Page 3 of Brutal Truth

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“Creed and the others are clearly not there so it might be best if you go so then we won’t be left out of the loop.” Indecision wars in his gaze, he wants to know what’s going on, but he doesn’t want to leave me. “I’ll come, you carry Harlem and try keep him asleep?” Relief crosses his features as he nods.

We follow Zeke as he leads us inside the ship, the halls are narrow, both guys have to turn sideways on some parts when there is a box or something attached to the wall. We go up a rickety looking metal staircase and at the top it opens into a room. There is a table with papers everywhere and a couple of bookshelves. Windows all around so we can see the deck and the ocean, the further we go in I can see bunk beds built into the wall. four of them in a row. Ro opens his mouth but snaps it shut when we hear someone else enter. I turn and see its Shelley, Dela and the man with an Australian accent. Ro growls and grips my arm yanking me behind him.

“The fuck is this?” I peer around him and see Zeke raise his hands, again.

“He is here to explain or answer any questions you have. We thought it might be better if you heard it from one of them instead of us.” I look to Shelley; she seems on edge her brown eyes are imploring us to listen but why should we? The Australian guy steps forward and Cairo tenses in front of me, I nudge him, but he ignores me. The last thing I want is for a fight to break out while he has my son in his arms. The vampire doesn’t look…like a vampire. He has brown hair, caramel eyes, and dresses like a normal person. I don’t know what I expected them to look like but seeing how he seems so normal I begin to wonder if I have ever encountered a vampire before.

“My name is Vince; I am not here to cause any harm.”

“Then why the hell are you here?” Vince ignores Ro’s hostile tone and turns to look at Dela who nods his head. “To help you understand.”

“Understand what, exactly?” I ask as I step out from behind my brother much to his dismay. Vince motions toward the table for us to sit, I follow the others over and ignore Cairo’s groans behind me as we all take a seat. We sit in silence for a moment before Shelley breaks it.

“I never meant for this to seem like a set up, I brought you all here because Davina can offer us a safe haven and an army.”

“Why would she help us?”

“Because Jess, her children’s lives are at stake.” I scoff.

“She didn’t seem to care about them when she was faking her death.” I shock myself with that outburst but make sure to keep my face blank.

“She didn’t have a choice.”

“We all have a choice Shelley, every single one of us. Davina chose to hide the truth from her children and as a mother myself, I couldn’t imagine doing that to my son. Harlem is everything to me and there is no way I would be such a coward and hideaway on an island for how many years while my children navigated life without me.” Shelley cringes but tries to mask it, what the hell was that reaction about?

“There are circumstances you are not privy to. Davina done what she did to keep her children safe, this was never about her.” I glare at Vince; did he not just hear what I said. Davina is a coward in my book, she left her children behind and from what I saw on that island she has made a damn good life for herself without her children.

“I don’t give a shit about her or any of you. We are leaving at first light tomorrow and we will take our chances against the council.” I nod my head in agreement, Ro is right. The council will have to catch us first and even then, the world is a huge place so we can hide, right? But do I want that for my son, to constantly be on the run and never be able to call a place home?

“You don’t even know what we can offer you.” The sound of footfalls on the stairs alerts us to the fact people are coming, a moment later, Creed, Cole, Callie, Meg and Sky come into view. Creed looks like a pissed off beast, he snaps his gaze from me then to the others and growls. Callie’s eyes are red and puffy, she is sandwiched between her mom and Sky. My heart hurts for her, I cannot imagine what she is going through right now.

“The fuck is going on here?” Cole demands, I can feel the anger radiating off both Reeves brothers. I can also feel through the link Creed and I share that he is hurting and using his anger to cover his pain.

“We were just trying to––“Creed pins Shelley with a look that has her clamping his mouth shut.

“I don’t give a fuck what youthinkyou are doing.” Creed marches over to us and stops beside Ro, he motions his arms for Harlem to come. My brother turns to me asking me silently what he should do. I feel Creed’s anger soar through the bond and subtly shake my head, Ro tightens his grip on his nephew and looks at Creed.

“Calm down, then I’ll give him.”

“Fuck you, give me my son now.”

“Creed––“He cuts me off.

“No, you don’t get to pick and choose when I have my son. You will never take him from me Jessica,never.” I recoil at the harshness in his voice, Cairo tenses and then shifts toward me to pass over Harlem. I take my son and cradle him against my chest as my brother pushes back from the table and stands to face off against Creed.

“I get your pissed, I know your hurt and angry but don’teverspeak to my sister like that again. You so much as think of taking that baby from her and I will fucking kill you where you stand Credence, do not push me.” An evil smile cuts across Creed’s face, he leans in to whisper in Ro’s ear but has gaze pinned on me as he says.

“Push me and I’ll takeherandmyson from you.” I gasp, Cairo shoves Creed back a step and cocks his arm back ready to sock Creed in the face but in a flash, Vince is between them and has his hand wrapped around Cairo’s fist, stopping his punch. Ro struggles out of Vince’s hold and Cole rushes forward to haul Creed back. Harlem stirs awake from the commotion, and I grit my teeth in anger as I stand, the four guys stop their struggles and turn toward me. I pin them all with a filthy look as Harlem begins to cry in my hold. Creed deflates and I make sure he can see the anger brewing in my eyes as I say.

“Stay the fuck away from me and Harlem until you have dealt with your shit. I will not have people fighting around my child and arguing like this.”


“Shut up Creed.” Harlem begins to wail so I make my way toward the stairs but stop when Meg blocks my way.

“C-can I hold him? I’ll follow you out.” The look she gives me has my heart sinking. The way she stares at me tells me she wants as much time with Harlem as she can before she is pushed aside from Davina. I hand Harlem over and he immediately begins to quiet down as Meg whispers sweet words of love in his ear. I place my hand on her shoulder and wait for her to meet my gaze.

“You will always be his grandmother. Creed and I will bicker and fight but that will never change your place inourson’s life, Meg. You are and always will be Harlem’s grandmother.” Tears stream down her face; she wraps her free arm around me and we hug awkwardly while Harlem is stuck between us.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal