“Ylang-ylang oil.” Clarissa says as she puts that bottle down and grabs a second bottle, giggling as she walks up to Melinda. “I’m not going to ask everyone to get topless, even though most of us have seen each other at least partially naked, but if you don’t want to get oil on your shirt, move it aside so I can mark your heart. This is rosewood oil, and it’s great for your skin as well as incantations.” Clarissa turns the bottle with her thumb over the opening, and then presses the digit against Melinda’s forehead, throat, and heart.
“Mind, body, and spirit align, let love be thine.”
She moves to the next person, and the next, until she’s marked everyone. Then she marks herself, puts the bottle down, grabs her card and candle, and smiles.
“Everyone ready?” Clarissa shakes her hair, her whole body really, as if loosening up. “Relax and open yourself up to receive the Goddess’ blessings. Envision your perfect mate. What do they look like? How do they talk and carry themselves? See the quirk of their lips when they smile, or the glimmer in their eye when they look at you. Hold on to that image as I ask for our blessings. You don’t have to say anything until the end, when you respond with ‘so mote it be’.”
I close my eyes and my mind drifts automatically. The sweet, sentimental man that loves my curves and lusts after me all day every day flaring to life in my head. I can almost feel his touch when Clarissa begins to chant.
“Goddesses of the north, south, east, and west
Bestow your blessings, your power best
Fires of passion
Waters of our hearts
Winds of love
To us, will you impart
Bring us our soulmates, for this we plea
With open minds and pure hearts, we implore
So mote it be”
Someone murmursso mote it be, so I say the words, holding on to the image in my head.
“Now, carefully dip your candle into the flames, and when it catches, drip the pink wax onto your card. Once you have seven drops, release your request into the Goddess’ care by dropping the card into the fire. Blow out the candle when you are done, but do not break it. I’m going to have you take it home.”
Shivers dance up my spine as the wind picks up and skitters around us, shaking the leaves in the trees. Something feels like it’s almost here. Something that promises a new start for my wounded heart.
Isigh and run my hand through my hair, holding my phone to my ear. “I swear. I don’t know exactly what’s going on with Clarissa’s idea but I’m so desperate that I just went along with it. I’m thirty freaking years old! I haven’t found Mr. Right. Haven’t even found Mr. Right Now yet. So maybe I could use a little intervention from the spirit realm.”
“Honey, you just need a little patience. There’s a man out there that’s perfect for you. I know it.”
“Thirty, Bri! Thirty years and not a peep from the man!”
Bri laughs and I can hear the smile in her soft voice. “You know I haven’t found him either. I quit looking. There’s no such thing for me, I think. But for a woman as sweet and loving as you? There has to be the perfect man for you.”
“I’ve told you, there’s a man that’s right for you. You’ve already met him.”
“Tell me who he is then,” she huffs. I laugh and twirl a blond curl around my finger.
“I’m not gonna tell you that. You wouldn’t give him the time of day then. You’re so skittish and dead set on being alone.”
“Maybe he could convince me,” she wheedles and I groan.
“There’s no way in hell. You’re not ready to admit that there’s something there between you. I’ve seen his aura when he sees you. He’s into you and I’m not messing it up for the man.”
“Auras? Really, Cleo? You know it drives me crazy when you start talking that new age mumbo jumbo.”
“Becoming a doctor has really changed you. You used to be much more accepting when we were kids.”