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That woman would have let me wrap my fingers around her throat and fuck her into next week had I asked. That’s just the way she trusts me, but I’d never do anything to break that. She’s a fucking diamond among the trash and she deserves to be loved in the way that’s going to make her feel like the most desired woman on this green earth.

I’m not going to lie, I was nervous about being so rough with her. I thought about it throughout the whole fucking game. Had that scout not been there, I know I would have fucked up and run with her out the door. After that bullshit Lucien pulled on her, I was afraid that I was pushing the boundaries too far, but she needed to know that I’ll never hold back from her. I knew that it was either going to go really bad or really good. I was either going to have to chase after her and apologize profusely or we were going to screw wildly in the backseat. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that she’d rise to the occasion and meet me thrust for thrust, begging for more.

Fuck, I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

Skylah’s past doesn’t scare me and it sure as hell doesn’t make me think any less of her. If anything, tonight has just proven how far she’s come. I’ve told her before and I’m sure that I’ll tell her a million more times throughout our lives; she’s the strongest fucking woman I have ever met.

I hate that she’s suffered in life and I hate that the threat of Lucien still hangs over her head. She tries her hardest not to let it show, but I know she’s scared. I made a vow to myself that I would do anything humanly possible to help take that pain away and I could be wrong, but something tells me that it’s working.

Skylah isn’t the same closed-off girl who first walked through the doors of Aston Creek High. Don’t get me wrong, she was a badass then and she’s a badass now, but her soul doesn’t seem so dark. It was once completely black but now it just seems covered by shadows.

The colored lights of the party flash and shoot around the room, every now and then lighting up my girl and showcasing that dazzling smile that’s always pointed right at me. I fucking love that about her. How is it possible for one human to have this profound effect over another?

I want to be with her every fucking second of every day. I’ve never experienced that before with anyone. I don’t doubt that this shit is real. I tell her every fucking day that I love her and I know for a damn fact that one day, she’s going to be my wife. You know, if she’s not too stubborn to actually say yes. I might have to tackle her down the aisle but it’ll be worth it.

The music blasts and I watch as Skylah dances with Nessa. I don’t really get their friendship but I’m glad they’ve got it. At first, it kind of freaked me out. Nessa has been known to be a pain in the ass. She’s demanding and bitchy, but what’s more important is that she’s loyal as fuck which is exactly what Skylah needs in a friend. It took me a while, but I’ve finally come around to the idea.

I lift my beer to my lips and have a quick swig. I’m not really one for drinking unless something has happened to fuck up my mood. My boys won a big fucking game tonight and we did it without any fuck ups, making each and every one of us look like fucking legends. This beer right now is for them.

When Skylah first got here, I was drinking more than I ever had before, trying to forget the way she made my heart race. She was so fiery. That very first day I wanted to bend her over and show her exactly who’s boss around here, but she showed me. She said that there was a new boss bitch in town and I should have listened. Hell, it would have made both of our lives a shitload easier.

I place the half-empty bottle down on the counter, not really feeling it as I watch Damian shuffle across the dancefloor and squeeze himself between the girls. All three of them are fucking drunk but I’m not surprised. It’s been an incredible night and they deserve a night to let loose and celebrate.

It’s well past one in the morning and from the way Damian’s been getting closer and closer to Nessa, I’d dare say I won’t be dropping him home tonight. I think Skylah’s insane for trying to set them up but I can’t deny her reasoning. They both have itches to scratch and the other would do a good job at satisfying that itch, but they drive each other crazy. Come to think about it, Skylah drives me crazy and I’ve never been happier.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic