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Elaine excused herself from Finn's company and moved quickly across the hall and into the corridors, taking care not to dawdle. She had no idea what kind ofdistraction that would bebut whatever it was, she had to be prepared. When she reached her bedchamber a great amount of yelling echoedthrough the castle. Womenbegan screaming, fighting orders were issued, and complete chaos ensued.

This was the distraction? A complete ambush on the castle?

There was no time to lose.Rhona's lock of hair was enough motivation. She had to get into Duncan's room and find the ring.She was about to enter Duncan's room when she saw Keir and Lady MacDougall further down the corridor. Keir lay motionless on the stone floor, his mother yelling at him and slapping his face in an attempt to wake him. A soldier dashed toward them, his sword raised above his head, calling out a battle cry.

She had no choice. Elaine hurried toward Keir, yanking his sword from its sheath, and turning just in time to deflect the soldier's first blow. He seemed surprised but did not back down, and while his blows were strong, they were not artfully directed. Shewas able to defend each strike with pinpoint accuracy. Lady MacDougall screamed in terror behind her, but Elaine was able to push the soldier back, step by step, putting some distance between their fight and Keir.

However, just as her strength was fading, two more soldiers arrived to assist him. Elaine knew she couldn't fight off three men for much longer. One of the laird's men arrived to help her, but they were still outnumbered. Even though one of the soldiers was killed, the laird's man was also hit. Blood poured from a great gash as he fell to the ground and did not move again. The soldier's blows were relentless, despite his tiredness, and he forced Elaine to her knees. Soon enough, his blade was at her chest.

This was how it would end; her never finding the ring, failing to save Rhona.She would die here in the stone corridors of the castle, at the hands of a soldier clearly recruited by the mystery man. The irony of the situation was almost poetic. Elaine was defeated and exhausted, and she didn't even have the strength to resist the blow. Her only regret was that she would never be able to see her sister again.

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Steam rose from the tin bath situatedin the center of the washroom. The bath wasn't the only thing steaming as Duncan paced back and forth in his agitated state. He'd sat at the top table, next to his mother, watching Finn and Elaine huddle together, giggling like children, with all eyes on them. Anger had already started to rise within him. But it was his mother's words that spurred him to action.

“Is that nae the woman ye have chosen for yer own mistress, Duncan? It is bad enough she has tae live in the castle. But are ye going tae sit there motionless while she brings such attention tae herself, flirting with yer closest friend?”

“And what would ye have me dae, Mother?”

“I was under the impression ye were the laird,” she bit back sarcastically. “If ye cannae control one woman, what hope have ye o’ leading an entire clan?”

So at her words, Duncan wondered how many others who sat and watched their antics felt the same way.

Did she nae ken how much o’ a fool she was making out o’ me?

He'd stormed across the hall, making his feelings known,buthe wasn'tprepared for such a retort from her. Finn had done little to help, but Duncan had shut him down in seconds. Elaine, on the other hand, had not been silenced so easily. Clearly, she had not fully grasped her position at the castle. He'd make sure she knew she belonged to him and him alone.

Duncan gazed at the steam from his bath for another long second before sitting in a nearby chair. Leaning forward, he was about to remove his boots when a piercing cry alerted his attention. He had not heard the words clearly, but it sounded as though someone had shouted something about an attack. Jumping up and running from the room, the sound of mayhem only grew louder. As he pounded down the great staircase, he was met with a sight that turned his blood cold.

Swords already clashed, and servants and children ran screaming in all directions. His own men battled with the intruders and as Duncan ran to join them, Finn suddenly arrived.

“What the devil is going on?” Duncan demanded.

“We’re under attack,” Finn yelled back breathlessly.

“Yes but from whom?” Duncan frowned.

“I cannae tell ye, Duncan,” Finn cried before turning to defend himself against an advancing soldier.

Tags: Kenna Kendrick Historical