Page 84 of Dark Crown

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I cross my arms over my chest. “Do you expect me to sign a contract before I even see my wife unharmed and well?” I tilt my head to the side. “I’m not a fool, Morrone.”

“Just let him see his wife,” Rourke suggests.

Massimo nods. “Very well.” He turns to his brother, Luca, and speaks in hushed tones.

Luca leaves the room, and the tension heightens as I glare at every one of my enemies in that room. If they think they can still get away with screwing me over somehow, they are mistaken. They screw me; they screw themselves. Andrei Petrov is a far worse adversary to stand. All they need to do is give me my wife and agree to peace, but something tells me it won’t be that easy, as nothing ever is.



I’m at a crossroads and even as the minutes tick by, I can’t work out which road I’m going to take. My brothers would hate me if I stood in their way of getting back everything our papá built and worked for. And yet, I can’t imagine standing by while they kill my husband and the father of my child.

The signal should have been given by now, but it hasn’t come, as I sit in the little cafe across the road from the casino, twisting my fingers in my lap nervously.

It’s a simple plan. Axel will bring me into the casino, holding a gun to my head and demanding a ransom for me. Adrik is supposed to believe he’s working independently of the Morrone family. If Adrik wants me back, and he will because I’m his claim to the throne, he’ll agree and his guard will come down.

At least, that’s what Massimo expects. When Adrik’s least expecting it, Axel is supposed to shoot him between the eyes, the same way he shot Papá. It would be poetic justice. A justice I should want for my papá, and yet panic claws at my insides at the thought of letting anything bad happen to him. Maybe Enzo is right and Adrik has brainwashed me.

Axel paces up and down the floor of the cafe, which is closed at this time of night. “Why haven’t they sent the signal yet?” He glares at Hawk, who’s leaning against the wall, looking smug as he stares at me. The guy really gives me the creeps.

“Fuck knows. Change of plan?” he suggests, still not taking his eyes off of me.

Axel blows out an irritated breath. “I’m going to radio in and check.”

Hawk raises a brow as he glances briefly at his boss. “Is that necessary?”

“Don’t question me, Hawk,” he snaps, grabbing the radio off the side. “There’s a lot riding on this going right.”

I don’t know what Axel and his thugs are getting out of this deal, but clearly it’s important to him. The radio crackles as he picks it up and Luca Morrone’s voice comes through. “Change of plans because Adrik is on to us. Bring Eliza in here but no threats or ransom.”

Axel’s jaw clenches as he brings the radio to his mouth. “Why the fuck has the plan changed?”

There’s a heavy sigh on the other end. “I told you. He’s on to us and we can’t let him die. The bastard made sure of it.”

Axel looks at me with a furrowed brow. “Be there in five.” He marches over to me, yanking me to my feet by my elbow. “Let’s go.”

I swallow hard. “Why are they changing the plan?” I ask, my heart thudding erratically against my ribcage. If I don’t know the plan, it means I can’t stop it. The panic bubbling up in my throat makes me feel sick, but I literally have no power as he drags me out of the front of the cafe and across the street, toward the main entrance of the casino.

“Shut up and do as you’re told,” Axel says, marching through the revolving doors of the casino, which is shut down for the night.

We’ve rehearsed this moment, only the plan has changed. Luca said Adrik is on to them, which suggests he knew this was a trap all along and that doesn’t surprise me, as he’s one of the smartest men I’ve ever met. What does surprise me is the fact he came anyway, knowing it’s a trap.

We enter the lavish VIP room at the back and everyone’s eyes fall on us, stealing my breath away. My brothers give me a reassuring nod, but I can see from the look in their eyes something is wrong.

We can’t let him die. The bastard made sure of it.

Those words repeat in my mind, and I wonder what the plan is then.

Adrik’s eyes find mine in an instance and he stands. It feels like time slows to a halt as I gaze into those unusual hazel irises, realizing that I’ve missed him, despite everything. And it’s only been a few days.

“Eliza,” he says my name, his voice almost pained. “Come here.” He holds out a hand toward me.

Those eyes that were always so emotionless look full of concern, but the question is whether it’s concern for me or for his right to the throne. Any sensible person would believe the latter, but there’s this stupid hope inside of me that perhaps he feels the same way I do. It’s more likely that without me, there’s no way he can hold on to the crown.

Realization in that moment dawns as I glance toward the back again at my two brothers. Thiago’s jaw is locked tightly and there’s a look of pure anguish in his eyes. Enzo gives away nothing, but his posture is unnaturally straight, even for him.

Would my brothers kill me to reclaim the crown?

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance