Page 30 of Brutal Truth

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“Stop stalling, what were you just thinking about?” I clamp my mouth shut and just stare up at him, he leans forward and places his hands in the sand either side of my face. “Did you enjoy what just happened?”


“Do you know why?” I shake my head. “Because you trust me to take care of your body and give you what you need. In order for us to continue having mind-blowing sex we need to be open and honest, so please tell me.” I take a deep breath and blurt it out all in one go.

“Iwantyoutospankmenexttime.” His brows furrow.

“Say that again butslowerplease.” I take another deep breath and fight off the blush that wants to break out.

“I want you to spank me again next time.” His eyes darken and the concern in his eyes is quickly replaced with need. The sound of footsteps approaching has us both scrambling apart and quickly trying to find our clothes, we manage to get dressed in record time. I try to pat my hair down but it’s no use there is sand all through it and I can feel sand in places that you should never feel sand. Creed grips my hand and begins to lead me back toward the way we came, I spot Zeke’s hoodie and attempt to lean down and grab it, but Creed yanks me away. I try to hide my smirk, but he sees it and growls.

“It was a fucking ugly jumper anyway, serves the prick right.” More laughter tumbles out of me, I ignore him mumbling about me being annoying beneath his breath. Creed screeches to a halt and yanks me behind him as he lets loose a loud growl.


Twenty One


I peer around Creed and see Vince moving toward us with his hands raised as if surrendering. Creeds growls grow louder the closer Vince gets toward us, I place my hand on Creed’s back, he stiffens but relaxes after a second.

“I didn’t come here to cause trouble.”

“Then why the fuck are you here Vincent?” Vince darts his gaze around as if making sure no one else is around to hear this conversation, odd.

“Because I know what D is hiding.” Well, that is not what I expected him to say.

“And what? You’re just going to tell us what that is?” The sarcasm is thick in Creed’s voice, I move out from behind and stand next to him. Vince smiles kindly at me, and me being the awkward person that I am just waves like an idiot.

“Yes, but I need your help.” Creed scoffs, but the look on Vincent’s face gives me pause so I ask.

“With what exactly?” Vince reaches up and rubs the back of his neck, he’s clearly uncomfortable.

“Are we able to maybe speak about this inside?”


“Because if I get caught Credence I am as good as dead.” Creed stares at Vince, I have no idea what he is looking for, but a minute later he grips my hand nodding to Vince to follow us, the tension between Creed and Vince is suffocating. When the house comes into view I sag in relief, as we enter I hear the sound of voices coming from the kitchen, five sets of eyes swing my way and I freeze under their scrutiny. Cairo’s gaze narrows to slits when I feel Creed behind me, Ro points an accusing finger at Creed and snaps.

“You are a fucking piece of shit, don’t ever do that to my sister again.” Not wanting them to fight while Vince is here, I cut in and lie through my teeth.

“Ro, nothing happened we just…talked?” I mentally facepalm myself at how dumb that sounded. Ro scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“Your shirt is inside out and back to front and I’m pretty sure you were wearing Z’s jumper when you left.” Much to my dismay, he’s right. Creed makes matters worse when he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against him.

“You do realize you were just babysitting our son?” If looks could kill Cairo would have burnt Creed alive. Everyone’s attention is snagged when Vince makes his presence known. I couldn’t be gladder to have a vampire in my house. Cole jumps to his feet, so does Zeke, Sky and Callie, Cairo moves toward the others and pins an accusing look at Creed.

“The fuck is he doing here?”

“He has something to tell us apparently Cole, so let’s hear what he has to say and then he can fuck off.” Cairo motions for us to have a seat on the stools at the counter, I sit while Creed stands behind me, Callie claims the stool beside me, and Sky takes the same position as Creed. Z, Ro and Cole choose to stand rather than sit, Vince sighs as he proceeds to tell us what he knows. This has to be daunting even for a vampire having seven werewolves staring you down.

“First, I need your assurance that what I am about to tell you doesn’t leave this room.” We all agree to his terms. “Davina told you how she was turned, correct?”

“Yes, now what the hell does this have to do with anything?”

“Everything Cairo. Unless you are born of the first of our kind your blood cannot change someone.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal