Page 7 of Razor's Flame

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“Whatever you say,” I readily agree. I would promise just about anything to get her to agree to come with me. There’s no way I’d leave my girl alone now.

We drive across town, lost in silence. Different scenarios of how to handle the situation course through my mind. The one thing that I know for sure—my girl won’t be returning to her apartment alone. Ever.

By the time we check in and head up to my hotel suite, Adalynn is drooping big time. I lead her into the large suite and drop our two measly bags on the counter. “Why don’t you pick a bedroom and get settled while I check my messages.”

My fucking phone has been buzzing away in my pocket, and I need to see what the fuck is going on. I watch my girl disappear into the first bedroom before glancing at the screen. There are two messages from Dillon.

Dillon: This asshole is dangerous. He left a note tucked in the flower.

Motherfucker. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my pretty baby. I type out a quick reply.

Me: What did the note say?

I watch the three dots dance across the screen a few moments before his message pops up.

Dillon: I’ll show you tomorrow. Will be at your hotel room at 8. Bender is coming too.

I glance down at my watch and see it’s already two a.m. Groaning, I send another quick text to the early-rising fucker.

Me: Goddamn. That’s like six hours from now.

I laugh to myself at Dillon’s reply.

Dillon: Some of us go to bed at normal people hours. Fucking vampire.

I’m dying to know what message the note contained, but I’m more concerned with making sure my girl is safe.

“Is everything okay?” Adalynn walks up behind me.

After pulling myself together, I turn to my girl. “It’s good.” Once I figure out what’s going on, I’ll tell her everything.

Her eyes narrow as she stares at me. “I want you to tell me the truth.”

I pull her curvy body into my arms and lean down to kiss her soft lips. She melts against me, and I lay my forehead against hers. “I promise to tell you everything once I figure it out. Then we’ll make sure this asshole never gets anywhere near you.” All is right in the world as I hold my little love close, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.

“Okay.” Adalynn nibbles on her juicy bottom lip, causing hunger to shoot through my soul. “But I don’t want you to hide anything from me.” My cock thumps behind the zipper, but I ignore the impatient fucker.

“Don’t worry, pretty baby.” The long day and late night take their toll on Adalynn, and she’s drooping right before my eyes. “Why don’t you take a shower and get some sleep.” It kills me to let her go to the other room, but we’ll have our whole lives together. Once I get her into my bed, I don’t ever plan to let her go.

“I need it,” she agrees.

I sit on the sofa, staring out the large window, listening to her move around in the bedroom. After a while, I realize it’s been quiet in her room for several minutes and figure she’s sound asleep. I drag my ass to the other bathroom for a quick shower.

Fuck. In my rush to get to the concert, I only bought one outfit. Oh well, commando it is. I turn the water to colder than a well digger's ass and hop in, hoping to cool my jets some.

Well, that was an epic failure. I lie in the king-size bed with my body cold and my cock hard as a rock, staring at the ceiling. Looks like I have to take things into my own hand. Literally. I reach down and wrap my hand around my impatient erection. Visions of my girl’s luscious curves fill my mind as I slide my hand up and down. Mother thumb and her four daughters do the job, but coming hard doesn’t satisfy the hunger overtaking my soul. Only my pretty baby can do that.

I stare at the ceiling until the sun peeks through the slit in the drapes, then drag my sorry ass out of bed. As I pull on my traveling outfit, I make a mental list of the things I need to pick up later. Clean clothes top the fucking list.

At eight on the dot, my ever-punctual brother-in-law bangs on the door. “Good morning, sunshine.” Dillon and Bender step through the door. “Here, I figured you’d need an extra-large dose of caffeine today.” Dillon hands me a steaming cup of coffee while Bender drops down on the sofa.

“You just became my second favorite brother-in-law,” I tease and take a sip of the liquid gold.

“I’m your only brother-in-law.” He shakes his head.

“Then it shouldn’t be too hard for you to move up.”

The bedroom door opens, interrupting us, and I turn to find my curvy little goddess standing in the doorway, wearing just a fucking minuscule pair of shorts and a tiny ass t-shirt. A red haze descends over my vision as I bark out, “Close your fucking eyes.”

Tags: Loni Nichole Romance