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Slade bears down on him, impatient for his answer. “I, um…”

“Ten bucks he pisses his pants,” Damian murmurs in my ear.

“You what?” Slade roars, making everyone in the room jump including Mr. Carver. Me though, I seemed to be oddly turned on.

“CRUZ,” Carver yells.

“She…well, you…I thought you hated her and Damian just told the whole class that you fucked her and well…”

Slade’s eyes slice to Damian, making him swallow but as he glares back down at the kid, it’s clear that is something that will be discussed later, for now, Slade’s more than happy to deal with this guy.

Damian grumbles again, getting his affairs in order. “Well, it was nice knowing you.”

I laugh under my breath as the kid stupidly continues. “You hate her, right? You just fucked her to teach her a lesson, am I right? You were just making a point that you can get to her. And well, look at her,” Slade’s eyes cut to mine and there’s nothing but heat making me lick my lips and clench my thighs. I could watch this all day. “She looks like she’d be a demon between the sheets.”

Slade narrows his eyes and leans in a little closer, making the guy shrink down in his chair. “Did you just disrespect my girl?”

The kid blanches. “Your girl?”

“My fucking girl.”

Damn, that sounds good on his lips.

“Oh, fuck,” he says, his eyes beginning to water. “I…I…I’m sorry. If I knew you were with her, I never would have-”

“Disrespected her?” Slade throws out. “Let me get this right…”

Mr. Carver bellows out his name. “SLADE. GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM.”

Slade glances up but doesn’t move an inch. “Hold on a second,” he says sweetly. “I’m just trying to teach this little prick a lesson about being disrespectful to women. That’s what we do at school, right? We learn. I mean, unless you have an issue with the message I’m trying to get across?”

Carver’s jaw clenches and Slade doesn’t waste a second before dropping his gaze back to the kid. “So, because you assumed that I didn’t like her, that makes it okay to disrespect her? To sexualize her, treat her as though she’s fucking invisible when she’s sitting right the fuck behind you?”

“But…but you treat her like that.”

“I’ve never treated her as though she’s invisible. I’ve never talked about what she’d be like in bed to anyone except to her, with her heart racing and her adrenalin pumping because she fucking loves and craves it. But you,” he spits, looking up and down his pathetic excuse of a body. “You think she likes this? Do you think hearing the bullshit that just came out of your mouth is going to get her hot? Do you think that bullshit would make her palms sweat and crave more? Fuck, no. If she wasn’t so fucking strong, if this was some other chick you were talking about, she’d be running out of here in tears wondering what the fuck she’ done to deserve that. Let this be a warning to you, don’t ever speak about my girl again, don’t fucking look at her, don’t fucking think about her, don’t even fucking breathe around her or you’re done. Got me?”

He swallows back, his whole body shaking as he violently nods his head while the girls in the room swoon over how he didn’t just speak up for me, but for all of us.

Slade pushes off his desk and turns his heated gaze on me. He starts making his way toward me and the second he moves away from the kid, Carver nods toward the door. The kid takes off like a bat out of hell straight through the door. From the direction that he’s running, I don’t doubt he’s heading for the front gates desperate to get as far away from Slade Cruz as possible.

As Slade gets closer, Damian gets up with a guilty as shit expression and walks around to the vacated seat in front of us. I press my lips into a tight line, still learning so much about the dynamics between Slade and Damian. Right now, Slade is too important to spend time thinking about their friendship.

He leans down and brushes his lips over mine. “Are you alright?”

His worry has my heart thumping so damn loud that I swear he can hear it. “You know,” I whisper, wondering how he has such an overwhelming effect on me. “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and just for that, I think I might just show you how fucking wild I can be.”

He groans low and closes his eyes as the need takes over him. He drops back into Damian’s vacated seat and within seconds, his hand is on my thigh and the class is turning their attention back to Carver.

We somehow get through the rest of biology and when the bell indicating the end of class sounds, I start packing up my things while Slade sits on the desk, waiting. “What have you got next?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic