Page 5 of Savage Beast

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“No, I won’t let you guys do this––.”

“Shut up!” I stumble back toward my father and brothers and begin to tremble, the anger that coats his tone and the way he is vibrating with rage terrifies me. “No one is going anywhere until I say!”

“I won’t let you harm my children!”

“Who said anything about harming your childrenalpha?I am not here to hurt anyone, all I need is the help of your daughter, and then my pack and I will leave and never return. You have my word.” To my horror a snort escapes me and the broody giant snarls at my insolence. “Got something to say?”

“I have seen you for months and there is no way you will walk away empty handed, you’re not here for yourself and you don’t raid for power. What is it that you seek alpha because I can assure you nothing here will help you in your journey to save the one youthinkyou love most?” He tries to hide it, but I can see in his eyes that I have shocked and rendered him speechless, I have had many visions over the past few months. I couldn’t make sense of it. I saw things that I assumed must have been a lie, but I won’t tell him that, my brothers know all about what I’ve have I seen. They thought I was crazy when I told them, but standing here now, I know what I saw is true. I just need to keep up the timid act a while longer, and when he least expects it, I’m going to turn his world upside down like he did mine.

“You are more astute than I originally thought, all you have to do is comply with my demands and we will walk away and leave you be.” I hear truth in his words, but I can tell he still isn’t being completely honest with us.

“So, you have come all this way for my help?”

“Yes!” He grits out through clenched teeth.

“What the hell do you want then?” Cass shouts, my dad gently grips my elbow and pulls me backward until I’m in the protective barrier of my family. My three brothers move to block my father and I from his view, I think the newcomer feels intimidated by this maneuver, his growls and the flickering of his eyes semi changing to his wolf sends us a warning.

“You would be wise to remember who just made your pack submit.” Cass and Blake both tense at the reminder of what transpired mere minutes ago, our numbers are minimal, but we stand with strength!

“In case you haven’t noticed, but you’re standing in our home alone and unprotected, what is to stop us from tearing your throat out right here and now?” Hunter sounds cocky, the sly smirk that graces our captors face tells me that he is prepared for such a move. The front door bangs open, and the woman warrior accompanied with a hulking male enter our home. This woman is stunning and looks fierce, she has pixie cut blonde hair and muddy-brown eyes. She is petite, her vibes tell me she isn’t someone who you should underestimate. In my visions she is always with him, whenever in battle, she fights alongside the alpha. He views her as his equal, and I hate that I am going to be the one that shatters him when he learns the truth about her.

“Touch him and I’ll slit your throat while your father watches.” She says this with a gleeful smile on her face that sends shivers down my spine. She seemed less…scary in my visions.

“Try not to threaten Cairo, Sky gets very…blood thirsty.” Cairo…that’s his name, it’s such a strong name and suits him perfectly. The man beside him chuckles and shakes his head, his black hair flops onto his forehead and his blue eyes sparkle with mischief. I’m pulled from staring at the three strangers when dad releases my arm and pushes between my brothers so he can face our…guests?

“What do you want from us? If it is power that you seek then I’ll give it to you––.”


“No!” Dad ignores Hunter and Blakes pleas.

“Under one condition, you let my children go.” Cairo is already shaking his head before dad finishes.

“Power means nothing to me alpha, I don’t need or want it.”

“A man who seeks nothing is a man who cannot be trusted.” Cairo smiles at my father before cutting his gaze to me. My breath hitches and I tense in anticipation, he rakes his gaze up and down my body, I see the heat in his eyes. He frowns and shakes his head slightly, he finds me attractive but hates it, you won’t hate it when you find out though, alpha.

“She is what I came for.” Before I can utter a word, my brothers attack in unison, they battle with the three strangers as dad spins toward me. I see the fear and panic in his eyes as he meets my gaze.

“Run Belle––.”

“No, daddy––.”

“That’s an order, run now!” I cut my gaze to my brothers as tears spring to my eyes, I face my father again and nod then I take off toward the back door. I unlock it and then throw it open and freeze, I look both ways but see no wolves patrolling the back, they must still be out the front. I snap out of it and jump down the stairs; taking off toward the woods. I hear shouts behind me, not daring to look over my shoulder to check how far they are. I pump my arms harder and push my legs to their limits, I jump over a fallen log and stumble slightly but manage to right myself quickly.

“Stop!” I hear someone shout from behind me, but I ignore them and keep pumping my limbs hoping upon hope that I will be able to outrun a shifter. I see the creek up ahead; all I have to do is get through it and climb the incline on the other side and reach the road. I begin to pray that a car will be passing, or I’m screwed. Just as I near the edge of the creek I crouch slightly readying to jump, but before I get the chance, a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and I scream out when a vision hits.

Chapter six


It’ssodarkandI’m cold, I push up from the damp ground and look around. I gasp when I see the bodies that litter the ground, numerous lifeless eyes stare back at me. I jump to my feet and watch in horror as I see Sky standing amongst the dead covered in blood, her eyes are as black as night and black lines that resemble veins cover her exposed arms and face. Her gaze cuts to me and I still, no one has ever been able to see or hear me in a vision, but I feel as though she is looking directly at me. A haunting smile graces her face then she throws her head back and laughs like a maniac.

I look around and see that we are in the woods somewhere, wolves lay dead, and bodies are scattered around with their lifeless eyes staring up at the night Sky. What the hell happened here?

I bolt upright and scream, I see an arm coming toward me and shrink away. I look around and notice I’m back at my house on the couch, I see my brothers tied to three chairs, my father kneels in front of me with a worrying look on his face.

“You’re okay, deep breaths.” I do as dad instructs and take some steadying breaths. I can feel the light sheen of sweat that coats my body, that vision is unlike anything I have ever seen before. I felt the darkness coming off Sky in waves, whatever that was inside it’s horrible and frightening.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal