Page 17 of Savage Beast

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“I didn’t think you would tell her so easily.” I groan as I throw my head back and stare up at the ceiling. The sound of thundering footsteps draws my attention to the door, Z, Cole and the three Wilder brothers rush through the front door. They survey the room until they see their sister passed out on the couch, they rush over and drop down beside her except for Cass, as soon as he sees me, he marches over and shoves me in the chest. I hold strong and glare at the fucker, we stand eye to eye growling, his eyes change to his wolf’s and mine do the same. Bex is thrashing against my ribs demanding I let him out to teach this fucker a lesson for ever thinking he can challenge me!

“The fuck happened to her!”

“Take the bass out of your fucking voice when you speak to me!”

“Fuck you Cairo!”

“I prefer cunt to cock Cassius.” I retort, a growl of warning tears from him, he cocks his arm back ready to take a swing at me but stops at the sound of Jess’s voice.

“Stop it! Please don’t do this, it was my fault.” Cass spins around to face my sister, Creed moves so he is partly shielding her and growls at Cass.

“You come for her, and I will fucking tear your throat out.” He would to, I give him a lot of shit, but Creed really would kill without batting an eye for my sister.

“Creed stop.” Jess moves out from behind her mate, much to his dismay and looks up at Cass who is vibrating with rage. “I accidently bumped into Belle, I swear I never meant to hurt her, Cairo caught her before she fell and hit her head. He didn’t do this.”

“Bro, stop. You know Belle wouldn’t want this; this isn’t their faults.”

“You’re right Blake, it isn’t their fault, it’s his fucking fault!” Cass pins me with a look of hatred, Bex shoves forward and my eyes shift to his.

“Anytime you want to step up to the plate I’m ready!” My voice isn’t my own, it’s rough and course due to the partial shift.

Chapter eleven


Istartleawake,Iblink my eyes a few times to adjust to the light. I hear movement to my left and slowly turn but groan when the pounding in my head intensifies and slam my eyes closed again. It’s getting worse, each vision is taking a toll on me, and I don’t know how much longer I will be able to handle it, dad and Cass are right. I hate to admit it to myself, but I may have no other choice than to do as they say, I don’t want that life, but I don’t see another option.

“Here sis, take these.” I can tell it’s Hunter from the sound of his voice, he lifts my hand and places the pain killers’ in my palm and gently guides them to my mouth. He helps me to sit up so I can swallow the water he gives me, after which he helps me to lay back down as I fight another groan. “What happened Bells, you were out for nearly four hours.” I cringe, not only is the pain getting worse, but the time is also getting longer––great. I take a minute to gather myself and my thoughts before I try to open my eyes again, the pain is still there but the pills are kicking in quickly, which I am grateful for. I see the look of concern on Hunter’s face, and I reach out to smooth the frown lines.

“I’m okay, I promise.”

“You’re not okay Belle, you can’t do this.” He whispers low enough for only me to hear, but it still annoys me, it is my life, and I will choose how I want to live it––for as long as I can.

“You can’t fight this battle for me Hunt–.”

“Like hell I can’t.” He jumps to his feet and storms away from me, I close my eyes and take a shuddering breath.

Why can’t I just be normal?

“Where’s the fun in being normal?” I squeal in fright; I didn’t mean to say that out loud! I look to the corner and see Cairo standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and one leg kicked back against the wall, he just stands there staring at me. The pressure of his gaze has me squirming, I sit up and drop my legs off the side of the sofa just for something to do other than look at him. That vision wasn’t like anything I have ever experienced before, I was jumping from one scene to the next, but I was seeing different people’s past. I’ll admit it frightened me, I couldn’t pull myself out of it or even stop myself from vision jumping.

“I would give anything in the world to just go outside and not scream in agony. Do you know what it’s like to see people kiss and not be able to ever experience that yourself?” I don’t give him a chance to answer. “See, I bet you have had sex, I will never get to do that, because it will fucking kill me!” I scream the last at him, I’m panting and mildly mortified that I just confessed that all to him, but it has been a hell of a day already and all this is his fault. He still shows no emotion or even an ounce of care, he stands there with his arms crossed looking at me like I’m an annoying fly. I sag in defeat, no one will ever understand what it feels like to crave human touch and never be able to have it.

“You can touch me.” I whip my head up so fast and balk at him, he shrugs his shoulders like the implication he just made is okay.

“I would rather eat dirt, than let you kiss me.” He scoffs and pushes off the wall, he stalks toward me like a true alpha wolf, his power radiates off him in waves. “Don’t come any closer.” My resolve begins to weaken the closer he gets; he stops when there is just a sliver of space between us.

“What are you going to do when I trample through all the walls you have up? I didn’t get to be where I am or who I am today by letting others dictate the outcome of my future.” I choke on air at the audacity of him, after what I just saw, I know he is full of it! I square my shoulders and meet his heated gaze with one of my own.

“For someone who doesn’t like the wordnoyou sure seemed to take it like a champ when it came from Skylar Cage.” His eyes widen and he moves back a couple steps allowing me to breathe slightly easier. When he is close to me it’s like he has sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, Cairo is a dominate alpha and if the stories are true about him, I really need to stop provoking the beast within.

“You have no fucking idea what you are talking about!” I roll my eyes, he growls and in a split second the space between us is gone, his hand is around my throat tight enough for me to begin to panic and claw at his arm. “You know nothing about me or Sky––.”

“Get the fuck off her now!” I dart my eyes to the side to see Blake storming toward us, Cairo turns his head toward my brother and releases a growl of warning. Blake ignores it and continues toward us; my eyes widen in horror when Blake is sent sailing through the air by Zeke.

“P-please d-don’t.” I wheeze out, he snaps his gaze back to me with his lip pulled back in a snarl. His eyes are his wolf’s and shine with malice.

“All you have to do is show me what I want to see and then you are free to go, whatever else you see, you keep your mouth shut!” The threat in his voice is clear, I try to nod but can’t thanks to the grip he has on me. He releases me with a hard shove, and I stumble back a step coughing and spluttering, I spy Cass out of the corner of my eye, but I can’t get the words out to tell him to stop. His fist connects with the side of Cairo’s face, he tries again, but Cairo is quick on his feet and manages to dodge the hit and swivels around to land a hit against Cass’s ribs. The others rush in, Cole and Creed haul Ro back while Blake and Hunter wrangle Cass back. Both of their eyes have changed to the color of their wolves, I fear they will shift any minute and wreak havoc in here. Before I can even think too much about it, I shout loud enough that they will all hear me over the growls and screams.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal