Page 37 of Never Falling

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"Oh really?" She looked at me, and then she looked at Foster. "I'm not stepping on any toes if I..." She paused and gave a sexy little smile.

"No, no. No toes," I said. "Foster's just Rosalie's brother, and Rosalie's my best friend."

"Cool," she said. "Well…" She bit down on her lower lip and looked at Foster. "I look forward to seeing you again." She turned to Rosalie and Oliver. "Nice meeting you both."

"Bye," Rosalie said, and Oliver nodded.

We watched as Molly exited the bar, and then I looked back at Foster. He had a little smile on his face.

"So do you think she's hot or..."

"Why do I feel like that's a trick question?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just asking. I mean, it's not a trick. It's just—"

"Come on, guys. Let's go," Oliver said quickly. "It seems like it's already been an eventful night, and we just got out."

"Yeah. Let's go dancing or something," I said. "I really need to let off some steam and recover the rest of this horrific night."



"It's so great to be young." Alice was singing at the top of her lungs as we walked down the street. She was drunker than I'd ever seen her before, except for maybe once, and she and Rosalie were dancing together.

"Oh my gosh, they're so drunk." I looked over at Oliver, and he laughed.

"But at least we had fun tonight."

"Yeah. I'm glad we got there when we did. I did not like the look of that Sam guy."

"Yeah, he was a fucking jerk," Oliver said, shaking his head. "I really hope that Rosalie learned her lesson."

"Yeah, and I hope Alice did as well."

"So what did you think of that Molly chick?"

Olly gave me a sly glance, and I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean, what did I think? What did you think?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "She was a good-looking girl."

"Yeah, she was pretty."

"So why didn't you get her number?"

"Dude, I was there in front of my sister. I'm not going to pick up a girl in front of Rosalie, like some sort of scumbag."

"Sure. And that's the only reason?"

"Um, I don't even know if she was interested. Maybe she would've said no. Then I would've looked like a fool in front of Rosalie and Alice."

"She was practically begging you to ask for her number," he said, chuckling slightly. "Shit, I wouldn't have been surprised if she would've invited you to go home with her."

"No," I said, but I knew it was true. She'd been giving me fuck me eyes as soon as she'd seen me, and in most other situations, I would've made a move. She'd been hot, really hot. She had bright-red kissable lips, was wearing a tank top tied at her waist, exposing her taut, tan stomach, and her miniskirt left nothing to the imagination. Her ass had been just waiting to be caressed, but I wasn't going to pick up a woman in front of Rosalie and Alice. It just wouldn't sit right with me.

"So you’re hoping she’ll show up at the apartment soon?"

"Dude, I'm starting to think you're interested in her." I looked at Oliver. "Is this something that my sister should be worried about?"

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance