Page 38 of Never Falling

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Oliver gave me a look. "Come on now, Foster. You know I was not interested in that girl."

"And I wasn't either."

"Liar," he said. "Come on now. I know you."

"Okay, so maybe if it was six months ago, I would've banged her tonight, but I'm a different man."

"Uh-huh, sure you are."

"Oliver, come and carry me," Rosalie stopped and called out to her fiancé. I never knew what to think of them as, as everything in their relationship had gone so quickly.

"You want me to carry you?" he asked in a soft voice.

I stared at my best friend and looked at the way he was staring at my sister. He loved her. He loved her more than life itself, and I was glad they’d found each other.

"Give me a piggyback, please."

"I want a piggyback too," Alice said, looking at me with glossy eyes. She was absolutely wasted.

"Really? You want me to give you a piggyback?" I asked her, and she started giggling.

"Yes, please. If you think you can carry me, Foster."

I stared at her in her completely ridiculous prom dress. Of course I hadn't told her when we were at the apartment that she was not dressed appropriately. I hadn't wanted to make her feel bad, but now as she stood there in front of me, her eyes wide, her lips grinning at me, I just started chuckling.

"What's so funny? Is the thought of carrying me funny, Foster?"

"No, but you're just a sight to see in your prom dress on the streets of New York City at two o’clock in the morning."

She started hiccuping. "Oh my gosh, I knew I looked ridiculous. I’m never listening to you again, Rosalie Sloane!"

Rosalie started laughing. "I thought it would be cute, like a rom-com movie or something." She pressed her head into Oliver's chest. "I love you so much, Oliver," she said. "Take me home and kiss me all over."

"Really, guys?" I stared at my sister. "This is not something I want to hear."

"Hey, at least I didn't say, 'Take me home and give me that big dick.'"

"Rosalie, I'm still your brother."

She grinned at me. "I'm just joking. Love you, bro." She looked up at Oliver and whispered, "Not really joking. Can we do it tonight?"

Oliver looked at me and then looked back at Rosalie. "Honey, you're so drunk."

"I'm not."

"Hey, dude, I think I'm going to get an Uber and take Rosalie home."

"Sounds good," I said. I looked at Alice. "I think I should do the same. We need to get you home and into bed."

"Ooh, you trying to get me to bed, are you?" she said, winking at me.

I gave her a small smile. I knew she would absolutely be embarrassed if she remembered this in the morning.

Oliver held his hand out, and a taxi stopped. "Come on, honey. Get in." He looked back at me. "I'll speak to you later?"

"Sounds good," I said, yawning slightly. Shit, this jet lag has really snuck up on me.

"Oh my gosh, you're so tired," Alice said, touching the side of my face. "You should have just gone to bed. You didn't have to come out, you know."

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance