Page 78 of Dark Crown

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One of her husbands, Gary, walks through the entrance to the hotel and I take that as my cue to get out of here, stuffing the photos into my inside jacket pocket. “Looks like your husband is here.” I wink. “Enjoy your evening, Elaine.”

She glares at me angrily as I walk toward the exit, passing the poor sucker who believes his beautiful wife is his and his alone. Elaine travels a lot for work but has a house and two kids with Liam in Michigan, but she married Gary in the state of Illinois and they see each other when she’s in the city.

Budimir is the best with digging up dirt and, thankfully, three out of the five board members were as dirty as can be. The other two are clean. It means everything is going to plan, other than my wife missing and in the hands of my enemies. And I intend to put that right as soon as possible.



Isit in the back of the SUV next to Massimo, who doesn’t say a word. We’re on the way back to the Morrone Mansion, where my brothers are staying. Although the Italians and our family had no bad blood, it’s hard to believe they’re helping us.

I’ve felt a little sick ever since I agreed to lure Adrik to his death. They’ve not told me any details about their plan, but I fear I cannot go through with it, even with my brother’s position on the line. Thiago’s purpose was always to take over from Papá and become the Don of the North American branch of the Estrada Cartel since he was born.

I can’t quite imagine how he’s feeling, having that stolen from him so ruthlessly, and I can get it back for him.

“We’re here,” Massimo says, drawing my attention to the Italian.

He seems friendly enough, better than those bikers. A shudder races down my spine as the one called Hawk was particularly intimidating.

“Do my brothers know you have me?”

He smiles, shaking his head. “Not yet.”

I fiddle with a loose strand of hair as the SUV comes to a stop outside of the grand entryway to the mansion. It’s as large as our home, with many similarities, including the white stone exterior and the fountain in the turning circle at the front. Opulent and over indulgent, just like all the mafia families in this city.

The driver opens my door and I hop out onto the driveway, waiting for Massimo’s instruction.

“Follow me.” He marches through the towering oak double doors into a grand entrance hall where the floors are sparkling, polished cream marble. It’s as lavish as our house, if not more so.

“Your brothers are in the study,” he says, as he takes a left down a corridor. “They’ll be thankful to see you.”

“How long have they been here?”

“We offered them refuge the day Adrik killed your father.” He stops outside a closed door and I can detect the soft murmur of deep voices on the other side. “I’ll leave you to it.”

I swallow hard, glaring at the door. “Thank you.”

“It was nothing.” He walks away, leaving me standing outside the door with sweaty palms.

I knock and Thiago’s voice sounds from the other side. “Who is it?”

“Me,” I say, reaching for the doorknob to open it.

Before I have a chance, Enzo swings it open, eyes wide. “What are you doing here?”

“Massimo’s friends retrieved me from the house.”

Thiago approaches, eyes wide. “Let her in, Enzo.” He shoves him out of the way and I step inside. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a hug. “I’m so glad you are okay.”

Enzo stares at me, a skeptical look in his eyes. “How do we know she’s not a spy?”

“Are you serious right now?” I ask.

“Yeah, you’ve been with that piece of shit for well over a month now. Who knows what he’s done to her? Brainwashed her, most likely.”

My stomach twists as I can’t deny that some of my loyalties have shifted from my family to Adrik. I keep trying to tell myself it’s because of the baby, but I can’t be sure. Maybe he has been conditioning me without me realizing it.

“I’ve agreed to help with the plan.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance