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“You don’t need to worry about that. You should be more focused on what I’m about to do to you both when we get back.” Knight scoffs. I turn and stare directly at him so he can see the anger in my gaze.

“You can blame us all you want but none of this is our fault. You brought this upon all of us when you decided to go rogue. You’re not our father, Bishop, and you don’t call the fucking shots.” If he wasn’t being such an arrogant asshole I would be proud of him for finally standing up to me. Out of my three brothers, Knight has always been the one to challenge me and never just accept what I say. Before I get a chance to answer him, we pull up to the Manor. Kiara still doesn’t move or even make a sound. This girl used to be a part of our family and spent more time here with us then she did at her own home, until she just stopped. I climb out and make my way around to her door. I scowl at King when I see him helping her out of the car and wrapping an arm around her waist to hold her up. I grind my teeth so hard at the sight that they begin to ache. He’s my brother and I would die for each of them but seeing him with his hands on her, causes the monster inside me to rear its ugly head.

“What’s that?” I look to where Rook is pointing, that’s when I see a box sitting in front of the front door. I pull my gun from my waistband and shoot King a look. He motions for Rook to take over his hold on Kiara. Knight moves into her other side and King pulls his gun from the holster beneath his jacket. Kiara doesn’t even bat an eye to the sight of our guns. I move in front with King just behind me as we climb the couple of steps that lead to the porch. A plain box sits there. King comes up beside me and we exchange a look. He crouches down to open the box as I wait with bated breath to see the contents. He opens the flaps of the box and pulls out a creamy colored scarf. He holds it out to me and I stare at it as I run it through my hands and pause at the end that has a splatter of blood on it. I know with everything inside me that the blood on this scarf belongs to Carlina.

“What is it?” I hand the scarf back to King and when he sees the blood his whole body tenses. “Who the fuck would have the balls to take her? No one even knows about Car. We made sure of that!” He’s right, even when she was born, Tony made sure that no one knew she existed in case they tried to come for her. Car was nothing but a bartering chip for him. He had always planned to marry her off to one of the rival families and use her marriage as leverage for more power. The bastard always had an ulterior motive for everything that he did. Nothing Tony Murdoch did was ever selfless, everything he did was always for his own gain.

“I don’t know. Go make some calls and figure out who the fuck knew about her. If you need to use force to get them to talk, do it.” King nods and heads inside to do as I asked. He is loyal beyond measure and family means everything to King, so I know our sister being gone is hitting him fucking hard. I turn back to the twins and Kiara and see the twins both have a look of blood lust in their eyes. They may be the youngest of the family but the both of them have a thirst for blood that is unmatched by me or King. I make my way down to them and order them both to go in and help King with whatever he needs. Rook is reluctant to leave Kiara alone with me. It pisses me off when she gives him a small nod and he finally concedes. She doesn’t get to fuck off for years and then come back and call the shots. I fucking call the shots around here. “You will help us find her.” A whoosh of air escapes her and she slumps slightly from fatigue, dropping her gaze to the ground. I follow her sight and curse myself when I notice she isn’t even wearing shoes and it’s fucking cold out. I bend and grip her behind knees and lift her into my arms bridal style. She doesn’t protest or even fight, just wraps her arms around my neck and rests her cheek against my shoulder as I carry her inside.

I climb the stairs to the second floor, passing Mav and Luka on my way to my room. Neither of them says a word about the girl draped in my arms, even though I can see the curious looks in their eyes. I carry on down the hall and walk straight through my doorway and kick the door shut behind us. I place her on her feet and grip her waist until I’m sure she is able to stand on her own. Unlike most girls she doesn’t pull away and gawk around the room, just stands there and looks at me with those strange, pale-blue eyes that make you feel like they can see into your soul.

“I’ll help however I can but I don’t know where she went, Bishop.” The sound of my name from her lips has me yearning to hear her scream it as I fuck her raw.

“She didn’t go anywhere… She was taken.” She darts her tongue out to moisten her lips and I track the movement with my eyes, while standing before me in a plain white shirt that readsLannister in the streets, wildling in the sheetsand a pair of black boy shorts that show off her muscled thighs. I know she doesn’t do any extracurricular activities, so what the fuck is she doing to stay in this good of shape?

“How do you know? She could just be staying with one of her friends or something.” Even she has to know how dumb she sounds right now. Carlina doesn’t do sleepovers, never has. I quirk a brow at her and she sighs. “Yeah okay, that isn’t something she would do.”

“Stay here, I got shit to do.”

“Am I your family’s prisoner?” Her eyes spit fire at me and I love the challenge I see in her gaze. I reach out and brush my knuckles against her cheek. I relish in the shudder that rolls through her from my touch.

“Not my family’s, just mine. Now stay here, sleep, shower or whatever the fuck you want but you are not to leave this room until I say otherwise.”

