could all party together after the meeting tonight. I’m sure Diana could use a good night out. Speaking of which, what were her andCharup to? Obviously, he wasn’t interested in Diana as more than a friend, but I hated having to share her with anyone else, spare the guys. It was bad enough that fucking Big Bird Feathers McGee was here, with his angel nonsense and his constant sucking up to Diana…but to have another person here that wanted a piece of her time? For fuck’s sake, how was I expected to share her? I shouldn’t even have to, as her favorite.

I don’t remember anyone teaching Diana how to cast a silencing spell, so I nodded along with the conversation the guys were having and used my superhuman hearing to focus on what she was talking to Charlie about.

“You’re fucking all of them, except the blond one? Di, he’s the cutest out of all of them, come on!” Charlie exclaimed.

I wholeheartedly disagree with that. Maybe he hurt his eyes while I kidnapped him?

“He is cute, but his personality was shit until yesterday. He was so mean to me; I don’t even want to get into it. But hedidapologize. And I haven’t fucked Desmond yet, but we did fool around…” she shyly said. “If we ever do fuck, I won’t walk straight for a while. He’s huge. And he’s not even the biggest out of them…”

I am, I’m the biggest. Greek god peen for the win.

“Mal is trying, you have to give him credit. He was the first to jump on the family train down there. Desmond definitely gives off strong AF Daddy vibes. And he has a big dick… I’m shocked you aren’t kneeling at his feet to be honest, you freak. How did you hold out this long?” he inquired.

“Again, it’s complicated. He’s a control freak, and that reminds me so much of Danny. I know they’re nothing alike–Desmond would never treat me that way, but it took a while to get used to his big alpha persona,” she admitted.

“I already know which one is your favorite.” Charlie’s voice had a dramatic Lifetime movie flair, like he was the narrator of this story. “Ares–your psycho golden retriever.”

“The funny thing is, his aura actually glows gold. I guess all Greek gods can do that? And I don’t have a favorite…” she said unconvincingly. “But Ares is thesweetest,in his own way.”

“I call bullshit. Diana, he tattooed his name on your thigh, and he’s obsessed with you. He coddles you and gives you presents. In his own psychotic way, he treats you like a queen. You love shit like that,” Charlie argued.

That’s right, Charlie, make her admit it.I needed to hear her say it, even if it wasn’t to my face. I loved my Little Goddess from the depths of my immortal soul, and I knew she felt the same way, even if she wouldn’t admit it yet.

Everywhere we goooo…your penis wants to knooooow…

Is Diana’s vag open…for some sexual motion?

Oh my Zeus, the voice in my head needed to stop chanting. I had to concentrate on two conversations already, and adding a third would be impossible.

“I’m not going to admit he’s my favorite, or that any of them are. They’re all unique and special in their own way. But I will say this, Ares and Mal are the only two who took it upon themselves to apologize. Bash just tried to fuck his way into my good graces, and Desmond gave me some shit apology and is pretending nothing happened. I expected better from him to be honest,” she lamented.

Hmmm, I’m not her favorite. That’s okay, I have the rest of our long, immortal lives to win that spot in her heart.

Tags: Maggie Bonnet Paranormal