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Car and I may be on common ground now but we still have an elephant between us. She opened up to me and when it came time for me to return the favor, I clammed up and couldn’t even utter a single word. I know she feels betrayed by me, but it took me over a year and to be a bottle of Jack Daniels deep before I even told Gage.

“Yo, you there, K?” I shake my head to clear my thoughts and focus back on the conversation that the twins, Quinn and Garrett are having. I smile sheepishly and shrug my shoulders.

“I may have missed the question.” Knight scowls at me but I ignore him. He has been pushy as fuck lately. I don’t know if Car disclosed what happened between us to her brothers. I will not be the one to discuss her private business, I would hate for that to happen me.

“What are you planning for the break?”

“Nothing much.” I can see Rook isn’t happy with my answer and I really don’t give a shit. Since being here, Gage has cut me out of the fights and told me I need to focus on my schooling—easy for him to say though. No fights means no money, which equals me being fucking strapped for cash.

“You gonna be staying here?” I shake my head in answer to Quinn’s question. He and Garrett are the only guys out of the team aside from the twins that I actually like. They’re not like the others that continue to make passes at me daily. Ever since I punched the team’s wide receiver for grabbing my ass, the team no longer sits with us under my tree.

“Why don’t you come back with us?” Rook’s question is innocent enough but it still causes me to stiffen. When I spy Knight out of the corner of my eye, I know he saw my reaction to his twin’s question.

“You going back to your mom’s?” Knight’s question draws an involuntary scoff from me. My eyes widen, fuck!

“I mean, yeah I’ll go home.” I can feel Rook and Knight staring at me but refuse to meet their gaze, then stand before making a lame-ass excuse about needing to hand in a paper and quickly scurrying off.

* * *

After grabbing dinner, I head to my room. I don’t even think twice about Car not being here when I arrive. I decide to utilize the alone time to get some of my homework done and grab a shower. As I lay in bed and check the time on my phone, I begin to worry when I see it’s after curfew. She may be a rebel but even Carlina Murdoch doesn’t miss curfew. It’s only a Tuesday, so I know there isn’t any parties on tonight. Maybe she stayed in a friend’s room? Even as the thought enters my mind, I know deep down inside myself that Car wouldn’t do that. She is a stickler for sleeping in her own bed.

I lay awake for hours waiting for her to return. When I check the time again and see it’s two in the morning my worry turns to unease. I may not like the cheer bitches but even I know they wouldn’t be out this late with them having early practice in the morning. I haven’t seen Car hang out with anyone else aside from them. I debate texting Rook or Knight but decide against it in case I am just blowing this shit out of proportion.

I startle awake at the feeling of having someone watching me. I bolt upright in bed and scan the room. I don’t see anything at first until I spot Car’s desk chair and see a shadow in it, staring directly at me. I freeze, I knew he would find me. How could I have been so stupid as to think being at the same school with his kids wouldn’t lead him directly to me, he’s come to finish the job.

“Just fucking do it!” I grit out through clenched teeth. I’m so proud of myself for sounding so strong and my voice not wavering to give away the fear I feel inside.

“Do what?”

Oh my God.

The sound of his voice washes over me like a warm caress. The deep baritone and the husky sound has gooseflesh sprouting all over my body. I slowly reach over and flick on my beside lamp, then slam my eyes closed so I can adjust to the light. I blink them open slowly and bite my lip as I run my gaze over him. His gaze bores into me with an intensity that has me wanting to squirm beneath the pressure of it. His large frame fills the chair. He leans forward and rests his forearms on the tops of his thighs, causing his suit jacket to tighten around his bulging biceps. I see tattoos on the tops of his hands. His suit fits him perfectly. He has the top few buttons on his crisp white shirt undone, his brown hair ruffled like he has been running his hand through it continuously. A five o’clock shadow covers his jaw, brown eyes holding an intensity like no other. I sit here staring at him for so long my mouth is dry from swallowing over and over again. My anger begins to rise the longer we sit here with no words spoken. A knock on the door causes me to jump. I glare at him when I see his lip lift in the tiniest smirk. The door opens and I wait for Tony to walk in and finally kill me but it isn’t him.

“Hey, princess.” My mouth drops open and my brows raise in surprise, he takes a step toward me and I scramble off the bed to meet him halfway. King wraps his arms around me and I cling to him. We break apart and I smile up at the black sheep of the family. King has similarities to his sister and brothers, but he is the fairest out of the five. The only one with tinges of blonde through his hair and he also has green eyes, unlike the others. His perfect white teeth are on display as he smiles down at me. King is just as tall as the twins. He rests his hands on my shoulders and the feeling of his hands on me snaps me back to reality. I pull back from his hold and his smile falters slightly at my retreat.

“Why are you here?” I ask as I keep my gaze solely on King and not his older brother who can suck the oxygen out of a room just by being in it. King steps back until he stands beside Bishop. I reluctantly pull my gaze from King as I look at Bishop. Just the sight of him has me weak in the knees. Why did the one man in the world that brought something to life inside me have to turn out to be a bastard?

“Where is Carlina?” The accusation and anger in his tone has me wanting to cower. I hold his stare as I answer. Bishop Murdoch will not come in here and try to intimidate me after everything I have endured.

“How the fuck would I know where your sister is? I’m not her fucking keeper, Bishop!” He pushes out of the chair so quick it topples over. He closes the space between us in a second. His hand clamps around my throat, then he shoves me back until I’m bent over the side of the bed with his huge frame looming over me. For one second… one split second, I’m transported back to the moments where I was helpless and unable to defend myself. I’m not her anymore, I’m stronger. I strike out and punch him across the jaw. His eyes widen in shock. I do it again but this time he’s quicker and catches my fist with his free hand, then pins it to my side. I lash out with my other arm and clip the side of his face before he draws his face back. he tightens his hold on my throat until I’m gasping for air. I look to King out of the corner of my eye, pleading with him to help me. His brows are drawn in and I can see he is torn between helping me and being loyal to his brother.

“Where. Is. Carlina?” He makes sure to enunciate each word, like I’m simple. I claw at his hand around my throat and try to break free of his hold. He’s too big, no matter how hard I fight I’ll still lose because men will always be able to overpower us females and there isn’t a fucking thing we can do about it. I stare up at Bishop and resign myself to the fact that I am going to die at the hands of the man that I thought gave a shit about me. Just as my vision begins to go fuzzy and I start to see black spots he releases his hold on me and steps back. I gasp and cough as I drag in lungfuls of air whilst grasping at my chest. “Grab her, she’s coming with us.” I want to protest but I can barely breathe, let alone get any words out, as King grabs and hoists me over his shoulder.



She sits nearly on top of the door handle to be as far away from me as possible. King meets my gaze in the rearview mirror. I know he doesn’t agree with how I handled her or even bringing her with us but until I find my sister, she is my number one suspect. Rook peers back at her from the passenger seat and the apprehensive look he shoots her tells me he is with King on this one. He thinks she is innocent. Knight is the only one in agreeance with me and doing whatever needs to be done to get Car back. I swore I would always protect her and I fucking failed. I sent her to this school with the twins, knowing they would watch out for her daily, but somehow they still managed to fuck up the one job I gave them. I don’t care if they feel like shit, once we get back to the manor they will feel the real wrath of my fury. They want me to treat them with more respect like I do King, yet they can’t even do one simple fucking job!

“We making a stop?” I grind my teeth at King’s question. I’ll deal with that fucker later for touching what was never his to begin with. I gave her time to come around and live her life how she saw fit for a while but that didn’t involve fucking the enemy.

“Not tonight, go straight back.” King grunts and focuses back on the road. Rook peers back to Knight in the back seat, I know they are doing their whole twin silent communication thing and it grates on my nerves. “Got something to share?” Rook shakes his head and focuses back out the window. Knight being the uncaring bastard that he is speaks up.

“How did you find out?”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance