Page 6 of Brutal Truth

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“Why I lied about Davina being dead. Nothing is what it seems and when you all learn the truth behind why I did what I did, you will understand then.”

“So, you’re going to explain why you broke our mom’s heart and lied to all of us? You are not the fucking man I thought you were, you mourned for her and let us all believe she was dead. You made me become what I am because you said it’s what she wanted, I allowed you to mold me into who I am because I pitied you for the loss of your wife. Your fated mate is standing right fuckinghere! You lied to her and hurt her to protect that lying bitch who was fucking around on you––“Both Kane and Davina flinch, I cut Creed off.

“That’s enough Creed.” He turns and pins me with a look that sends dread pooling in my belly.

“At least now you know lying runs in the family princess, watch out I might fuck around behind your back just like my egg donor over here.” I recoil back at his words, that fucking hurt! Cole moves to stand beside me and glares at his brother.

“If you weren’t holding my nephew, I’d punch your fucking teeth down your throat. You don’t fucking get to lash out at her because your feelings are hurt about your mommy.” Creeds eyes change to the blue of his wolf as he growls long and loud, Meg turns and quickly plucks Harlem out of his hold and shuffles to the back of the container with Sky and Callie, I move to follow them so I can retrieve my son, but Cole stops me.

“You’re only defending her right now because you want to fuck my mate!” I gasp and so do the others, Creed points toward Harlem and says. “He is mine, not yours and she will always belong to me, never you little brother. If I want to fuck her and put another baby in there I will!” My eyes widen in shock, Creed has gone way to fucking far now!

“Keep treating her the way you are and see how long she keeps you around. You ruin everything you touch, you’re just like him!” Cole shouts and points at their father, Kane drops his head in shame. I shove behind Cole and grab Harlem from Meg; she pats my cheek and smiles sadly before she moves and stands in the middle of both her sons. She looks to each of them and shakes her head.

“You’re both angry and hurt. You don’t mean any of this––“

“He keeps trying to play dad to my son!” Creed roars which startles Harlem awake.

“I fucking raised him!” Cole volleys back while pounding a fist against his chest. “I stayed up with her, I changed the diapers. I helped her through her grief and pain. I fucking helped her give birth not you because you’re a lying piece of shit just like your daddy!” Creed moves so fast, he steps around Meg and slams his fist into Cole’s face, Cole recovers quickly and both of them trade blows as they fall to the ground. Sky ushers Callie and me further into the corner and stands in front of us like a shield. Harlem is screaming at the top of his lungs in fear, his cries don’t even seem to snap Creed out of his rage. Anger thrums inside me, how dare they do this while my son is present. I tuck his head into the crook of my neck so he doesn’t see the fight happening between his uncle and father. Meg, Kane and Vince even Davina try to break them apart, after struggling to get a good grip on each of them they finally manage to tear them apart, Kane and Meg have Cole while Vince and Davina have Creed pinned to the other side. Both men are bleeding and have cuts on their faces, their breaths are coming in short rapid pants. If looks could kill they would both be dead, they look at each other with so much malice.

“You are nothing to me, you’re as dead to me as she is.” Creed snaps, Cole flinches but masks it. I dart my gaze to Davina and see her eyes cloud with hurt before she quickly masks it. Harlem is still crying; I tap Sky on the shoulder, and she moves to let me past. I make my way to the exit but stop at Creeds words. “Run with my son again princess and I’ll hunt you down!” Tears blur my vision at his cruel words.

“And we’ll mask her tracks making sure you will never find her, you piece of shit! Come near my sister again and I’ll tear your fucking throat out.” I rush toward my brother and Zeke; Ro wraps his arm around my shoulders and Zeke grabs a screaming Harlem from me ignoring Creeds growls and shouts. Ro leads us inside the boat and back up to the room where we were earlier and locks the door behind us, he turns to me and I break down. I let my brother hold me as I cry, Creeds words stung so bad and hurt me more than he will ever know.

Chapter Six


I shove Vince back and glare at the beefy fucker, Cole does the same to my dad. We each take a step forward but stop when mom and Callie jump in the middle of us, Callie’s back is to me as she faces Cole, mom faces me with her back to my brother. Sky steps forward and eyes both of us as she pulls 2 blades out from her thigh sheath.

“Either of you hurt my mate and I won’t use words; I’ll just show you.” I can hear the threat that laces each of her words.

“I am so disappointed in you both.”

“He started it!” Cole screeches like a little bitch.

“You’re just salty cause I’m fucking her and you’re not.” Mom, Callie and Sky both gasp, Dad and Vince groan but don’t say a word. Davina just stands there stoic as ever; Cole pins me with a look of disgust.

“You don’t deserve her. She isn’t someone to sink your dick into, she is the mother to your fucking child, treat her with some fucking respect.” Cole shoves past dad and Vince and leaves, good riddance. Callie spins around and the look on her face has me cringing internally, tears rim her eyes.

“You have no idea the hell she went through, I am so angry with you Credence.” Callie storms out after Cole; Sky goes to follow her but stops and turns to pin me with a look that promises pain.

“You will never understand why Cole and Jess are so close, because none of us that know trust you enough to tell you the truth. I’m not telling you this because I trust you, I’m telling you this because I want you to feel half the pain she did! Harlem is a twin Creed.” I recoil and smack against the wall. “You had a daughter.”


“Where is she?” I whisper. She ignores my question as she says.

“Jess is the way she is with Harlem because of what she went through you insensitive fucking prick. Cole, Callie, Cairo, me and even Zeke were there for her. She gravitated toward Cole more because he reminded her ofyou. The next time you want to talk about having another kid, think again you dumbass.”

“Why?” I grit out as she walks past.

“Because there were complications when she gave birth to the twins, you will never put another baby in her you stupid boy.”

Sky threw my own words back at me, I slide down the wall and drop my head into my hands.

I had a daughter.

Silent tears leak from my eyes, I had a baby girl and she died. I didn’t even know her or get to see her; my heart is breaking inside my chest for the loss of my little girl. It all makes sense now why Jess is so overprotective with Harlem; there’s always someone watching over him and she gets anxious whenever he is away from her. She’s scared she will lose him like she lost our little girl. What the fuck have I done? The things I said about her to Cole, I spoke about her like she was some common whore not the mother to my child… children. We have kids together, two not one. A hand lands on my shoulder and I snap my gaze up to see my dad looming above me. I look to the side to see my mom is crying, I accept the hand my dad offers me. Davina and Vince are gone I notice, I shove past my dad and wrap my mom in my embrace. She sobs into my chest while tears silently fall down my cheeks.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal