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I squeeze my way through the bodies and ignore the way that random girls reach out and graze their nails over my chest. They all know I’m with Skylah and if they want to risk an ass-whooping then that’s their business. I may be ridiculously possessive and protective of my girl, but she’s the same with me. She doesn’t get jealous but she sure as hell would put a bitch in her place if she tried to take what belongs to her.

I step into Sky’s back and take her waist, loving the way she moves her body against mine. She looks up at me and smiles one of those beautiful smiles that make my chest ache. “I love you,” she beams.

“I fucking love you too.”

She turns in my arms and grabs hold of my shoulders before launching herself up into my arms. She wraps her legs around my waist as her arms slip behind my neck, holding herself up. “You know, I wish you were just a little bit shorter.” I raise a brow and wait for whatever bullshit is about to come pouring out of her mouth. “When I’m ninety and have just gone for my third hip replacement, jumping all the way up here isn’t going to be that easy.”

I shake my head. Where the fuck does she come up with this shit?

I hardly get a second to think about it before her lips are on mine. I taste the fruity punch on her tongue and briefly wonder how much of that she’s drunk. She’s no stranger to writing herself off and I don’t doubt tonight is going to be one of those nights. She’s not one to wear her hair back but I’ve been practicing tying up my sisters’ hair knowing that one day I’ll have to do it for Sky to avoid it being painted in vomit. Tonight though, I think we’re going to be just fine.

“Are you nearly ready to go?” I murmur against her lips.

She shakes her head. “One more dance and I promise, you can take me home and do all sorts of nasty things to me.”


“Oh, yeah.”

As she pulls back, she uncurls her legs and slowly slides down to the ground, knowing damn well that she’s being a tease, but I’m sure I can control myself long enough to wait until we get back to my place. Though maybe with Blake most likely passed out and Shay up all night drinking, it’s probably best to spend the night in my bed.

Our bodies sway to the music and I kiss her neck as she grinds back into me. These are the moments I live for. It’s so perfect. Nothing can ruin this.

Movement beside Sky catches my attention and I glance over to find Nessa curling into Damian’s chest. She’s been dancing up on him all night and the more each of them drink, the looser they’ve been getting. It was only a matter of time.

His hands are all over her and when Nessa raises her chin and finally gives in, letting him kiss her, Skylah laughs and pumps her tiny fist into the sky. “I fucking knew it. They’re going to make sexy babies.”

I can’t help but laugh at how damn happy she is only as their kisses become more urgent after weeks of sexual tension, both the smiles fall off our faces. This is dangerous territory, not just for me and Sky but for everyone at this damn party. These two are just moments from screwing on the dancefloor.

“Okay,” Sky says, turning to look up at me again. “Maybe it is time to go.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

Skylah taps Nessa’s shoulder to let her know we’re leaving but she shoos her away, not willing to interrupt her moment with Damian so I pull out my phone and text him, knowing he’ll check it at some point during the night.

I take her hand and lead her out of the party only some fucker thinks it’s a good idea to grab her ass. He gets shoved back into a wall and creates a nice hole in the drywall before I force an apology out of him for my girl and keep walking.

Skylah jumps up onto my back and I give her a piggyback ride down to my Dodge. She throws her hands up and laughs as though she’s on some kind of roller coaster, only putting her hands down when she wobbles.

I get her safely in the car and make sure she’s buckled as I have a feeling doing it herself would be a bit of a challenge, one I’d love to sit back and watch but a frustrated Skylah isn’t fun for anybody.

I get in the car and start heading home. We’re a good fifteen minutes away from home and I don’t doubt she’ll be passed out by the time we get back.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic