Page 43 of Savage Beast

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I close the link and dart my gaze around and see shadows moving, I’ve counted at least a dozen so far.

“Sky, I have to shift, the pack is on their way, as well as Jess and Creed. You use your knives and that’s it––.”

“Cairo no––.”

“That’s a fucking order!” I drop my pants and allow Bexley to take control, the pain doesn’t even register when I shift. Bex throws his head back and releases a howl alerting all the packs that there is an intruder, Bex catches the sound of leaves rustlings and turns toward the noise––Sky knows the drill, she turns so her back is to Bex’s and makes sure she always has our six.

“Bexley, why are the others taking so long to reach us?” Knowing Bex is unable to speak, Sky reaches behind her and places her hand on our back––it’s the only way we can communicate in this form.

I don’t know and I can’t hear anything beyond the woods, something is blocking me.

Bex, do you think they could have a…witch?

The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind until she mentioned it, it’ll make perfect sense given their scent is hidden from us until moments ago, and no one from my pack has answered my call.

If they do, you remain silent and you do not engage.

What…what if this is the moment Belle saw?Bex growls.

You won’t be dying tonight, Skylar!

Before she can answer, figures emerge from the dense brush in front of me, Bex crouches low and drops his head slightly exposing his teeth and growling. Saliva drips from his teeth, hackles raised, Bex is ready to fight and show whoever is out there why he is feared world-wide. He has never been defeated in battle or an alpha challenge, we don’t play to the same rules like the others, Bex and I are not bound by law like other shifters, my sister included. Six figures dressed in black with rifles drawn step forward, the lasers from the guns are trained on me, I hear noise behind me but don’t shift my gaze.

I have nine rifles trained on me, what’s your count?I answer this time instead of Bex, he needs to concentrate, or we risk being caught off guard.

Six and their wearing night vision googles.



I don’t see another way out of this.

I’m about to shut her down when out the corner of my eye I see another eight guys come from the left and six more from the right––we’re surrounded. Lasers from all the guns are trained on us, Bex looks for an opening, but I shut him down.

We may be able to get out, but Sky can’t.

His only reply is to growl, he may be pissed, but he knows I’m right. Bex loves Sky and would never leave her behind.


She’s right Ro, there is no other way out of this. Either we go down by bullets, or we let her end this.

The rational side of me knows Bex is right, and Sky using her magic to save us is the only option that guarantees we both make it out of this alive. However, the overprotective side of me would rather take a bullet than allow her to do this. Thing is, whenever Sky uses her gift, it gets harder for her to pull back in. Sky is dying because of the magic inside her, each time she depletes herself she has to siphon power from me––well Bexley. Her grip on our coat tightens pulling me from my internal debate.

Ro?Bex remains silent and allows me to give the okay, if I sayno,Bex will fight, no questions asked. Before I can ponder it any longer, the masked bastards all move forward as one.

Do it Sky.



Bring me back, okay?

Always!Sky is the baddest motherfucker that I know, so hearing the tremble in her voice puts me even more on edge. I won’t let it get as far as it did last time. I force Bex to shift back and he does so willingly, knowing I need to be in human form for what comes next. I yank my pants up and notice that the fuckers are within twenty feet of us now, I peer over my shoulder when the wind begins to pick up, and the tree branches begin to creak. Theunit––yeah that’s what I’m calling them, pause and peer around them. Sky’s head drops back as she looks up to the sky above, she raises her arms out wide and the wind around us begins to pick up rapidly. It’s risky as fuck, but I have to do it in order to keep her grounded, I turn my back to the fuckers and place my hands on her hips. I hear the tree branches crack, as a white cloud begins to circle me and Sky, this mist will protect us from their bullets, the cloud like mist is halfway up our bodies when the sound of a gunshot rings out. I grit my teeth and grip Sky harder when the pain in my shoulder begins to register––The motherfuckers shot me!

“Sky, you need to do it now, before the rest of them get trigger happy.” I dart my gaze around us and see them all exchanging looks and shifting their weight from side to side, half of them seem like they want to run, while the other half seem like they want to shoot now and ask questions later. The mist around us begins to pick up speed like a cyclone, it all happens so fast. One second the mist is circling us and in the next it shoots out around us and wipes every single one of them on their asses! I shake my head to clear it and quickly spin Sky toward me, her eyes are pure white, and I see the vile green and purple veins marring her face and body––fuck! I reach up and cup her cheeks, her expression doesn’t change, the chaos that she has created is only intensifying, the wind is so loud I have to shout.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal