Page 45 of Love Me

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I cry out with the continuing cramps in my abdomen.

Honestly, I can’t believe Niall has left me here, laying in broken glass and my own blood. I have no idea how long I’m going to be left here to fend for myself.

The fire alarm stops.

The silence soothing my ears.

I let out small moans as the cramping continues because I cannot move no matter how much I try. After what seems like forever, a firefighter finally walks in. He kneels at my side, pulls a radio from his shoulder, and he places his hand on my leg where there must be bleeding.

“I have an injured female. I need an EMT here stat.” I look up and see the firefighter who’s scanning over me assessing my injuries while I continue to hold onto my cramping stomach.

“An EMT will be here with us soon. Can you tell me what’s wrong apart from the obvious?”

“My stomach,” I groan.

He looks down at the blood pooling between my legs. “Sweetheart, you’re going to be fine. The emergency team will be here shortly. In the meantime, I’m not going to leave you,” he calmly says in an attempt to ease my nerves.

It doesn’t fucking work.

I hear the elevator chime, and the EMTs walk into the room. Honestly, I’m relieved to see them. I want this pain to stop. One squats next to me and rests his hand on my shoulder. “My name is Joe. Can you tell me your name?”

“Jeni,” I mumble. Then another cramp hits hard. “Ahh.”

“Did you fall?” I nod as the other EMT puts a blood pressure cuff around my arm. “Can you tell me where the pain is mostly located?”

I point to my stomach while he seems to be assessing the blood on my legs. “Is your neck sore?”

I shake my head, then wipe the tears from my cheeks.

“We’re going to take you to the hospital. Are you able to make your way to the stretcher?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t been able to get up.” The cramps worsen, making me moan with the ever-increasing pain.

“Is it all right if I lift you?”

I nod, working through another cramp while he lifts and places me on the stretcher and then they wheel me to the elevator.

I want Aiden.

I need him with me.

Once we arrive at the bottom floor, I’m wheeled to the back of the ambulance.

“Ahh,” I moan as another cramp hits.

The firefighter stands at the back of the ambulance talking to the female EMT.

They stop talking, she climbs in, and they close the doors. “Jeni, do you know if you’re pregnant?”

I shrug as my bottom lip starts to quiver. “It’s possible.”

She weakly smiles and nods. “I’m going to give you some painkillers. On a scale of one to ten, what’s the pain you’re feeling right now?”

I can’t think.

All I want is for Aiden to be here with me.

Ah fuck! Another cramp takes over me.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance