Page 6 of Razor's Flame

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“Random or not, it’s for life,” I tell him.

“I’m happy for you.” Bender smirks. “But I’ve heard that she’s a firecracker.” He points his bottle at Adalynn. “Good luck keeping up with her.”

“I’m up to the job.” Glancing over, I see her watching me intently as the little weaselly manager walks by. “I take care of what’s mine,” I inform Bender loud enough for the asshole to hear. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings.

The rest of the evening passes by at a snail’s pace. I’m about ready to kick some fucking ass every time some dickhead tries to flirt with my girl. I’m facing long nights sitting on this very barstool until I convince her to quit this job. At least the little dipshit manager stopped hovering around the bar an hour or so ago. Hopefully, he found someone else to bug.

“I’m done.” Adalynn walks around the bar, and I reach for her. Her eyes widen as I cover her soft lips with mine. She melts against me, and everything around us disappears. Our tongues tangle while my cock turns to stone behind the brand-new, stiff-as-fuck denim. Ouch.

“I’m done too,” I whisper against her juicy lips. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”

I hold her curvy body close as we walk through the dark parking lot. “My car is over there.” She points at a little compact at the back of the lot.

“I’ll drive you home.” I pull her toward my rental.

“Wait.” She digs her heels in and argues, “I need my car.”

“I’ll bring you here to get it tomorrow.” I shrug and keep moving with her sputtering next to me.

“Wait.” Adalynn halts and slams her hands down on her curvy hips. “Now, listen to me carefully. I’m not one of your groupies.” Like I didn’t already know that. “I’m not going to sleep with you tonight.”

Wrapping my hand around my girl’s head, I run my thumb over her silky cheek and assure her, “I don’t expect you to sleep with me, pretty baby. Tonight.” She opens her mouth to interrupt, but I place my finger across her sweet lips. “But I’m going to make sure you get home safely.” She blinks up at me several times, and I realize I sound like a certifiable moron. “Someone is stalking you,” I growl and watch as her beautiful face pales at my reminder. “I’m not taking any chances with your well-being. Ever.”

I need some time to come up with a plan to make sure she’s safe. If it means sleeping in my rental car, so be it. I’m not letting her out of my sight.

After helping her into the passenger seat, I reach for the seatbelt and hook it across her luscious body. “What’s your address?” I ask Adalynn. When she reels it off, I type it into the map bitch.

Within four minutes, I’m pulling up in front of her small duplex. “Park in the apartment A visitor spot.” She points up to the small brick building. “My apartment is the one on the left.”

After parking, I halt her when she reaches for the door handle. “I’ll come around for you, pretty baby.”

I help Adalynn from the car and reach for her soft hand. “Where are your keys?”

She digs through her purse as we walk up the short sidewalk. A few feet from her door, I notice something laying on her tiny front porch. I pull her behind me and pull out my phone to use the flashlight.

“Motherfucker,” erupts from my throat when I see the dead rose in a crystal vase next to her door. There’s a sticky red substance sprayed around it, and I really fucking hope that it isn’t blood. “Don’t touch it,” I tell Adalynn. “There might be fingerprints on it.” When I find the asshole threatening my girl, I’m going to have a field day teaching him a lesson.

She swallows and steps around the mess to unlock her door while I dial my sister’s husband, the Silver Spoon Falls Sheriff. I pull her behind me and open the door. When I’m sure the apartment is empty, I let her follow me into the small foyer.

“Do you fucking realize what time it is?” Dillon growls.

“I need your help finding the asshole who’s stalking my girl,” I growl.

Dead silence rings through the line for a moment, and I wonder if the connection dropped. “Son-of-a-bitch,” Dillon roars, answering my question. “Give me a quick rundown of what the fuck is happening.”

“He left some shit on her front porch,” I tell him. “A dead rose in a vase with fake blood all around.” At least, I think it’s fake. Then I reel off her address to my brother-in-law.

“I’ll send someone by to collect it.” I hear Dillon talking to someone in the background. “Don’t touch anything.”

“I’m going to take Adalynn to my hotel suite to keep her safe.”

“Okay. I’ll get someone to investigate,” he agrees. “We saw you make a move on the bartender after the show. Your sister wants to know if you’ve been drinking the water in town.”

I can’t believe how obsessed everyone is with the fucking water. “Tell Jules I’ll call her tomorrow,” I growl and hang up.

After slipping my phone into my pocket, I turn to Adalynn. “Pack a bag, pretty baby. You’re coming with me.”

“Okay.” She sighs before seeming to remember her argument from the bar about sleeping with me tonight. She narrows suspicious eyes on me. "But I'm not sleeping with you tonight, Razor. I'm only agreeing because I'm terrified.”

Tags: Loni Nichole Romance