Page 123 of Never Falling

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"No, I wouldn't." I walked into the living room without waiting for him to show me around. I stepped towards the humongous, white leather sectional that sat in the corner of the room. I sat down on it and laid back. "Oh my gosh, this feels absolutely amazing." He came and stood next to me.

"I'm not going to say that I know it does, because I don't want you to think I'm even more conceited than you already do."

"Good," I said as I jumped up and walked towards the windows and looked out at the panorama view of New York City at night. "This is really beautiful," I said, smiling. "A girl could get used to this."

"Don't get too used to it," he said in a sarcastic tone, and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry, Travis, I'm not expecting to spend every night here."

"Good," he said. I ignored the feeling of annoyance that ran through me because I didn't want to be that girl just because we had a fun night and would most probably have an even more fun night. It wasn't like we were promising each other forever. I knew that, and I didn't want him to think I was crazy. I didn't want him to think I was some country girl that thought one night of sex meant we were going to get married and have 10 billion babies.

I turned to him, "I'm hungry. Do you have any food?" He stared at me for a few seconds and shook his head.

"I can see if Consuela..."

I held my hand up. "Consuela?" I raised an eyebrow. "Please don't tell me you have a housekeeper."

"I do," he said, nodding. "Is that a problem?"

"No, but that's just so..."

"So what?" He said, interrupting me.

"I don't know. You know, it's just..."

"What? She makes amazing food and I like to eat and I'm a busy man. If you didn't know, I run one of the most successful hedge funds in the city." He grins. I don't have time to make amazing Latin dishes like Consuela does." My stomach growled.

"So what has she made?"

"I don't know. We can check in the kitchen?"

"Okay," I said. He started laughing.

"Well, I thought you just came here to get into my bed, but you're really here to get into my fridge."

"Oh yeah. That's why I'm here," I said, laughing. "I totally came back to your place after a night of drinking and partying so I could see what you have in your fridge."

"I bet I have better food than you do."

"I bet you do. I bet your grocery store budget is more than $50 for the week."

"$50?" He raised an eyebrow. "Whoa."

"Yeah. That's why I'm excited to start this job."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it," he said with a small smile. "Let me feed you before you collapse onto the floor from starvation and fatigue."

"Very funny," I said, laughing. "I mean, I am hungry, but I'm not starving."

"Well, that's good. I'd hate you to think I was a bad host."

"So far, you're okay," I said, frowning slightly. "You haven't offered me a drink. You haven't offered me anything to eat. And..."

"I know," he said, finishing my sentence. "I haven't whisked you off to my bedroom yet." My heart pounded as I stared at him.

"Well, to be quite honest, I'm surprised by that one more than anything else."

"Oh, and why is that?"

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance