Page 14 of Razor's Flame

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“Is not,” I lie. It totally is, but I’m not admitting that to her. She’ll use it against me for the rest of my life.

“Is he good to you?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Is heniceto you?” she growls.

“So nice.” No one has ever treated me the way he does. Even when he’s all growly and possessive and being a caveman, he makes sure I’m taken care of and that I have what I need. He gives me exactly what I need without me even asking, as if he knows me better than I know myself. It’s a little disconcerting how easily he reads me.

Most men would have pushed in the bedroom. They would have tried to take more. Men like Razor don’t give up control easily. They were born to take charge. But he didn’t push. He handed the reins to me and let me lead. And then he stopped us before we went too far. He put my needs above his own without a second thought or a single complaint.

Despite everything going on, I feel safe with him. As if the stalker situation is some nightmare happening to someone else. It doesn’t feel real because he’s a buffer standing between it and me. It’s hard to be afraid when I know deep down that he won’t let anything bad happen to me. He’s my safe place.

That’s exactly what I was looking for when I came to Silver Spoon Falls… but I didn’t know it was a person. I thought it would be a place. Somewhere quiet and peaceful where I could focus on my studies without my neighbors throwing parties at all hours of the day and night. Somewhere I could settle and call home.

I think Razor might be my home.

“He doesn’t live here,” I blurt to Leia, clenching the phone tightly. “What happens when he leaves?”

“Is he leaving?”

“Why would he stay?” He’s a freaking retired rockstar with an entire life in Los Angeles. But everything I love is here in Texas. My heart is here. My sisters are scattered around the state attending college, but they’re here. Garrett is right here in Silver Spoon Falls. My parents are in Houston.

“If you love him, why would you let him go alone?” Leia challenges quietly.

“I…” It’s a good question. No, it’s an excellent question. He’s in love with me. Why wouldn’t I chase him to the ends of the world if that’s what his career demanded? “I can’t leave you guys.”

“We’re not little girls in foster care anymore, Adalynn,” Leia says gently. “You’re allowed to live your life and follow your heart without feeling like you’re leaving us. When Mom and Dad gave us new names, they gave us a fresh start, remember? We left the past behind. We’re okay now. You can stop worrying about us now, okay?”

She’s right. We left foster care behind a long time ago. But sometimes, the scars linger a little while longer. I hated being separated from my sisters in foster care. They tried to keep us together when they could, but it didn’t always work out that way. Every separation was traumatic. I think I’m a little afraid to let myself fall for Razor because I don’t want to leave them behind again.

But Leia is right. We aren’t little girls anymore. We aren’t in foster care anymore. And if I don’t take a chance now and give myself permission to fall headfirst into this thing with Razor, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. He’s important. I think he may be the most important thing that’s ever happened to me.

That means something. I’m pretty darn certain it means everything.

* * *

“Razor, we need to… Whoa,” I say, coming to a dead stop when I step out of the bedroom to find the living room of the suite transformed by candlelight. The curtains over the floor-to-ceiling windows are thrown wide open. The candles reflect in the glass like starlight, giving the room an ethereal glow.

“There you are,” Razor says, prowling across the room toward me. “I was just coming to get you.” He steps up in front of me, pulling me into his arms. “I ordered room service.”

“You did all of this for me?” I tip my head back to look up at him in awe. This man is going to ruin me. “You didn’t have to do that, Razor.”

“Are you mine, pretty baby?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Then I get to decide how I spoil you,” he growls, pressing his lips to mine in a hard kiss. “You’ve had a rough twenty-four hours. You deserve a little spoiling. Let me do it.”

Only a crazy woman would argue with that.

I allow him to lead me to the small table set up in front of the windows. He pulls my chair out for me and then circles around to his seat. He glances between it and me and then scowls.

I watch in amusement as he drags his chair around to the side of the table, situating it as close to mine as he can possibly get it.

“You laughing at me, Adalynn?” He cocks a brow as he moves his plate and silverware over.

“Nope,” I lie.

Tags: Loni Nichole Romance