Page 31 of Brutal Truth

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“Wait, so what you’re saying is that you have to be turned by an original family or something?”

“Yes Callie.”

“How very Vampire Diaries.” I shake my head and chuckle at Callie.

“I’m not kidding!”

“What the hell does this have to do with anything Vince?”

“Davina has the last child from the first ones stashed and the council wants that child.” Oh, now that makes a lot of sense.

“Why the hell would she have some kid? Where is the rest of the kid’s family?” Cairo took the question right out of my mouth.

“I don’t know the whole story, but the first family was hunted by the council and somehow Davina got the child. She isn’t what you are all thinking, she is good and pure.”

“She?” Both Cole and Zeke ask in unison.

“Yes, her name is Belle.”

“And where might this Belle be?” Vince narrows his eyes at Ro.

“Nice try.” Creed growls.

“Get to the freaking point Vince, I’m tired and have a big day tomorrow.”

“Davina will not give Belle up; I don’t know what she has planned but I will not stand by and watch as innocent people are hurt.”

“Why are you really telling us this Vince?” I ask and he drops his gaze, something more is going on here and Vince seems to be the only one willing to give us the answers we need.

“Because if push comes to shove Davina will give you all up before she gives up Belle.”

“Okay, so if you don’t want us to harm this girl then why tell us about her?” He lifts his gaze back to mine slowly.

“Because Belle is special and if Davina finds out that you know about her, she will be less inclined to give you all up if it comes to it.”

“Nah man, you don’t strike me as the type to switch allegiance. You’re telling us this to keep someone else alive, who is it?” Vince swings toward Zeke in shock, oh my god Z’s right!

“My sister.”


“Who is she?”

“Is she a wolf?”

“Where is she?” Everyone is barking questions at him and not giving him a chance to answer.

“Yes, she is a wolf, I will not tell you who she is. I just need to make sure she is safe, and no harm comes to her.” Everything makes sense, Vince is only helping us because his sister belongs to one of the two packs. If Davina gives us up to the council, then that means his sister will be caught in the crossfire. Would Davina really give up her own flesh and blood?

“Okay, so what exactly do we do with this information?”

“You use it Cairo, Belle is the last of the first family and the only one that can turn vampires. Your council is after Davina because they believe Belle is with us.”

“Why the hell does the council want someone who can turn people into vampires?” Sky just asked the million-dollar question.

“Dear god are you all dense.” Vince is met with growls, from all the guys but ignores them. “Your council is power hungry; they want Jess because she has the blood of two alphas, and they want Belle because she can create them an army. With these two powerful women they are able to take control and be the superior race.” Sky snorts but doesn’t say anything further.

“So, Davina is protecting this Belle because she doesn’t want the council to create more vampires?”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal