Page 83 of Dark Crown

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I nod. “As I never belonged on your side, anyway.”

His jaw clenches as he knows I’m right. Ever since my mom’s murder and not speaking for two years, I was destined to be dubbed the screw up of the family. My father made sure of that and it only built on the simmering rage that ignited that day.

At first, I couldn’t articulate what the emotion was that held me back from speaking. Whether it was rage or grief or the sheer shock of what I witnessed, it doesn’t matter. It twisted into something dark and all-consuming until there was nothing good left inside of me. Until it had fed on any light that still resided and left me exactly how that psycho said he would, to live with the darkness, only it became a part of me.

“Let’s have this discussion, then. And leave the bad blood on the doorstep,” Uncle says, holding out a hand for me to shake.

I swallow hard and take it, shaking firmly. “After you.” I still don’t trust anyone here. The only person I trust is myself. Not even Budimir has my full trust. Trusting people is the fastest way to end up dead. Look at Hernandez Estrada. He was sloppy and trusted a Russian who told him he hated his family.

Anyone willing to betray his own family shouldn’t be trusted, and yet Hernandez welcomed me with open arms when he thought I had a way to give him control of the entire city.

He leads me to the VIP parlor at the back of the casino, where Rourke and his brothers are already sitting at the poker table, arguing amongst themselves. Massimo and his two brothers are also here. And of course my uncle, cousin and father and brother are here. Axel and a couple of his men are lingering around the edge of the room.

The two people I didn’t expect to see are Thiago and Enzo, but they’re standing next to Massimo, arguing with him. As I enter, their expressions turn lethal.

I crack my neck, knowing that I’m putting myself in severe danger by even entering this room. And the only thing driving me to come here is my wife. I have to get her back, no matter the costs. Although I know I don’t have a true claim to the crown without her, that’s not the reason I’m so desperate to get her back.

The terrifying fact is that I’ve missed her. I’ve missed her angry glares and fighting spirit. I’ve missed touching her, kissing her. I’ve missed her so damn much it’s hurt and we’ve only been a part a few days.

I search the room for any sign of her, but she’s not here. Irritation coils through me as I wonder why not. After all, they took her to provoke me, so what was their plan?

“Where is she?” I murmur to Budimir.

He shrugs. “God knows.” He claps me on the shoulder. “You played that well, sir.”

I nod, but I can’t feel any satisfaction yet. Not until Eliza is on my arm, walking out of this godforsaken casino. Until that moment, there’s everything to play for.

“Look who the cat dragged in,” Valeri says, eyes narrowing to slits. “I always knew you were a bastard, Adrik, but I didn’t know you were a traitor.”

I tilt my head. “At least I’ll amount to something in my life, whereas you remain a lowly member of the bratva, serving uncle, and then Maxim for the rest of your pathetic life.”

Valeri snarls at me. “At least I don’t betray my family.”

“What family? I’ve never been a part of this fucking family and therefore I don’t see it as a betrayal.” I move closer to him. “When I was six years old, a psychopath murdered our mother in front of my eyes, and that’s the moment I lost my family. All of you treated me like some kind of basket case.”

Valeri’s expression turns softer at the mention of our mother. “You know, I never saw you any different when we were kids. Father took it badly, beating you because you wouldn’t speak.”

Our father approaches. “If it isn’t the son who couldn’t speak, and now he’s the fucking king of his own castle.” His eyes narrow. “How fitting.”

Even after all these years, my father has the power to intimidate me. Those beatings he gave me will be forever etched into my memory.

“I bet you’re jealous, since you’ve been after uncle’s crown for years.” I narrow my eyes at him, clenching my fists so hard I can feel my nails almost breaking through the skin.

He looks down at me, like he always has. “I’d never be jealous of a wuss who spent two years too scared to speak.”


Even now, he can’t let it go. And yet he does not know what I endured. No six-year-old child should have to witness the sick acts that man performed on my mother’s dead body.

“At least I have more power than you’ll ever get your hands on.” I glance at Valeri and know that deep down, my problem was never with my brother, but he didn’t stand by me. As soon as he realized my father had a problem with me, he abandoned me to the beatings and kept his distance. Before the incident, we’d been inseparable. “Hopefully, we can finally put this matter to bed and move on with our lives.” I nod my head at him and then glare at my father. “War doesn’t benefit any of us, and I’m keen to avoid it.” I turn away and leave my father and brother to find my seat at the table.

I select the one closest to an exit, since I don’t trust any of the fuckers in here, and wait for the rest of them to take their own seats. Budimir remains on my right-hand side, and I can see his hand rested on the gun in his holster. He’s as on edge as me, but right now, I need to hide it. I can’t let any of them see that I’m shaken by this situation or the fact that they’ve stolen my wife.

Massimo clears his throat. “So, before we play poker, why don’t we discuss business?”

“Yes. I’d like to know where you’re hiding my wife.”

His jaw clenches. “All in good time.” He signals to one guy at the edge of the room who comes forward, holding paperwork. “First, we have the contracts that we agreed with Hernandez written up and are ready for you to check over.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance