Page 118 of Beast

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This had been a long time coming.Years.

I was ready to say goodbye to the Beast.

“Let’s do it.”

* * *

Six weeks later…

Some people wanted fame or fortune.

Others wanted beauty.

Some people wanted to be the most popular or the most entertaining.

Others wanted to be successful.

Me? I didn’t care about any of that.

There was only one thing I’d ever truly wanted.


And now that I was learning how to deal with my grief and my guilt, I believed I was finally in the proper state of mind and heart to give her all of me. I was ready to give her what she deserved. I was ready to go to her and tell her how much she meant to me.

Today, I was taking the next big step to (hopefully) make her mine.

I currently stood in the entryway of the Popov’s L.A. mansion, waiting to see Annika’s father so I could ask his permission to date her. It might seem old-fashioned, but I was doing this out of respect not only for her but for her family too, and also because I wanted Alexei’s approval first.

I’d arrived at the gate moments ago and been greeted by my former co-workers who’d slapped my back and fist-bumped me.

“Beast? Is that really you?”

“Dude! You look good! Real good!”

“Good to see you, man!”

They let me inside, and the housekeeper scurried away to get Alexei. It was strange being back here as a visitor when I’d once lived here.

Was Annika home? Would she see me if she was?

Efrem suddenly appeared in the foyer off to my right. Seeing me, he grinned, striding forward. “Adrik! How are you, man?”

I shook his hand. “Good. And you?”

His eyes twinkled. “I’m doing well, thanks. You here to see Annika? You just missed her. She had a physical therapy appointment this afternoon.”

Disappointment surged through me.She’s not here.I would have to come back later to see her.

“I’m actually here to see Alexei. The housekeeper just went to find him.”

Efrem nodded. “I’ll take you to him, so you don’t have to wait.”

I followed him down the long hallway toward the back of the mansion until we reached thePakhan’soffice. Efrem knocked on the door, and moments later, it opened.

Sacha stood there, his eyes widening as he spied me. “Adrik! How you doing, man?”

Surprised to see him here, I shook his hand. “Good, good.”

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance