Page 51 of Brutal Truth

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“Because even if Jess leads, you will still be the alpha male to the packs.” I open my mouth but then close it, I never thought about it like that. If Jess accepts this responsibility that still means that as the alpha mated pair, I remain with the same stature. “You didn’t consider that did you?” I shake my head, no point in lying to her my look of shock already told the truth.

“IfI agree to this, what will need to happen for you to help Jess?” Her face changes and she straightens in her seat, her eyes take on a harsh edge which makes me uneasy.

“No harm will come to your mate, I swear it. All you have to do is trust me, you may not like my methods, but I promise you, I can help her.” I mull over her words for a moment, is trusting Davina really a good idea? “No one can know, not even your siblings or your mother.” That raises my hackles.


“Because they will need to buy what I’m selling in order for Jess to believe it.” Something inside me is telling me this is the only way to help Jess but the sane part of me is telling me to tell Davina to shove it up her ass. We sit here in silence; I’m still mulling it over and trying to weigh up the pros and cons of this. What if I don’t agree and Jess never gets Sheba back? What if I do agree and it doesn’t work and only pushes Jess further away from me? If it was anyone else offering this to me, I would have said yes already, but my anger toward Davina is making me second guess this.

“How do I know I can trust you?” She sucks in a deep breath and meets my gaze; I can’t tell from the look in her eyes what she is thinking.

“You don’t, but you can trust that I want what is best for Harlem, and that is having his mother whole again.” If Corbin hadn’t told me what she felt for Harlem earlier, I would never have believed her.

“Fine, but if anything happens to Jess or she gets hurt in any way I will be coming for you. My mother won’t be able to save you from my wrath, are we clear?” It shocks me when I see a look of pride cross her features before she quickly masks it.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” I hope I don’t live to regret this decision.


Thirty Seven


These days I’m up before the sun, I roll out of bed and try to be quiet as I head toward the adjoined bathroom. I close the door softly, so I don’t wake Harlem, I strip my clothes off and head for the shower but pause when I see my reflection in the mirror. I no longer have to wear the wrap for my ribs, they are healed but still slightly tender. My bruises have faded and the stitches from my head are out, my eyes are open and I’m thankful that they are no longer red and bloodshot. It scared Harlem when he saw my eyes like that, I hated that he feared me. The bruises and broken bones may have healed but the memories haven’t, every time I close my eyes, I feel their blows and kicks. I’ve been trying to bury myself in training; it’s the only thing that helps me keep my mind off what happened. Sky has been trying to help me with finding my wolf, but I don’t even feel a flicker or a spark from her. I broke down last week when Vince tried to push me to shift, everyone has been pushing so hard to try but I can’t! they don’t understand that every time it doesn’t work it breaks me all over again, we leave in five days to a new location on the mainland.

I hear everyone talk about the up-and-coming battle as we eat dinner each night, but I refuse to get involved. I am of no use now; I can’t shift so I can’t even help defend my family or get vengeance for what happened to me. I sigh and pull my gaze from the mirror and hop in the shower. As I wash my hair my mind drifts to Creed, he won’t leave! I have tried to push him away and tell him to find someone else, but he won’t. The truth is I don’t feel worthy of him anymore, without Sheba I’m just… Jess. I’m so scared that in a few years’ time Creed will get bored and tire of me not being able to shift and then break my heart. I feel the tears leaking down my cheeks, I don’t brush them away as I stand here silently and cry. I never wanted this life or to be a wolf but now that I’ve lost Sheba all I want is for her to come back. I’m snapped out of my thoughts when I feel arms wrap around me, I snap my eyes open and stare up into Creed’s gaze. His hazel eyes shine with so much hurt and sadness that it physically makes me ache. He has been nothing but kind and supportive, but I don’t want him to be tied down by me. I try to push him away, but he tightens his hold, I go limp in his embrace and narrow my gaze.

“Come back to me princess.” The rawness in his voice saddens me, I want nothing more than to curl into him and let him hold me while I break down.

“I can’t.” A growl from him is all the warning I get before he slams me against the tiled wall and lifts me, my legs automatically wrap around him, and I rest my hands on the top of his shoulders as he squeezes the globes of my ass. I glare down at him; he narrows his eyes and glares back.

“For the past five fucking weeks I have let you push me away, I have taken your bullshit silent treatment.” I open my mouth, but he growls again so I snap it closed. “I’m done with your shit!”

“Good! That’s what I’ve been trying to convey to you, now put me down.” He moves one of his hands from my ass and reaches up to wrap it around my neck, my body trembles in fear but he doesn’t relent.

“Never! I’m done with your shit, but I will never be done with you little alpha. I’m going to give us both the release we have been craving for weeks.” I feel his cock begin to harden beneath me, I stare at him in shock and shake my head. “Try deny it all you want princess, but I scent your need, I bet your pussy is wet for me already.”

“Put me down.” He drops his hand from my throat, and I think he is about to obey me when he shifts slightly then tightens his hold on my ass and gently begins to lower me. I feel triumphant until I realize he isn’t lowering me to the ground he’s lowering me onto his cock. I feel his head prod at my hole, and I open my mouth to protest but then he slams inside me, and a moan slips out as my head falls backward against the wall.

“I want you in every way, with a wolf or without a wolf I want you. I love you Jess, and I’ll never stop fighting for you because you.”Thrust. “Are.”Thrust. “Mine.” He continues to move inside me, and I grip him tighter with my legs pulling him closer, my mind is screaming at me to push him away, but my body is begging for more from him. He reaches up keeping one hand on my ass and grips the back of my hair then pulls me to him, he rests his forehead against mine, the look in his eyes is too much for me so I close the gap and smash my lips against his. The kiss is messy and angry our teeth clash and I bite his bottom lip until the tang of his blood hits my mouth. He doesn’t stop, he picks up the pace and continues to destroy my pussy. I can feel how close I am, and moans keep tearing from me, I don’t give a fuck if the whole house can hear me come because I want this. My body has been so wired and Creed is the only one who can relieve this tension. My orgasm is right there but I can’t reach it, I stare down at Creed and can see from the strain on his brow he is close.

“I need…more.” I moan out, he shocks the hell out of me when he pulls out and then lifts me until my legs are over his shoulders and I need to bend to the side, so I don’t hit my head on the roof, he doesn’t give me a chance to question him. He buries his face in my pussy and eats me like it’s his favorite meal. He pulls back and stares up at me licking his lips, that sight alone has more wetness dripping out of me.

“You taste so fucking exquisite princess.” He buries his head back inside me; I moan as he flattens his tongue against my clit. I rock my hips back and forth riding his face like a pro bull rider trusting him not to let me fall. He squeezes my ass and pulls me closer to his face, how he is able to breathe right now I have no idea. I feel his thumb begin to circle my other whole and a fire ignites inside me. He starts to prod my ass with his thumb while simultaneously eating my pussy. He finger fucks my ass and eats my pussy like there is no tomorrow, after a minute I feel my orgasm slam into me and I cry out his name, he doesn’t let me ride it out. He pulls me down to him and slams his cock inside my pussy covering my mouth with his to quite my screams. Creed is merciless as he slams into me over and over again, this isn’t make up sex, this is pure unadulterated hate fucking and I love it. A minute later I feel another orgasm brewing and before I can scream my release, he covers my mouth with his again and we both come together, that second orgasm has me seeing stars.

Creed places me on my feet after I stop trembling from the two-mind blowing orgasms. I expect him to hug me or try to talk or something, but he doesn’t, he just stares down at me for the longest time with water dripping over the both of us. His eyes scan me from head to toe and I begin to feel self-conscious, until he sighs and runs a hand through his hair before he turns and leaves. I stand there and just watch as he grabs a towel and walks out of the bathroom without saying another word.

What the fuck just happened?

I dropped Harlem off with Meg on my way to training with Sky, Creed was already gone by the time I was ready to leave which was a first. Training has been grueling and hard, but my body has started to thrive from the efforts of training. I chose to train with Vince rather than with Creed and Cairo’s group. One, I am avoiding Creed, two my brother would go soft on me and that isn’t what I need right now. Vince on the other hand has been pushing me and doesn’t handle me with kid gloves. He earned my respect the first week I started training, he never pitied me or told me to take it easy, he pushed me as hard as he pushed the others. I know Cairo thinks he is smooth and that I don’t know, but I knew from the moment Sky joined me on Vince’s team that Ro had put her up to it. I mean, why the hell would she train with me when she could be training her own mate?

“I want you all to pair off and work on your kill shots. We only have a couple more days before we head out and I want to make sure you are able to handle yourselves.” We do as Vince says and break off into pairs and naturally Sky and I pair off together, we get into our fighting stances. I’m not new to fighting, my mother had me trained as a young kid in Martial arts, so I am well versed on how to handle myself. That being said Martial arts isn’t exactly going to help me when fighting something supernatural now is it? I bend my knees and raise my hands; I make sure to keep my face blank of all emotion. Vince told us that showing emotion is the quickest way to give your enemy the upper hand. I have become a pro at keeping a blank face these past few weeks, I learnt to hide the strain walking would cause me when my ribs were still broken or hiding the longing from my gaze when I would stare at Creed.

“You ready?” I nod my head in answer to Sky’s question; Sky is a skilled fighter and the best opponent I have faced. I have only been able to take her down a couple of times, she always manages to find a way to hand me my own ass on a silver platter. We circle each other trying to find an in, Sky is well versed in not leaving herself open to attack. Between training with Ro and his pack for five years and all the training my mom had put me through as a child it has helped me with training. I watch and the moment Sky lifts her left arm high enough to leave her side exposed I strike; my fist connects with her ribs and I jump back narrowly avoiding her fist. We continue to do this dance for five minutes before Sky finally finds her opening, unlike me she doesn’t back out she continues to land blow after blow until I’m a hot mess on the ground. I stare up at her in frustration, she reaches down to offer me a hand up and I accept it. I start to dust myself off as she speaks. “Stay out of your head Jess, I can see the moment you begin to think.”

“I’m trying!” I snap, I cringe slightly as its not Sky’s fault I’m so distracted today. I meet her gaze and see nothing but understanding in her eyes which just confuses me.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal