Page 125 of Never Falling

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"I'm not on the pill," I said quickly, "so I could get pregnant and unless you want to pay child support to me for the rest of your life?"

He shuttered. "No, thank you."

"Well then I think you'll wear a condom."

"Okay," he said. "Thank you for not lying."

"Lying about what? About being on the pill?"

"You don't know how many women have tried to pretend that they're on the pill, just so I... Well, you know?"

I stared at him and wrinkled my nose. "Can you order that pizza now? I don't really want to think about you having sex with other women."


"Raw?" He said laughing.

"Well, isn't that what it's called?"

"I guess so," he shrugged. "Okay. What'd you want on your pizza?"

"Surprise me. I'm pretty much down for anything."

"Okay," he said. I watched him type some stuff into his phone and then within a couple of minutes he looked up. "It'll be here in 30 minutes."

"Yay," I said, "I can't wait. Can I get a drink now, please?"

"Yes, you can. What would you like? Or would you like me to surprise you?"

I laughed. Then I could see his eyes watching my lips and all of a sudden I stilled. He took a step towards me. I felt his hands on my waist pulling me into him. I felt his lips on my neck and I closed my eyes. My fingers ran through his hair. I could feel his heart racing next to mine, and I almost felt like I couldn't breathe.

My skin felt heated and my panties felt moist as his hands slipped down my ass. His lips moved up to the side of my face and towards my lips, and he kissed me hard and passionate. I moaned as I kissed him back and his tongue entered my mouth. He tasted like bourbon, oak, barreled and smokey. I loved the taste of him. I pressed my body against his and kissed him back passionately. I felt his hands pulling the back of my dress up and I stepped back so he could pull it off. I stood there and in just my bra and panties and he whistled as he gazed at me.

He didn't say anything, which was slightly disappointing. I would hope that he's say, 'You're the sexiest woman I have ever seen,' or, 'Wow, you must, must work out a lot.' Instead, his gaze just kept roving up and down my body. My hands reached to his shirt and I unbuttoned it and then stepped back and gazed at him. He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the ground, and then I reached forward and undid his belt buckle and pulled it out of his trousers. I then unbuckled the top of his trousers and unzipped him.

He grinned as I tugged on the waistline and then waited for him to take his pants off. He stood there in a pair of black briefs that left nothing to the imagination. His cock was hard and firm, and I could see that it was quite large through the cotton material. I licked my lips nervously. It was going to go down. I was going to have a one night stand with someone that was quite possibly the sexiest man I'd ever seen in my life.

"Are you sure you want to do this now?" He said, gazing at me, his fingers tracing a line across my stomach.

I stared at him wordlessly. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I just wanted him to take charge of me. I wanted him to be the alpha male that always turned me on. I wanted him to dominate me. I wanted him to bend me over and fuck me so hard that I could barely remember where I was and what I was doing. I wanted him to take complete possession of my body. I needed him to. Ever since the first moment that I had seen him, I'd known that I wanted to be with this man. I'd known that he was someone that could make me come alive in ways that I'd never come alive before.

"It's up to you," I said softly. He growled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his hard, I could feel his cock pressed against my stomach and I reached down and rubbed the front of his briefs. He growled into my ear as I squeezed and I felt his fingers on the back of my bra undoing it. I looked up at him with wide eyes and he grinned down at me as he slipped the bra off. I felt his right hand moving up, cuffing my breast, pinching my nipples, and I closed my eyes as he bent down and sucked.

The intense pleasure of his lips on my nipple made me moan out loud and he growled as his fingers slipped between my legs. I felt him rubbing gently against the material and I froze as he slipped a finger inside my panties.

"Fuck yes," he said. "Come." He grabbed my hand and before I knew what was happening, he was leading me throughout the apartment to his bedroom. He picked me up and I gasped as he dropped me down on the bed and then clambered on next to me. "You're fucking hot, Molly, "he said as he kissed down my stomach and his teeth grabbed my panties and pulled.

I shivered on the bed as he grabbed my feet and lifted them up high. I stared at him for a couple of seconds wondering if he was going to take me right then and there. But instead he made a wolfish sound and leaned forward and buried his face between my legs. I felt his tongue on my clit licking and sucking, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to control myself with him. I also knew that this was a man that knew exactly how to pleasure a woman. Travis Covington was the king of the finance world, but I also had a feeling that he was a king in the bedroom as well.

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