Page 20 of Brutal Truth

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“It’s possible.”

“Can you elaborate please?” Davina tears her gaze from me and focuses on Jess. She remains silent as Jess becomes tense, a growl escapes and everyone turns to her, her eyes are narrowed and her lip pulled back in a snarl. “I’m asking you to help your son, not me! For once in your life put your kids before yourself and help him.”

“I am the only one that can help save you and your son Jessica Cruz.” Jess cringes at the use of her birth name, which she still refuses to change her name fromHastings. Her hands clench into fists atop the table, her gaze laser focused on Davina.

“I will never put my son’s life in your hands, I mean you did an amazing job of raising your own––.”

“Enough! We didn’t come here to trade insults, Davina something is going on with Creed and we wanted to know if you could help? Also as far as saving Jess and Harlem goes, we won’t discuss those matters until the others are present, and I think it best we start planning that tonight.” Davina nods then turns to Vince.

“Set up the meeting hall and make sure the first line is there.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Vince rises and claps Zeke on the shoulder as he exits the yard.

“What’s the first line?” Ro asks her.

“It’s what we call the trainers of our army, you all might benefit from training with them. I’ll get word to Kane and Shelley to let them know about the meeting toni––“

“How can you walk in the daylight?” Cole blurts out, I groan and slouch back into my chair. Have we not been over this already? Davina reluctantly answers.

“Not everything you see in movies is true, we don’t burn in the light of the sun. We do however get sunburnt faster than most, we also don’t thirst for blood like the movies and books make you believe.”

“So, you don’t drink blood?” Cairo questions.

“We do, but it doesn’t have to be human, animal blood is sufficient. When the change commences, our hunger is at its worst, we crave blood like air but after a couple of months the urge to drink hourly dies down, and we are able to focus a lot clearly.”

“How exactly do you turn?” Jess asks. Davina darts her gaze between me and Cole, and I can see the hesitation in her eyes, but she answers anyway.

“You have to die with vampire blood in your system.” That…. Wasn’t what I was expecting to hear.

“How did you have vamp blood in your system?” I ask, Davina has her gaze laser focused on Jess as she answers.

“Austin told me the night he died to drink it, he said it would save me. I think he knew he would die that night and wanted to make sure that I survived.” The longing in her tone pisses me off.

“Wow, so our father chose to save you instead of us, what a fucking––“Cole cuts Jess off.

“Eggplant?” Cole and I both laugh at the glare Jess shoots him.

“I said that one freaking time, let it go man!” Jess huffs and slouches back into her chair, Cole slaps my arm away from her shoulders and replaces it with his, I growl but he ignores me and hauls her closer into his side.

“Never sweetheart, even on your tombstone it will say“here lies the eggplant”it’s your tagline now babe.” Jess pulls out of his hold ignoring his laughter and leans closer toward me.

“What am I missing?” Zeke asks.

“Jess got pissed at Creed and called him an eggplant, it’s stuck ever since.” Jess glares at Cole and shakes her head.

“Anyway, like I was saying. Our dad is a dick, he chose you over me and Ro.” Davina shakes her head rapidly.

“No. He had three vials, he made sure you and Cairo had one each. I think the third was meant for him but because I snuck out to meet him that night, he had no idea I was coming, and I took his failsafe from him. I’m sorry about your father, if I had of known what was going to happen, I would never have gone that night. I never thought Jacob would be ballsy enough to rise against him.”

“I was there that night and so was Creed, we watched you and my dad die.” Davina turns toward an angry Cairo.

“I did die, but when I woke later on and saw Austin I panicked and ran.” Cole jumps to his feet and slams his hands down on the wooden table, he leans forward and glowers at our egg donor.

“You left us! You chose dick over your own fucking kids, our dad loved you and you treated him like shit.”

“I helped her escape.” We all spin around to see dad walking toward us, shock ripples through me, dad knew and helped her. He manipulated me my whole life and molded me into the man I am now because he said he never wanted someone else to die like my mom. Dad claims the seat Vince vacated, he darts his gaze between me and Cole. “We should talk––privately.” Both Cole and I growl.

“Fuck. You.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Paranormal