Page 3 of Cleo's Manster

“I know. Life has really hardened me. I don’t know what to tell you. I just don’t have it in me anymore.”

“Well, then I’ll only tell you this. Your lover is coming. He won’t be denied anymore. And I’m gonna make sure I say a pledge for him too.”

“Don’t you dare,” she hisses.

“If I can’t have a man, I’ll make sure that my best buddy gets hitched up to the man of her dreams.”

“Who says you can’t have a man?”

“Apparently the universe,” I grumble under my breath, stepping off the curb and waiting for a cab.

“Don’t give up. If you try and find the right man, leave yourself open to love…I promise I’ll give the next man who asks me a chance.”

“Wait a minute…are you saying if I actually try to find him, the one, you’ll let your lover have a shot?” I ask, stunned.

“Stop calling him that,” she growls. “It sounds weird. But yes, if you try and meet your man, I’ll let my mystery man have a shot….if he tries,” she warns me.

“He will,” I laugh. “I’m going to make sure and put the vibes out there so he knows it’s time.”

“You better vibe for yourself too.”

“I will. I am going to say yes to the next man that asks me out.”

“Not just one date. You have to give them a good chance of winning you over.”

“Same goes for you. I promise, as soon as I get back to Ridge City I’ll accept the first guy that asks me out.”

“The first guy that’s a solid choice. If eighty-year-old Lester Books all the sudden decides to ask you out, you don’t get to use him for this.”

“Fine. The first guy that seems like a solid choice, I’ll say yes. And I’ll go out with him at least five times. Is that enough?”

“That seems fair.”

“Same goes for you, Bri. Five dates at least.”

“Fine,” she huffs. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Cleo. If this guy is a real dud, I’m gonna be so annoyed to waste my time.”

“Don’t try and kid me. You’d be happy if he was a lost cause.”

She giggles and I smile. “You know me too well,” she says.

A cab finally pulls up and just as I’m reaching for the door handle, another bigger hand pulls it open and says, “Excuse me.”

The gruff, growly voice makes my belly clench and I drop my phone to the ground.

“I-I’m sorry. This is my cab. You’ll have to wait for the next one.” I bend down and scrabble around on the ground for my runaway phone.

The tall man leans down to help me just as my hand wraps around my phone and I stand up, hitting him right in the chin with my head.

“Shit!” I wail and drop my phone again, grasping at my head. “Damn, that hurts.” I grimace, feeling the lump on my head.

His dark eyes glare at me and he rubs at the bruise already forming on his jaw. “Are you always this klutzy?”

“Of course not,” I huff. “I just don’t like being pushed around by big guys with bad attitudes who are entirely too handsome for their own good.”

A smile curls his hard lips. The wind ruffles his thick dark hair and my mouth dries out. Damn, he’s kinda hot. Bossy and a bit of a jerk but freaking hot.

“You think I’m sexy?”

Tags: Tamrin Banks Paranormal