* * *

“No one knows who the fuck I am talking about,” King roars as he slams his drink down beside him on the counter. The four of us with Luka and Mav have gathered in the kitchen. I have an office but it’s never used when times like this arise. Tony would make us stand around his desk as children so we always knew he had the power. That is not how I want to reign as Don of my family. I want to be able to lead my family fairly, not rule them by fear but by respect. My men follow me and are loyal to me because I treat them right, unlike Tony who ruled everyone, even his own children, by beating them into submission.

“Does the princess know where she is?” I scowl at Rook, I hate that the three of them still call her that.

“Her name is Kiara.” I feel Knight’s gaze boring into the side of my head but choose to ignore him.

“Why are you so touchy about her?”

“Shut the fuck up, Rook. Find our sister and then you can all go back to your carefree lives.” Knight moves to stand beside his twin. King, Rook and Knight all glare at me.

“We never fucking asked you to do what you did. You decided to do that on your own and we all stood by you.” I refuse to allow them to see the guilt I feel for that decision and the repercussions it had on each of them. My spur of the moment decision cost not only me but my siblings as well.

“I did what I had to do in order to keep you all safe. Don’t ever question me again, Knight.” I can see the anger swirling in the depths of his eyes and know he wants to argue but won’t dare risk my wrath in front of Mav and Luka. They may be my brothers, but I am still the head of this family and will do as I see fit. I don’t ask permission for shit.



Imove around his opulent room and marvel at the wealth of it. Gold trimmings line the wall of his black room. Everything in here has its place—it’s all so straight and neat that even his fucking sheets and comforter are tucked in at the corners. I move to his bathroom and groan at the sight of his clawfoot tub and huge open shower with one of those fancy as fuck shower heads that sprout from the roof. His toiletries are even lined up perfectly on the vanity. I head toward his wardrobe and roll my eyes. Everything in here is color coordinated and not one shirt sticks out further than the other… even his slacks are hung up. Does the guy own a pair of fucking sweats? I spot a plain black jersey in the back and snag it off the hanger, I pull it over my head then sigh as the smell of him assaults my senses. It’s so long it stops just above my knees. I decide to take it off and place it on the bed. If I’m going to be stuck here for a while, I may as well enjoy my time.

I walk out of the bathroom after taking the best shower of my life. I lift my arm and sniff my skin, I smell like him after using his body wash. I cringe at the thought of having to put the same panties back on, so I decide to go commando. I pull my boy shorts on and fold my shirt and panties and place them at the end of the bed. I tug his jersey over my head and love the warmth it gives me. My feet are cold so I go in search of some socks, find a pair in one of the drawers in the closet and pull them on. The fucker is that tall, the heel of his socks rest on the back of my calf. I run my hands through my hair and flinch as I snag a knot. If he was going to kidnap me he could have at least packed me a fucking bag. I see the sun beginning to rise and decide that sleep is just not going to happen.

Fuck it.

I open the door and when I don’t see any of them in the hallway, I quietly creep toward the staircase in the hopes I can steal a drink and some food from the kitchen. I know my way around this house like the back of my hand and even though I hate this place, even I can appreciate how beautiful it is. The walls are cream and lined with gold trim around the top. The only places in this house that aren’t painted cream are each of the rooms, that was the one thing Tony relented on. He allowed his children to pick the color of their rooms. I tiptoe down the stairs and round the corner past the living room. As I pass Tony’s office in order to make it to the kitchen, fear grips me in its clutches, my breaths come in short rapid pants as memories assault me. That room holds nothing but darkness and pain for me.

“Find her, now!” The sound of Bishop’s booming voice has me nearly jumping out of my skin in fright. “I don’t care what it takes. Find out who the fuck took her and bring her back.” I take a deep breath and give myself a mental pep talk. I close my eyes and run past the closed door of Tony’s office as goosebumps dot my skin. I burst through the entryway into the kitchen and come to a screeching halt when I spot all four Murdoch boys and the two goons crowded around the bench. Bishop’s glare promises pain and it sends a shiver down my spine.

“Princess––” B cuts Rook off.

“I told you to stay put.” I roll my eyes and place my hand on my hip as I cock it out to the side.

“And I got bored. Sue me, asshole. You want my help, fine, But I am not going to stay put like a toddler just because you think you can order it!” He closes the space between us. The anger in his eyes has me backing up a step. For every step I take backward he takes one forward until I’m pressed up against the refrigerator and he’s pressed against my front. I have to crane my head all the way back just look up at him. I hate being so fucking short! My head barely comes up to his chest and, judging from the smirk on his face, he is loving the height difference between us. He reaches out and wraps his hand around my neck. I keep my arms at my sides and don’t punch him this time as his grip is firm but not enough to cause me to gasp for air.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance