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I scrunch my face. “History.”

“You’re not a fan of history?”

I shake my head as I get up and start making my way toward the door. “Not in the least. It does my head in. I have trouble remembering timelines and dates. It all just blurs together. I’m probably the only person on the planet to get the dates of World War I and World War II mixed up.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

I groan. “I mean, it only happened once and it was a bad week for me.”

Slade shakes his head while trying not to laugh. He throws his arm over my shoulder and I’m instantly reminded of our day together yesterday. We fucked around, doing absolutely nothing. He took me out and we were halfway to seeing a movie when I reconsidered and told him that if we were going to watch a movie, I’d prefer to do it at his place where we could fool around without the eyes of other people on us. I’ve never seen anyone turn around so fast.

It was a great day. He made me lunch, we laughed, and what’s more, I didn’t once think about wanting to push him away. It was incredible.

“I’ll walk you,” Slade says, bringing me back to the present. I smile up at him and as his hand drops from around my shoulder and finds my ass, I’m reminded of the way I’ve had to clench my thighs for the past hour. There’s still another hour of school and I’m pretty sure he has basketball training after that. What am I going to do? I don’t think I can wait that long.

My brows pinch as the disappointment shoots through me. I’m going to have to wait until I get home and sort it out myself. “What’s wrong?” Slade questions, seeing the strain on my features.

My eyes meet his and the words come shooting out before I even realize what I’m saying. “Want to fuck?”

He grins. His eyes darken and before I’m able to get another word out, he tears open the door of a supply closet and pushes me in. My ass is grabbed and I’m placed upon a shelf as he steps in between my legs and crushes his lips to mine.

Oh, holy hell, yes. This is exactly what I’ve been needing.

The door is locked as I grab his belt buckle and start diving for the goods. Slade tears me out of my jeans, neither of us worrying about losing our shirts. We have about five minutes until we’re classified as late for our next classes, so this is going to be quick. Real fucking quick.

He pulls a condom out as I fling my panties off my legs and open wide. He gets himself sheathed and by the time I reach for him, he’s ready to go.

He buries himself deep inside me and I cry out as my hands fly around his back. My fingers dig in and I’m pretty damn sure that I’m going to leave ten little half-moons on his back from my nails but right now, neither of us could possibly care less.

He works my body hard and fast and I clench my eyes, feeling my orgasm creeping up on me.

“That’s right, Virago,” he says through his teeth. “Give it to me.”

I groan, dropping my head to his shoulder and biting down on his skin to stop myself from screaming out. I don’t think I’ve ever felt something so quick and intense in my life.

We both come and he instantly collapses against me. “Holy fuck, babe,” he pants, trying to catch his breath as I wonder if I’m even still alive. “Where the hell did you come from?”

I smile against him and he’s quick to crush his lips against mine. “Come on,” he says with a laugh. “I think we have about thirty seconds to get to class.”

“Shit,” I laugh, jumping down from the shelf and grabbing my clothes. Slade deals with his used condom and tucks himself back inside his jeans while I work on pulling these damn tight jeans back up my legs.

I get presentable and Slade opens the door, leading me out with a hand at my back. I grin up at him until I sense a pair of disapproving eyes, zoning in on us. I look round and it takes me all of three seconds to find Rachel Carter.

Her eyes narrow and she turns up her nose, instantly putting me on edge. I really don’t like that girl. She’s trouble, but the worst kind because she comes with a sickly-sweet smile. Except for right now of course.

I ignore her and turn back to Slade, letting him pull me along before we both end up with detentions that neither of us has the intention of attending.

Chapter 4

I walk out of history class and start making my way out of the school. I’m thinking that it’s going to be a boring as batshit kind of afternoon until Slade grabbed my hand and started pulling me along towards the parking lot. I realize as I’m struggling to keep up, maybe my afternoon won’t be so bad after all.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic