Page 53 of Trust Me

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“I understand why you could have thought that way, but as I said, I’m different. I’m not going to hurt you. Well, not on purpose. I never could. I guess I’ll simply have to earn your trust the hard way.”

I sigh, the weight of my past often tries to bury me. “I’m damaged goods, Aiden. You’d be better off if you found someone who didn’t carry around all this past baggage.”

He grins. “Now where’s the fun in that?” He kisses me once more. “I don’t want anyone but you. You had me at moron.”

I laugh at his twist to the famous Jerry Maguire quote as he holds me tight.

“We’re doing this, then?” he asks, searching for the reassurance he obviously needs.

I stare into his piercing blue eyes. “Yes, boyfriend.” I grin.

Aiden nuzzles his face into my hair and exhales in what seems to be relief. “Well, girlfriend, I guess we’d better get back. Everyone will think I’ve whisked you off to the bathroom for a quick fuck.” He chuckles.

I scoff out a laugh. “Let them think that. Now, let me check your lip-gloss situation.”

Aiden smiles and pouts while I wipe off the excess lip gloss from his perfect kissable lips. I’m excited—a new relationship, new possibilities, perhaps even falling in love in the future. I have a chance at all of this again, and the thought not only makes me ecstatically happy but also terrifies the absolute crap out of me. But for now, I’m going to be optimistic. Aiden seems like one of a kind, and I can’t wait to see how this relationship will progress.

We walk into the ballroom with his arm around my waist. Everyone’s back at the table when we enter. I look over at Niall who’s assessing me like I’m invading the O’Connell’s turf and violating their territory, and it’s a little unnerving. But the waiter places my meal in front of me, distracting Niall’s incessant staring.

“This looks delicious,” I announce to no one in particular.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to dig in,” Aiden agrees. “Want to try some of my steak?” he asks.

“Sure, want some salmon?”

“See? We’re sharing each other’s meals already.”

We laugh as we swap portions of our meals. I feel comfortable with Aiden, a comfort I haven’t felt for so long—if ever. When I was with Jason, I never felt at ease or that I could be myself. Aiden makes me feel normal and not like the twisted-up, broken girl that I know I am deep down.

I glance up to see Nana watching us with a caring smile on her face, so I return the gesture. She appears happy for the two of us, which only makes me feel good inside.

The whole meal is tantalizingly delicious, so I finish it and sit back in my chair. Aiden looks over at my plate with a smirk. “I see you still have a healthy appetite.”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “Shh, it was really good.”

He laughs at my pathetic answer. “I’m messing with you.” I scowl, trying to look offended. “Oh, you’re cute when you pretend to be angry.” He leans in for a quick kiss, the first in front of his entire family. His father scoffs loudly, which makes me want to throw my wine in his wrinkled, old face.

“Behave yourself, Niall.” Nana tries to rein him in, but the asshole shakes his head in disapproval and knocks back another whisky, effectively ignoring us all.

Aiden starts up a conversation with Daniel, who’s sitting next to him. The waiter comes around with more drinks and dessert for everyone, which is a good thing. Aiden’s father makes me anxious, and sitting across from his death glare unsettles me, even with the happiness of Aiden and I officially becoming a couple.

“Thank you,” I say to the waiter. He nods in recognition. Sitting back, I take a sip of my wine and listen to the soft music playing in the background. I relax in my chair as the music changes to louder but slow music. The dance floor lights up, and people make their way onto it, young and old alike. I’m sitting here moving some mousse around in the little bowl with my spoon as Aiden turns to me. I’m pretty sure he can see how bored I am, even though I’m trying to remain upbeat.

Taking hold of my hand, he looks at me and frowns. “Dance with me?”

I shrug. “If you think I’m clumsy, wait till you see me on the dance floor.”

He chuckles, then takes my hand in his and lifts me easily from my seat. We make our way to the dance floor as slow music starts to play. He places his arm around my waist and holds onto my hand with the other. The close contact sparks that energy off between us again. There’s one thing I know for sure about Aiden and me, it’s that our chemistry is more than I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never wanted someone so much just from the simple act of dancing. He swings me around, almost lifting my feet off the ground, making me giggle at his strength.

“Don’t worry. I’ll hold on tight,” he affirms, then pulls me even closer as we sway to the soft melody.

I feel safe.


I’m calm.

I feel like I am home.

Since Jason, I’ve been happy alone because trusting someone’s too hard. I didn’t want to risk being that hurt again. But as I stare into Aiden’s eyes, all my doubts and concerns wash away. I’m dancing in the arms of a man who’s taken over my life, and I never want to look away from his gorgeous eyes.

I stare deep into his soul, and at this moment, I think maybe, just maybe, Aiden might be my exception.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance