Page 16 of Savage Beast

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“You just let them go and wonder around my sister’s pack lands?” Cole’s eyes shift to the color of his wolf.

“It’s my fucking homeland, and my brother is alpha here to asswipe. You gave them their freedom according to Jess so who am I to stop them?” I grind my teeth in irritation.

“I’ll call Sky and tell her to come––.”

“Uh, hi?” I snap my gaze to the other side of the bench to see Belle standing there, my gaze travels down the length of her body and an irrational urge to demand she change washes over me. She’s wearing a yellow crop top that hangs off one shoulder and displays her toned stomach, jeans that fit her like a glove and show off her curves. Judging by the looks on Cole and Z’s faces they don’t mind the view at all, and it pisses me off!

“Hey Belle, can I get you some coffee and breakfast?” Belle looks shocked by my sisters offer and nods her head shyly.

“That would be great, thank you.”

“Come have a seat.” Cole taps the empty stool between him and Z, Belle tenses before cutting her gaze to me as if asking permission. I open my mouth to speak but Jess cuts me off when she hauls another stool around the corner of the kitchen and plants it at the end away from everyone.

“I thought you might prefer to sit down here so you don’t risk anyone bumping you, and you know…” Belle releases a whoosh of air before smiling and making her way over to Jess and plopping down. Her hair is loose and acts as a shield when she looks down at the counter, Callie nudges me in the ribs and flicks her head toward Belle indicating that I should say something.

“Where’s the monster sweetheart?” Saved by Cole.

“He’s at school, he’ll back later with Meg.” Jess places pancakes, bacon, eggs, syrup and biscuits on the counter for everyone. Just as the guys and I are about to dig in, she slaps Z’s hand and speaks. “Ladies first, Callie, Belle?” Belle snaps her gaze to my sister darting her eyes around at the rest of us unsure whether or not she should eat. What the fuck is that about? She stands gingerly from her stool and makes her way over to us, I’m standing by the edge of the bench and as she grabs a plate, she tries to move past me but her arm brushes mine and jumps back in shock only to smack into my sister, she cries out as her eyes roll into the back of her head. Without thinking I drop my cup and reach out to catch her before she falls, I lift her in my arms and carry her bride style over to the couch, I block the others conversation out and wave them away when I lay her down on the couch.

“I didn’t mean to touch her!” I tear my gaze from a withering Belle and look at my sister, she has tears in her eyes, and I can see she feels guilty, but this isn’t her fault…it’s mine.

“It was an accident, smalls, it’s not your fault.” I turn to Z and Cole and say. “Go find her brothers and bring them back.” I turn to a pale looking Callie next. “Find Sky and tell her to get her ass back here now.” The three of them rush out of the house to do as I ask.

“Cairo, she can’t be here––.”

“She is the only way we find those council scum smalls.”

“There is more to it isn’t there? I can see the look in your eyes Ro, what aren’t you telling me?”

“Alexander is on the east coast, Davina and Vince have trailed him there. Belle means something to Davina and Alex, and I want to know what it is Jess.”

“Why?” She yells in frustration.

“Because! After everything we fucking went through Jess, I have to know if our mother and fathers’ deaths were worth this girl’s life! They died because Alexander was protecting this girl, and I want to fucking know why!” She stumbles away from me; my breaths are coming in short rapid pants. Jess is struggling to stay in control and keep Sheba at bay, but I can tell she is struggling––shit! I run a hand through my hair and tug on the strands. “I’m sorry smalls.” I whisper.

“I didn’t realize their deaths meant…that much to you.” I exhale a long breath and speak the truth.

“I didn’t have anyone to step in and raise me like you did, I was on my own until…Sky. I want to know why they died, why the council tore my family apart and what part this girl plays in it all.” I hear her sniffle and I snap my gaze to her to see tears streaking down her cheeks.

“I’m so sorry––.” I march over to her and wrap her in my embrace as she sobs into my chest, a second later the front door slams open and Creed, Callie and Sky race in. Creed takes one look at his wife crying in my arms and worry turns to anger as he pins me with a death glare.

“The fuck did you do?” He growls as he shoves me back and cups Jess’s face between his hands, he bends down so they are eye level. “What did he do princess?” She shakes her head.


“Don’t lie to me.” I scoff, he turns to glare at me.

“That is fucking rich coming from you.” Creed drops his hold on Jess and goes to move toward me but is stopped when Sky blocks his path.

“I can’t let you do that.” He glares at Sky and opens his mouth, but Callie cuts him off.

“You so much as think about saying something hurtful to her, and I swear to god Credence, hurricane California will fucking end you.” Creed cringes slightly, he snarls at Sky before turning around to hold my sisters sobbing form. Sky moves over to me and gives me her infamousthe fuck did you dolook.

“I told her why I wanted to find the council and figure shit out.”

“Oh.” I stare at the dumbfounded look on her face.


Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal