Page 52 of Trust Me

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I met Aiden less than a week ago, and he irritated me beyond belief at the time. And now, he wants me to be his. If I do this, then I’ll have to trust that he actually wants to be with me.

Can I do this? Can I truly trust this man I hardly know?

After Jason? After everything I went through?

The waiter places a bowl of soup in front of me, interrupting my rampaging thoughts. I let go of Aiden’s hand. I’m conflicted and feeling bad at the same time that I haven’t responded. He exhales as he looks away seeming frazzled by my non-response as he picks up his spoon.

I know he’s waiting for me to answer him, but I need to think this through.

Is a week too soon?

Can I trust him?

After Jason, can I truly trust anyone?

I wish I had my phone so I could message Sarah for her opinion. I already know what she’ll say—He’s gorgeous. He wants you, and you want him. What the hell is there to think about?

I pick up my spoon and eat my soup slowly and carefully trying not to spill any on my dress as I run through the pros and cons in my head. I can’t help but feel Aiden’s anguish as he silently awaits my answer. He’s becoming agitated, his leg jumping up and down beneath the table. I put my hand on his knee to stop him, and he instantly relaxes at my touch. Placing his hand on mine, he entwines our fingers. A warm sensation runs through me, and I know this attraction we both feel will be damn hard to fight.

I find the courage to look at him and smile. I should give him an answer—a simple yes or no—it’s not that damn difficult. Aiden looks away, taking a mouthful of his Macallan.

Why am I doing this to myself?

I should just say yes. It’s not hard. I want to. But instead, I’m going around in circles in my mind making us both miserable by saying nothing. I have to remind myself that Aiden’s nothing like Jason. He’s shown me no signs of anything abusive. So, why should I hold onto the past and stop myself from having a future? If you stay scared all the time, you’ll never truly live.

Be strong, Jeni!

I turn to Aiden, my chest squeezing as his beautiful blue eyes meet mine. I lean in close as I tighten my hand in his. He swallows while I try to contain my joy in this moment, but Aiden sees right through me, and he starts to smile. I lean closer, so close people from a distance might think we’re kissing, but I don’t care, I want to be close to him for this.

“Jeni?” he whispers.

“Yes,” I reply full of conviction.

His face lights with the brightest of smiles, his perfectly aligned teeth shine brighter than a summer’s day as his eyes sparkle with happiness. “Yes?”

I laugh. “Yes,” I reiterate with a slight nod.

He takes my hand. “Excuse us, everyone. We’ll be back in a moment,” he announces. My eyes widen, wondering where we’re going. Most people ignore him and carry on with their conversations as he virtually lifts me out of my chair, pulling me up by both hands.

I can hardly keep pace with him as he rushes us out into the foyer again. My stomach flutters with butterflies as I wonder what this is all about. Nerves settle in my stomach at his silence the further we step into the foyer. He leads me to the far end away from the partying crowd. Finally, he stops and pulls me in front of him.

Suddenly, he has me up against a column, holding my cheek gently in his hand and leans in kissing me firmly but tenderly. I instantly relax, all the tension in my body leaves as I wrap my arms around him while my body tingles as he kisses me. I hope this feeling never leaves us.

Easing the kiss, he pulls back before kissing me again quickly, then softly rests his forehead against mine as I gaze into his eyes.

“I thought you were going to say no,” he manages to say softly.

“I thought you were going to yell at me for not saying yes right away with the way you dragged me out here.” I smile.

Aiden pulls back in shock and looks at me with furrowed brows. “You thought I’d get angry at you?”

I look at the floor, nervous about how this could turn out. But his finger lifts my chin to look at him. “I’d never yell at you. Ever,” he says quietly as I stare into his concerned eyes. “Why would you think that?”

Swallowing, I exhale. “Because that’s how my ex would’ve reacted,” I whisper.

He slumps his shoulders and pulls me to him in a tight embrace. “Jeni, trust me. I said I’m not like other guys, and I meant it.”

Warmth floods through me. “I’m starting to see that,” I tell him honestly as he leans into me again.

Tags: K.E. Osborn Trust Me Romance