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Islowly sink down onto my bed and hiss, my fucking ribs are killing me, my kidneys took a fucking beating as well. King and I went at it like wild bulls until Martha and Luka stopped us. I’ve never wanted to hurt my brother the way I did today. I broke my brother’s fucking nose and relished in the sound of his bones breaking beneath my fist. King is my underboss and the person I trust the most in this whole world. I know deep down inside he hates me for making him choose between our family and Christine. I knew he loved her and I made him give her up so she wasn’t a weakness for him.

“You good?” I rest back against the headboard and wrap my arm around my ribs and I sit up. King smirks at me from the doorway. His eyes are already turning black from his broken nose, his chest and sides are littered with angry purple bruises that match my own.

“Never better, you hit like a pussy,” I snark.

“Your sluggish movements would disagree with you, brother.” I sigh and decide to ask him the question that has been eating away at me since she walked out two weeks ago.

“Did you tell me I had to get rid of her because I did the same thing to you?” King looks shocked by my question.

“No, I told you to pull your head out of her cunt and focus on our sister. Kiara has always been a blind spot for you. You fucking lost it after she went missing, Bishop. You may not want to admit it to yourself but you have been in love with that girl since she was fifteen. Kiara may be a Bennett but that doesn’t mean you have to marry her because of that. Fuck what Tony wanted, Bish. He’s dead.” His words hit their mark. I know what he says is true but I can’t go down that road right now. I sent her away with my brothers and fucking Gage, no less. I know he is in love with her but I also know she doesn’t feel the same way about him. I go out and watch her every other day, just being near her calms the beast inside me that thirsts for blood. I went nuts when she disappeared, I searched for her daily, I found her mother and pressed her for information. The bitch was so strung out she didn’t even know what fucking day it was.

“What if her father does have Carlina, what do we do then?”

“We get our sister back.”

“At what cost? Are you really willing to trade Kiara for Carlina?” I want to say yes, it should be an easy choice. But a part of me knows I would never let Kiara go, when I found her with Gage, I knew I could control her moves from afar and allow her the illusion of freedom. She has no idea how I know Gage and no doubt he will fill her in while they are at school, he was supposed to keep her safe until I dealt with Tony. When I found the videos, what that sick fuck had done to not only Kiara but my sister as well, I lost it and killed him that same day. She doesn’t need to tell me about what happened, I’ve seen it for myself and the sight made me sick. It happened just down the hall from me and I had no fucking idea. I never recorded her and I in the pool house, I let her believe I did so she would leave. Tony had been sending the videos of what he was doing to her to her father, that is the only reason he hasn’t come for her.

“I don’t know.” I feel like a bastard for saying that out loud but I won’t lie to King.

“We’ll figure it out, Bish, we always do. You need to get your head on straight and focus on what is at stake here, I won’t risk our sister’s life, not even for Kiara.” I nod. “You’re the leader of this family, Bishop. Our other businesses have suffered since Kiara started school, your obsession with her has clouded your judgment.”

“You have my word, as of tomorrow I will be focused on returning our family to its former standing.”



Iwalk aimlessly to my last class. I’ve just been existing these past two weeks. I haven’t tasted the food I consume or even smelt a single thing. It’s as if Bishop has ruined me for the rest of the world. He was always an enigma, someone for me to fantasize about as I grew up. He was the unobtainable boy that I always wanted but knew I could never have. We come from two totally different worlds. The only time I ever ate was at his house, he never had to worry about when his next meal would be, I did. I wear second hand clothes from the thrift store, he wears designer suits. I catch the bus, he drives a fucking Tesla! I thought with him finally admitting his feelings and how he watched me, I would finally land the guy of my dreams. How wrong was I? I drop down in my seat next to Quinn, he smiles kindly at me and I try to do the same, but judging from how he grimaces I fail.

“You okay? You seem a bit off lately.” I sigh and slump down in my chair as Mr. Rogers begins his boring ass history lesson.

“Just got a lot of shit going on,” I mutter quietly. Quinn chuckles and wraps an arm around my shoulder shaking me.

“You getting all lonely in your room since Car is away traveling?” The twins have told everyone that their sister is on a trip in Europe to pamper herself, it’s their belated birthday present to her. The truth is, yes, it is fucking hard staying in that room alone every night. I hate that she is missing and no one knows if she’s okay or if they have fucking hurt her. I want to text the number on my phone that sends pictures of her every other day but I’m not deluded enough to think Bishop hasn’t got Luka monitoring my phone or if he has even mirrored it.

“No, my room is fine,” I force out.

“Well, if you ever want company, you got my number.” I know Quinn is joking and means well but the last thing I need right now is to have a guy hanging around me. Gage is sporting a cast because he got close to me and I would never forgive myself if Quinn got hurt because of me. I untangle myself from him and turn to smile politely not wanting to hurt his feelings but I find his gaze fixed ahead. It’s then I notice how silent the room is. A shiver travels down my spine and I immediately turn toward the front of the room. Mr. Rogers stares toward the door way, I follow his line of sight and freeze. Standing in the doorway like he owns the fucking school is none other than Bishop Murdoch. I hate that my eyes drink in every inch of him, the way his suit hugs his body and the way his muscles bulge in his jacket or the way his slacks fit his muscular legs perfectly. His brown eyes hold an intensity that has me wanting to cower beneath my desk. his hair is slicked back against his head, I watch as gaze shifts slightly and I follow it.


I drop my hold on Quinn’s arm, scramble to my feet and quickly grab my books before shoving them in my bag. I ignore his curious gaze and question as to who the fuck Bishop is. I keep my head down as I make my way toward the front of the class, wanting to rip those cheer bitches’ eyes out. They sit in the front row pushing their chests out and batting their lashes hoping Bishop will fuck them or at the very least give them a pity fuck. I sling my bag over my shoulder and stop an inch in front of him, he doesn’t say a word as he grips my hand and leads me from the room. The feeling of my hand inside his sends a thrill through me, I want to hate him so badly, my mind does hate him but my heart doesn’t.

Stupid fucking heart!

I practically have to jog to keep up with his long ass legs, when I stumble the second time he grinds to a halt and growls before spinning around and hoisting me over his shoulder. My bag slides off and I try to catch it but lands on the ground.

“Bishop, my bag!” He curses before spinning around and picking it up. He marches us out of the building and I cringe when I hear pelts of laughter from students as he carries me across the quad and heads toward the dorms. I don’t even bother to fight or try to free myself from his hold, all it would do is piss him off and I’m not up to that argument right now. I’ll wait till we are behind closed doors, then let him have a piece of my mind. We stop at the doors to the dorms and I scoff when I hear him entering the code, of course he fucking knows what the code to the girls dorms is. He bypasses the elevators and takes the stairs, how he is climbing with me on his shoulder and not puffing or slowing down amazes the fuck out of me.

When we hit my floor, he kicks the door open and continues down the hall until he reaches mine and Car’s room. He pulls a key from his pocket electing an eye roll from me, I’m not even surprised he has his own freaking key! He waltzes inside like he owns the fucking place, for all I know he probably fucking does! He kicks the door shut then in one swift move he yanks me from his shoulder, then I’m pressed against the door by his hulking frame. His eyes burn with unbridled rage as he stares down at me. I return his heated glare with one of my own. He does not get to throw me away and then come back here like he fucking owns me, he said I had till graduation before I had to go back and marry his bossy ass.

“I fucking warned you about what would happen.” I furrow my brow confused as fuck. He pulls his phone from his pocket and dials someone. After a minute whoever it is picks up. “Back row, second chair from the end. Deal with it.” He ends the call and I mull over his words until it sinks in.

“That’s Quinn’s chair! Don’t you fucking hurt him, Bishop. I mean it!” He slams his hands either side of my head caging me in. I push against his chest but of course the bastard doesn’t even budge. He bends until we are eye to eye, I make sure he can see the anger in my eyes.

“I warned you what would happen if you looked, touched or spoke to anyone else––.”

“Oh, fuck right off with that shit!” His eyes twitch in anger but I push on. “You kickedmeout, not the fucking other way around. You don’t get to tell me what the fuck to do. You said I had until graduation before I had to marry your overbearing ass. If I want to fuck my way through the football team until then, I will.” No sooner have the words left my mouth does his hand wrap around my throat, his grip is so tight I gasp for air and claw at his arm trying to push him. I swing out and land a right hook to his jaw, all that does is serve to piss him off more! I start to get light headed and know I only have a few seconds before I pass out. I lash out and kick him straight in the dick! He goes down like a sack of shit, I gasp and suck in as much air as I can before I quickly dart around him, he catches my ankle and I fall forward only managing to catch myself at the last second before I headbutt the floor. I kick out and manage to land a kick and try to crawl away but he’s on me before I can move an inch, he flips me onto my back and straddles me effectively using his weight against me, I try to punch him again but he pins my arms above my head.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance