Page 13 of Debt of Loyalty

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“Mmm…” he huffed, his cock at full attention, his chest rising and falling.

Instead of handling the situation like an adult, I fled the room, racing to the bathroom and slamming the door.

Then I panted like some lovesick puppy dog.

What was wrong with me? He was my hero, a man determined to save my life. Hero. I wasn’t certain of anything at this point.

As I closed my eyes, allowing another vision of his stunning body to filter into my mind, I couldn’t get over the feeling that Viper was also used to being in total control of the situation, including the people around him.

Without a doubt I knew the rugged, brutal protector would take what he wanted.

And that included me.



Exhaling, I finished drying then tossed the towel onto the bed, unable to take my thoughts off Willow. Christ. I’d almost crossed a line that was completely forbidden. I was the kind of man to say fuck a portion of the rules, but in this case, nothing good would come out of getting any closer to the mark than necessary.

I yanked a shirt and jeans from the second duffle I’d brought with me, struggling into them as I shot several looks toward the hallway. Willow was entirely different than I’d expected, her resilience a benefit to the mission. Although I could tell she’d been close to her breaking point. After dressing, I headed for the living room, immediately grabbing the glass of bourbon. I hadn’t planned on either feeling sorry for the victim or giving a shit about her. That didn’t protect people or bring them to safety. But here I was thinking about her.

As I poured another glass, I did what I could to get her off my mind. Damn it, if I hadn’t seen the look on her face, the same desire I’d felt from looking at her picture over a week before. I returned to my bedroom and to the closet, opening the hidden door I’d created in the wall in order to hide the rest of my weapons and communications devices. After grabbing another magazine of ammunition, I yanked one of the burner phones from the bottom of the duffle as well as the iPad provided by Broderick. The entire mission didn’t make much sense to me.

To the point I’d made my last contact to the handler two days before, no ransom note or call had been initiated, which should indicate she was being auctioned. However, keeping her in a room instead of a more secure location meant there was something personal with regard to her capture. It might not be my place to try to figure that out, but if doing so meant keeping us alive, then I was all for becoming a sleuth.

Besides, I had to get my mind off my sordid needs before I did something I’d regret. When I passed by the cracked door, the beast inside of me reared his ugly head.

I’d never been good with women; the single girl I’d cared about I’d treated badly before I’d left for the service. I’d thought it necessary in order for her to move on with her life. I’d regretted it soon afterwards, but it had been too late to repair a fence I’d demolished. Now, as I stood in front of door, I realized ignoring my desires would become the most difficult part of the detail.

I was no perv, but as I pushed the door open with a single finger, seeing the outline of her naked body through the frosted shower curtain was enough to pinch my cock against my zipper. What I wouldn’t give to interrupt her shower, claiming her as if I was some Neanderthal.

After taking a deep breath, I walked away, shifting my cock in my pants. I tossed the iPad onto the table, powering down the rest of the booze. The last thing I needed was to provide her with an edge. If she had enough gumption, she could disappear in this city. That couldn’t happen.

I sat down, trying to concentrate on ensuring that we’d be able to get the fuck out of here in the morning. I’d paid a pretty penny to get us out of here on a cargo plane, holding back enough funds to make certain the pilot didn’t fuck with me. I dialed his memorized number and as soon as he answered gruffly, I laughed.

“Vamos ir para manana?” Are we a go for tomorrow? My question was abrupt but there was no doubt the man would recognize my voice.

“Mientras no lleguen los cerdos.” As long as the pigs don’t arrive. The asshole obviously thought he was being funny. His laugh did nothing but piss me off.

“Llegaa tiempo o no tendras otro centavo. Entonces te cazare.” Be there on time or you won’t get another dime. Then I’ll hunt you down.

He hissed but I knew he’d do exactly as he was supposed to do. “Estupido Americano.”

Stupid American. Yeah, well, he had no idea the kind of man he was dealing with. None.

“You’re not a very nice man, are you?” Willow asked from behind me.

“It doesn’t serve anyone well by being nice in my business.”

“Your business,” she said under her breath. “The business of killing people?”

I stood, shoving the phone into my pocket before turning to face her. “That’s the job I was trained for by the military.”

“In a time of war.”

“What would you call this? Castillo is a pig who abducts women and girls, selling them to the highest bidder. I would call trying to end his reign of terror a war.”

“But that’s not what you’re doing,” she countered. “Why not come after him?”

Tags: Piper Stone Romance