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Elaine quickly lifted her gaze and watched as Finn sat down beside her, his plate and cutlery in hand. “Ye dinnae mind if I join ye, dae ye?” He had an open smile that conveyed he had read the situation. And while the rest of the room spurned her, Finn clearly could not care less what others thought about his actions.

“I’d be delighted if ye join me,” she smiled, relieved.

“Dinnae pay any attention tae this lot,” he gestured to the servants, seemingly not caring if they heard him or not. “They dinnae have a mind o’ their own. Just a bunch o’ wee gossipy shites.”

Finn’s abrasiveness suddenly made her laugh, releasing the tension she had been holding in her shoulders and neck since she had walked into the hall. This apparently pleased him as he looked at her with an even broader grin.

“Thank ye, Finn. I’m grateful for yer support.”

“Och, it’s naething,” he waved a dismissive hand. “So, I hear ye’ll be staying with us a wee while.”

“Aye. The laird has asked me tae be his mistress and has invited me tae stay in the castle. Though by the looks o’ the warm welcome I’ve received so far, I’m now doubting my decision.”

“Ah, pish tae them all. I, for one, am glad ye accepted. This place needs some cheering up.”

“Och, well. I dinnae ken if I’m the one tae dae it,” she replied.

“Ye would be surprised. There’s been quite a bit o’ sadness about the place, and then there’s Keir.”

“Oh, aye. Duncan’s brother.”

“Aye. He’s a strong man, but I cannae seem tae help him. I think the tonics help, but nae by much.”

Elaine was curious. For while Duncan had only mentioned briefly that his brother was not able to take on the lairdship, she had not fully understood why.

“What is Keir’s affliction?”

“Well, that’s the thing. We cannae work it out. He has these dreadful seizures that would frighten the devil himself. He’s injured himself many times during them, ye ken. He shakes from head tae toe and has nae control of himself. If that wasnae bad enough, one minute he’s walking beside me, and the next, he’s collapsed on the floor.”

“Oh my God.”

“Indeed, though I wish God would give me a hand and help me find a cure.”

Finn and Elaine talked for a while longer, him telling her about the brothers' closeness and relaying stories about their antics as children. Though he made herlaugh on several occasions, she was aware of the tender touches he kept giving her on her hands and thigh. While she was unsure, she was certain his attention was more than just friendship.

As that thought came into her mind, shesuddenly noticed Duncan striding across the Great Hall toward them. He wore agrowling expression, and it was clear, as he glared at Elaine and Finn, that it was they who had incited his anger. Her stomach churned with concern.

“What dae ye think ye are playing at?” he spat.

“I beg yer pardon?” Elaine retorted bravely while her palms got sweaty with fear.What is he mad about?

“Sitting here in front of everyone, flirting with one of my closest companions. Ye think that’s funny, dae ye?”

“Duncan—” Finn began.

“I wasnae talking tae ye,” Duncan spat once more.

“We were just talking,” Elaine defended. “I wasnae flirting. Cannae ye not see that I was sitting here all alone?”

“That’s hardly an excuse,” he growled.

“Ye’re the one who wanted me here. If ye wanted me locked in a tower, ye should’ve said so, then I could’ve gladly refused yer offer. I was eating my supper when Finn offered his company. Would you prefer if I stayed alone?”

She had no idea where her bravery had come from. But she was not about to be humiliated in front of the entire castle by the man who had murdered both her brother and father. She was not his property, and she would not be treated as such.

Duncan glared at her; his eyes glowing like two pieces of hot coal. Elaine could see he was trying to compose himself by the small tremor in his balled fist. “I’m off to bathe now, Elaine,” he said in a low, ominous tone. “I will expect ye in my chambers in an hour.”

He stormed out of the Great Hall without another word, leaving herspeechless and Finn looking more than a little uncomfortable. While she should have been concerned about the attention their squabble had garnered, her stomach began to churn as her mind returned to his words. The mystery man had promised to distract Duncan the next time he took a bath. Something was going to happen, and it was going to happen now.

Tags: Kenna Kendrick Historical