Page 5 of Brutal Truth

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Chapter Five



That one word holds so much pain and anguish that no matter how hard Vince tries he cannot mask his hurt. I dart my gaze to the others to see their furrowed brows, at least I’m not the only one who can pick up on his pain.

“We weren’t always like this––“Oh my god, I gasp and pin Vince with a knowing look. The sad smile that crosses his face lets me know that what I am thinking is right.

“What’s wrong princess?” I ignore Creed and ask Vince.

“You were all shifters, weren’t you?” Gasps sound out.

“Yes.” I slouch back against the metal wall and try to process this new information.



“Why would you change tothat?” The others bark questions at Vince but don’t give him time to answer. I can’t focus on anything aside from this new information, they were shifters. Why would they change to vampires? There must be a reason, there has to be for them to change their whole DNA make up. I lift my gaze back to Vince to see him staring directly at me, the look in his eyes is unsettling almost like he is imploring me to understand.

“Keep staring atmymate like that and you won’t make it to sunrise.” Creed grits out, I sigh clearly his jealousy knows no bounds.

“Ignore Creed, we all do.” We all chuckle as Creed pins Cole with a frosty look.

“If you were all shifters– “Vince cuts me off.

“Not all, most of us were.” I nod and continue.

“Ifmostof you were once shifters why change? There had to be a reason behind it, right?”

“Yes, you see the council––“

“That’s enough.” Vince clamps his mouth shut and we all freeze when Davina appears at the entryway, we’re all on our feet within seconds growling and glaring. In her defense she doesn’t wavier or recoil, she takes it all on the chin and holds her head high. Davina is beautiful there is no denying that, long brown hair, pale hazel eyes that make you think they can see inside you. Davina’s gaze runs over everyone but settles on Meg, Creed and Cole both growl and shift so they can block their mom from…their mom?

“You don’t get to look at her!” The venom in Cole’s voice gives me pause.

“I won’t hurt her.”

“You won’t ever get the chance to touch her. Get the fuck out of here now, Davina.” Cole sounds more beast than man right this moment.

“We don’t want you here!” Creed tacks on. Callie pushes past her brothers much to their dismay and just stands there staring at the woman who gave birth to her. Davina’s left eye twitches but other than that her face remains an emotionless mask.

“As a little girl I never missed you. I never had the chance really because there was never a void to be filled. My mom is Meg, she raised us, loved us, fed us and was there. She has always been there for us, my brothers and I don’t need you, Davina. We would rather go to war with the council than ever be in any kind of debt to you. Blood doesn’t make you family, love, loyalty and trust does.” Davina nods her head and clasps her hands behind her back she steps forward and is now standing shoulder to shoulder with Vince.

“I didn’t come here to fight; I came here to speak with Meg.” The three Reeves siblings release growls.

“California––“Meg shoves through the boys and grips Callie’s hand yanking her back. Meg stands there staring Davina down.

“You do not get to speak tomydaughter. I don’t give a shit if you birthed them, they aremine. We owe you nothing and I swear to the gods above if you try in any way to harm my children, I will gut you where you stand!” A slow smile begins to spread over Davina’s face.

“You Meg are much, much more than I could have ever hoped for. I would never try to sway them from you, you are their mother. I was just the vessel that gave them to you and what a marvelous job you have done at raising them.” I can feel trepidation creep through the link Creed and I share.

“If you’re not here to claim them, then why the hell are you here?”

“I’m here Meg because I can offer you all a safe haven. I can give you the numbers you need to go against the council and take them down once and for all but before that can happen you all need to put your anger with me aside and learn the truth.”

“The truth about what?” Meg asks, Davina doesn’t get to answer, she is cut off when a sheepish looking Kane rounds the corner and speaks.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal