Page 22 of Levi

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“Well,” Levi said. “What was it?”

Hannah didn’t think. She’d already thought too much, and she’d made a mess, so for one second, she decided to stop. She stepped forward, put her hands on his chest, and leaned in.

She kissed Levi, and it was nothing like she’d expected. It was hot and heavy right off the bat. Levi pulled her closer, cupping the back of her neck, and held her against him.

She bit his lip, listening as he inhaled sharply, pushing them flat against the car. Hannah could smell his cologne, and it was intoxicating.

Levi pulled her leg up, stepping farther into her space. She felt hot everywhere, and her wolf growled with excitement. Maybe it also had to do with the fact Levi’s cock was hard against her. She felt him grinding, and she deepened the kiss, needing to taste every part of him, including the liquor they had just imbibed.

Hannah wanted to strip him down and have him right there in the parking lot. She wanted him to fuck her hard and deep and forget all about the world. She was honestly considering it when they heard the laughter of children. Levi pulled back slightly, gazing into her eyes.

“Mom, can we play before we eat?” a little boy spoke up, getting closer to the car.

Hannah realized they were still in the world surrounded by people, and what they were doing, what she was thinking of doing, was not family-friendly.

Levi stepped back, fixing his shirt. He gave her a cheeky smile. “We should head back. It’s getting late.”

Levi pulled out his keys, and Hannah had an idea. “Can I drive?” She gave him a smile. “I’m an excellent driver.”

Levi watched her for a second before he shrugged. “Sure, why not.”

Hannah got giddy with excitement as he tossed her his keys. She jumped into the driver’s side and adjusted everything to her size. She started the car, a giggle leaving her. Levi laughed, buckling himself in.

Hannah was over the moon as she drove back. She loved how smooth the car was on the road, and when she sped up, damn, she loved the sound it made. Levi seemed to be enjoying it just as much as she was. To be honest, he looked like he was enjoying watching her drive.

As they pulled up at the house, Hannah handed him his keys back. “That was fun.”

“Well, if you enjoyed that, then you have to come with me and see what else I have to offer.” Levi got out, leaving Hannah wondering. She walked with him toward the back of the house. She saw a gazebo and looked at Levi. “What’s with the gazebo?”

Levi gave her a gentle smile. “I like looking at the stars. It’s calming.”

They each took a seat under the gazebo, looking up at the stars. Hannah had to admit that it was calming to sit and relax without worrying about anything. She sighed heavily. “This is nice.” She watched the stars twinkle and felt her smile slip. “You know it’s a shame, too. When you look at the stars, you can never tell if it’s an actual star or not.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, perplexed.

“Well, you can’t tell from this distance. You always question if that’s a star, satellite, or some drone missile that’s circling around.”

Hannah heard him shift, and she looked over at him. He frowned, looking almost mad. “Is that a slight at me? About my technology?”

Hannah was caught blindsided. She was talking about the stars, and somehow the conversation shifted. She didn’t understand what she had said that insulted him.

“What do you mean?”

“I was kidnapped because of my work. They took me because of the technology that I made that they used inside drones. The drones are used for different things, one being to kill people.”

Hannah shook her head. “No. You were kidnapped because you’re a billionaire.”

“No.” He shook his head. “No, that’s just a part of it. They targeted me because I make technology that is used to kill. Having the money was just an added part. They believed that billionaires and people with a lot of money are going to hurt people with my technology.”

Hannah tilted her head, wondering if, after today, he felt different about everything. “Does this mean you’re going to change your mind about what you do?”

Levi pushed himself up and scowled at her, pissed. “Why on earth would you even ask that?”

Hannah clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth, sighing at him. “Because you’re getting really defensive about something that I didn’t even mean. I was talking about the stars, and you’re the one that got upset and took it out of context. It just leads me to think maybe this is a sore spot for you to talk about. Maybe you’re having mixed emotions about everything.”

Levi threw his arms up. “It’s not my fault! If I gave someone a crowbar and I said it’s meant to be used to open crates, but someone uses it to bash in someone else’s skull, how is it my fault? It’s not my problem or my concern.”

Hannah frowned. She didn’t understand how the night had gone from them laughing at the restaurant to him yelling about something she didn’t even care about. She pushed herself up. “It’s late.” She rubbed her forehead. “And it’s been a long day. I think we both need sleep.”

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal