Page 2 of Brutal Truth

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“How does it feel to meet our dad’s side piece?” Judging from the low growls coming from in front of us, both Reeves brothers heard Cairo’s question, I cringe.

“Maybe now isn’t the best time for that question.” I mutter and pin my dopey brother with a look that saysshut the hell up. He shrugs his shoulders and continues like nothing happened. Sometimes my brother can be so insensitive, example, when I was in labor with Harlem he kept asking if I needed to keep screaming and breathing like that. Five times, Sky and Callie, both slapped him upside the head. I love him don’t get me wrong, but Ro can be so dense.

I don’t really know what to say or feel at this moment, I’m really glad that I don’t have to do this alone though. Meeting Davina for the first time was not what I was expecting when we came to this island. I have no idea how we are supposed to deal with the council now. Each of us went out on a limb and trusted Shelley, no one thought her secret weapon would be avampire. When we make it to the boat Creed and Cole climb aboard and offer both Meg and I a hand to get in. When Ro hops aboard he pulls the small anchor up and nods to Creed that we are ready to go. Creed starts the engine and then kills it a second later before he jumps out of the boat and heads back to shore. Cole jumps out after him and Ro, Meg and I rush forward to see why when my gaze lands on a guilty looking Kane, I understand.

I really hope he has a good excuse for lying to his family because I honestly don’t think Creed and Cole will forgive him. I can’t think of a good enough reason as to why Kane would hide something as big as their mother being alive from them. Creed’s anger and hurt has stemmed from the loss of his mother, his emotions were taut, needless to say lying to me and seeking vengeance. Anger begins to burn inside me, if Kane had just been honest from the start, then maybe Creed and I would have met under better circumstances.

He loved her.

Loved who, Sheba?

Davina, he did what he thought was right because he loved her.

But he lied to his children and hismate. Meg is his fated mate and yet he still lied to her to protect a woman who didn’t love him enough to stay faithful.

Sheba growls in frustration inside my head which just serves to annoy me.

If our mate was married to someone else for the good of the pack but he loved you––

No, I wouldn’t support it.

You would be okay with our mate making pups with another?

I close the link with Sheba in frustration, the thought of Creed and another woman together stirs a primal need inside me to stake claim on him. Sheba hums her approval inside my head, I need to control this urge to march over there and do something stupid. Ro, Meg and I all stand here and remain quiet, it’s pretty obvious the three of us are shamelessly eavesdropping. Creed and Cole stare at him defiantly as Kane stands there in shame.

“I have one question.” Creed grits out, the anger that laces his tone sends a shiver down my spine.

“Yes.” Kane breathes out.

“Yeswhat?” Cole snaps.

“Yes, I knew she was alive.” Both Creed and Cole stumble back a step, Meg covers her mouth with her hand to try and muffle the sob that tumbles out of her, it doesn’t work. Cairo wraps his arm around her and pulls her against his chest as she breaks down. Cole and Creed turn toward their mom and thanks to my shifter sight I see both of them have anger brewing in their eyes.

“Well, you should stay here and get reacquainted withyourfirst wife. We will takeourmom back to the ship so she can tellherdaughter what a fucking lying piece of shit her father is.” Kane doesn’t say anything as Creed and Cole head back toward us. The look of utter devastation on Kane’s face tells me Creeds words cut him deep––real deep.

Chapter Three


After we got back to the boat we are staying on, we sought out Sky and Callie, Ro and I thought it would be best to leave Meg, Cole and Creed tell Callie the news alone. We took Harlem with us, and Ro managed to find us some clothes and a bucket to wash in, not the best shower in the world but it beats smelling like ass for another day. I washed Harlem as best I could and changed him into the clothes Ro gave me, they are way too big but right now we don’t have luxury of being fussy. I changed into the pair of jeans and a plain white singlet, I had to re-use the same bra and panties but at least some of the sweat and grime has been washed away. Ro even managed to snag us some toothbrushes and paste which I am eternally grateful for because I hate the feeling of having furry teeth, I know that’s shallow but honestly, I cannot deal with people who have rancid breath.

“How do you think they’re going?” I sigh and turn toward my brother, we’re in the shipping box we slept in last night with Ro on one side and me and a sleeping Harlem on the other. I run my hand through my son’s hair as I answer him.

“I don’t know, Callie is a real daddy’s girl and I think Kane keeping this from them is going to shatter her.”

“At least she has Sky to help her get through it.” I nod my head, before we can continue Zeke appears in the doorway and Ro releases a growl of warning. “How the fuck did you get back here?” Zeke cocks a brow at my brother like he’s stupid.

“They have other boats dumbass, come on.”

“We’re not going anywhere with you.”

“Cairo, I’m trying to help you here. Shelley has info––“

“I don’t give a fuck about what Shelley has, she fucking blindsided us back there and you knew!” Zeke shakes his head and raises his hands like he’s surrendering.

“I knew about the vamps, but I had no idea that their mother was alive.” Ro scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“And I’m just supposed to believe you? Fuck off Zeke, you have been lying to me for years.” I can hear the hurt that laces my brother’s tone, he trusted Zeke only to find out he betrayed him. Zeke has always been great toward me and Harlem and helped me whenever I needed it but since the day Creed showed up on pack lands, he went...funny. Almost like he was trying to portray he and I were more than friends; we never have been and never will be. I release a loud breath and face Ro.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal