Page 50 of Brutal Truth

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“Have a good nap monster, I’ll see you when you wake up.” He smiles tiredly at me and nods his head.

“Love you, Daddy.” My heart swells, I don’t think I will ever tire of hearing him say that to me.

“Love you too.” Davina heads down the hallway to put Harlem down so I reclaim my seat and wait for her to return.

She won’t harm him.

How do you know that Corbin? Corbin growls in annoyance.

I would sense if the pup was in danger, I can scent her emotions.I must be a sucker for punishment, but I ask anyway.

What does she feel for him?


Before I can question Corbin more Davina returns and sits on the opposite sofa facing me, she crosses her legs and clasps her hands on her knee. The way she is holding herself makes me apprehensive.

“I can help you with Jess.” I reel back slightly shocked.

“I’m not here to talk about Jess, you said you have information on the council and our transport.” I grit out, but Davina isn’t being deterred.

“I lied.” I release a growl and narrow my gaze. “Hear me out, I can help her get her wolf back.” I want to tell her to go fuck herself but honestly… I’m out of options on how to help Jess so instead I find myself asking.

“How?” It pisses me off when she smiles triumphantly.

“Trauma caused her to lose her wolf, so she needs a damn good reason to push through her barriers to bring it back.”

“What are you saying?”

“I heard that you have agreed to let the Cruz siblings lead the packs?” I nod still unsure where the hell she is going with this. “Well, if you don’t get your mates wolf back in the next 2 weeks Cairo will be the sole alpha of all the packs.” I bristle at that; I may have relented to Cairo and Jess leading but Corbin hates the idea.

“What’s your point Davina?”

“My point is that I will help you get your mates wolf back.” I scoff.

“I wasn’t born yesterday, what’s in it for you?” Her smile widens, shock of the year of course she wouldn’t do this out of the kindness of her cold dead heart.

“When the council is defeated, I want my people to be able to live on the mainland.”

“No!” I growl out.

“Why not?” She must be kidding?

“I will not allow you to return to civilization so you and your people can feed on the innocent.” Davina stares at me for a moment and then shocks the hell out of me when she begins to laugh like a nut case. I don’t see how what I have said is so fucking funny, I release a growl warning her, she raises her hand and tries to get her laughter under control. It’s weird to see her laugh and look so… normal.

“Creed, we don’t eat people. Well, some of the older generations did but me and my people don’t, how do you think we have survived on this island for so long?”

“Fucked if I know.” I don’t like that I’m not the one with all the answers, it pisses me off.

“We can eat red meat, live off the blood of animals; we don’t need to feed everyday like the movies tell you. We can drink from an animal and go two weeks without feeding again, we have had to push it to a month a few times when shipments were late, but we weren’t desperate enough to sacrifice a whole town.” This news surprises me, it goes to show even though I have been living with them for weeks, I really don’t know much about them.

“So, you can personally guarantee that no human will be killed by a vampire?” All traces of humor vanish from her face.

“I would love to say yes but the truth is I can’t. My people are loyal to me, but the vampires that left to be with the council I cannot guarantee that they will not feed on humans.” It irks me to even think it, but it isn’t her fault that her vampires jumped ship and decided to switch sides. Even as much as I dislike her, I couldn’t hold her responsible if those other vamps killed a human. I release a frustrated sigh and run my hand through my hair contemplating if I should help her or not.

“Before I can agree to this, I would have to run it pass Cairo and Jess––“

“No, your word is enough.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal