Page 6 of Savage Beast

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“How the hell do we move her if we can’t even touch her?” I turn to peer over the back of the couch and spot Cairo, two men and Sky, when her gaze meets mine, I quickly turn away. I hear a scoff and know it came from her, the carnage that I just witnessed is still so fresh in my mind, I bite my tongue to hold in my snarky retort.

“How do we move her?” One of the other guys says, I grit my teeth and push myself up so I can stand. Dad tries to help but I raise my hand, still too fearful of his touch causing another vision. Once on my feet I frown at the sight of my brothers, Cass shakes his head in warning, but I ignore him turning to face the four asshats. I take a deep breath and square my shoulders as I meet Cairo’s gaze, he quirks a brow at me which has me grinding my teeth in annoyance.

“I am right here! And theheris not going anywhere with you lot! If you want help, then just bloody ask, but my family and I will not let you bully us––.” My tirade is cut short when Cairo stalks toward me, when he is mere feet away, I step back until I hit the wall of the fireplace. I raise my hand to stop his advances, to my utter surprise he does. His breaths are coming out in fast pants, and I spy my dad over his shoulder and see the two men have a grip on each of his arms holding him in place.

“Don’t touch her!” I turn to the other side and see my brothers fighting against the chains that hold them in place. I shake my head at Blake urging him to remain quiet.

“You will do as I say, when I say and how I say!” I lift my gaze slowly to meet his, twitching my upper lip in a snarl.

“If you let my family go, I will do whatever you ask.”

“Release them.” My eyes widen in shock, I didn’t think he would actually listen to me!

“Gabrielle no!” I meet my dad’s gaze over Cairo’s shoulder and smile sadly.

“You would all do the same for me.”

“Take me, I’m heir to the pack and stronger than she will ever be. I’ll fight any battle you want, and kill whoever you want, just leave my sister here!” Tears spring to my eyes at Cass’s words, he doesn’t mean to belittle me, he is talking himself up to be the better choice. Cairo’s gaze remains locked onto mine as he answers.

“You will never be as strong as her. Skylar release them and stay here while I take the alpha for a…chat.” Panic fills me, he is going to hurt my father! I do something I haven’t done in so many years, he turns to walk away, but I reach out and grip his arm causing another vision to hit, I scream out before everything goes dark, again.

I see his wolf; he runs over the bare land as if he is chasing something that he won’t let escape him. I hear the screams from beyond not bothering to catch up, as soon as he is out of sight my visions move with the person. We clear the tree line and then I see it, we’re back with the bodies and Sky standing on the top of the hill laughing. Cairo releases a horrible broken howl and Sky’s laughter cuts off as she faces him. He shifts back to human form, and I get a clear view of his bare backside.

“Let me help you.” Sky’s black eyes crinkle at the corners.

“You promised me you would never let this happen––.”

“Please let me help you.” I can hear the devastation in his voice.

“Your council is dead; your chosen mate is next––.” A growl tears from his chest and he begins to vibrate with unbridled rage.

“You take me! You leave her out of this and take me instead, I’m the one you want, not her.”

I groan, the pounding in my head from all these visions is crippling me. One vision a day takes it out of me, let alone this many in a short amount of time is unthinkable. My head feels like it is going to crack open, I bite my lip to stop the whimper. I blink my eyes open slowly and regret it instantly when the stabbing pain in the sides of my temples intensifies. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking by touching him, I continue silently berating myself while conversations carry on around me, my mind falls back into the two visions. The destruction caused by the two of them is horrifying, I could feel the pain radiating off them, something is wrong. I could feel Sky’s reluctance to embrace this unknown power, her fear was so potent I could almost taste it. Cairo’s pain and anguish was debilitating to say the least, I could feel the hatred he had toward himself for the mayhem that Sky caused.

“Belle?” I take a readying breath and brace myself for the pain that is about to hit me when I open my eyes and face my father. I grit my teeth to stop any sounds escaping me, but it’s no use, a hiss breaks free, and worry clouds my dads’ eyes. I push myself into a sitting position and find I am once again on the freaking couch. “Here.” He hands me a glass of water and Advil to go with it. I thank him, then swallow the pills. The pain killers help to numb the pain but it never gets rid of it.

“How long was I out?” Dad tries to mask it, but I see him cringe.

“Just under two hours.” My turn to cringe now, I turn to the side and notice that my brothers are still in chains, my anger starts to peak.

“Settle down Charmed one.” I swing my legs off the couch to see who spoke, I haven’t seen this man before. He seems more relaxed and easy going compared to the others, he has a genuine smile, and eyes that shine with laughter. Stunningly handsome, with shaggy brown hair and sparkling green eyes, I get a feeling he’s quite the prankster. He isn’t as tall as Blake and Hunter, but this guy is broad and built like a wall of muscle. “Keep checking me out sweetheart, it’s great for my ego.” The growl that comes from someone in the kitchen causes him to laugh and shake his head. “I’m Cole.”

“I’m Belle.” He smirks and winks as he says.

“I know, you’re a bloody hard person to find Belle. Took us months to hunt you down.” He says like it isn’t creepy being hunted by a pack of wolves.

“Why?” My dad claims the seat beside me but makes sure to leave enough space between us so we don’t touch, I don’t think I can handle another vision right now.

“Because sweetheart, we need your help.” His honesty is a breath of fresh air.

“You want me to help you, in yet you chain my brothers like dogs.” I scoff and slouch back crossing my arms over my chest. He clicks his tongue then makes his way over to Cass, I fight my reaction to tense and demand he stay the hell away from him. I know if I do that, I would show him that he bothers me and that is never something you should do when being held prisoner.

“Colton!” I can hear the warning in Cairo’s voice and feel his presence directly behind me, I keep my gaze locked on Cole as he begins to unbind Cass.

“You want her to help?” Cole asks.

“Yes!” Cairo growls. Cole smirks at him as he releases Cass from the chains and begins to work on freeing Hunter.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal