Page 12 of Debt of Loyalty

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“That means you’ve at least talked with my parents.”

“Fair enough, but you’ll need to trust me.”

I couldn’t believe he was asking me to place trust in someone whose real name I would likely never learn. “I’ll do my best.”

“What did your captor tell you?”

“Not much. He made me share dinner with him a couple nights, acting as if I was a guest in his residence. When I angered him because of my questions, he threatened to beat me then locked me in the room where you found me. I had a feeling he was prepping me to become his wife.”

He sat back, lifting his chin. “A possibility.”

“But I could be wrong. I heard at least a dozen non-soldier male voices one night. It sounded like there was a party downstairs. Maybe it was a sex ring.”

“I’m surprised you weren’t presented as an option if that was the case.”

“Then what are you thinking?”

As he swirled the glass back and forth, his eyes appeared even darker than before. “I don’t know, sweetheart, and it’s not my place to figure it out.” He sat forward quickly, leaning over and never blinking. “There are rules for tonight that you will not break. You do not go outside under any circumstances. None. As I said, we have food and drink. While I doubt the fuckers can find us, I’ve established primitive methods of security that should allow us to get a night’s sleep. If we are attacked, you will follow my directions to the letter without hesitation or question. Understood?”

Bile had formed in my throat, and I nodded just once. “Will they come after us?”

He took a deep breath, holding it for several seconds. I could tell the question was one he’d been thinking about. “If I had to make an educated guess, I’d say yes. For some reason, you came under the King’s radar. He’s not a man who likes to lose. In other words, he’ll stop at nothing to get you back, including destroying the city if he needs to. That’s why we’re leaving before dawn.”

I chewed on my lip, blinking to keep tears from forming. I was overwrought yet refused to fall victim to this. “Understood.”

“Good. I’m going to take a quick shower. Then I suggest you do the same. The clothes I brought for you are in the bedroom. I’ll make food after we’re both finished.” He polished off his drink then stood, hesitating before walking away. Whatever he’d wanted to say to me seemed unimportant.

When he’d disappeared, I slumped over, my stomach cramping. I couldn’t help but continue to ask the same question. Why me and why now? It still didn’t make any sense, but I was smart enough to know there was significant reason. Maybe I’d fetch a high price. I laughed nervously, taking another sip of my drink then another. For a girl who’d never liked bourbon before, the liquor was soothing, smooth enough my throat no longer ached.

As memories of my life rushed into the back of my mind, I jerked up, stumbling slightly as I moved around the small room. I couldn’t seem to shove the ugly thoughts aside. I finished my drink, adding a few more sips, uncertain how long I’d been mesmerized by a past I wasn’t certain it was possible to regain, but there was nothing more important to me that removing the grime from the jungle, and from being in the King’s presence.

Maybe I could trust Viper after all.

I moved toward the bedroom, taking my time. The moment I pushed open the door I froze, but I’d made just enough noise to draw Viper’s attention. He lifted his head, turning quickly as if expecting a confrontation, his completely naked body on display.

While the good girl side of me instantly wanted to turn away, the draw to the man was far too enticing. I sucked in my breath, the silence deafening as I slowly lowered my gaze all the way down. Holy mother of God. The man was built like no other I’d seen. His physique emitted power and sensuality, every muscle honed to utter perfection. A warm flush swept up from my neck to my cheeks and still, I couldn’t look away.

He eyes were nothing more than darkened pools of lust, zero embarrassment appearing on his chiseled face. I finally blinked, but the vision of his huge, throbbing cock would remain in my mind for a long time to come. I memorized every inch of him from the thick cords in his neck leading to broad shoulders and muscular arms indicating his strength and power, to the carved muscles in his abdomen inching to the deep V cut leading to his groin. I couldn’t believe I was so thoroughly turned on, my mouth watering from several filthy thoughts. Even his legs were masterpieces, his thighs bulging, his calves etched in stone.

Decency finally jabbed at my mind, forcing me to lower my gaze. “I’m sorry. I thought you were still in the bathroom.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. I don’t mind being seen, especially by a beautiful woman.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

As he walked closer, his nostrils flared, I could almost read his mind, his sinful thoughts completely transparent. When he was only a few inches away, I panicked, unable to form any additional words. There was no reason for me to be this nervous around a man, other than the heightened level of attraction was unusual given the extreme circumstances.

“Do you see something you like, sweetheart?” he whispered, the sound husky and rough, an indication of how the man might handle a night of passion.

I was out of my mind to think anything good could come of indulging in a carnal moment. “I…”

He slipped a strand of hair behind my ear, finally chuckling. “Don’t worry, Willow. I won’t touch you.”

A lump formed in my throat, my actions stilted. My legs didn’t want to work, my pulse more rapid than before. “I’ll just… I’ll come back for the clothes you mentioned later.” I wasn’t certain he heard what I said given I’d mumbled the words. While I’d never been embarrassed easily, the vision of his beauty was too much.

He reached out, brushing his hand across my face, taking his time to lower his eyes. The spark of electricity went haywire, sending jolts of current into every cell and muscle. My mouth was dry, my throat parched, and the naughty girl inside of me screamed he was the only man who could quench my thirst.

This was out of control, a moment I feared neither one of us would be able to control.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance