Page 47 of Naive in Love

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“He passed out? Where did he pass out?” My anger begins to build.

The girl stops laughing before answering, “In his room.”

“I’m confused.”

“Blame the drinking games. Caleb was hilarious, thinking he could get Emily and I to pass out first. He’s the one that had one too many, so I brought him back here.” She is still slightly slurring but doesn’t sound as drunk as before.

“And where are Jason and Wes?” I ask, wondering why some girl is there with him while he is passed out.

“They are back at Emily’s. Who are you?” I’m shocked that they let a stranger stay with him while they continue partying.

“His girlfriend. And you are?” My blood boils, and I want to strangle this girl through the phone. I can’t believe I’ve had to endure watching Ethan with Groupie Girl and now some bitch is with my passed-out boyfriend.

“Huh…I’m sorry…a friend…I should go.” She hangs up.

I sit on the bed for a minute, stunned, but the anger quickly reappears. All of the jealousy and insecurity that has been building the past couple of months hits me like a ton of bricks, shattering what little trust I have.

I storm out of the bedroom and go straight to the freezer, pulling out the bottle of Patron we have stashed there. I serve myself a shot, cut up a lime, and take the shot alone. I feel the burn as it goes down. I place the lime in my mouth as a chaser. I want to rage but am fixated on the heat in my stomach from the alcohol. Josh slides the glass door open and walks over to me.

I smile sweetly to try and hide the murderous thoughts floating around my mind. I turn around and get another shot glass from the counter. I pour two shots. He cocks his head and raises a brow when I slide a glass across the table to him.

“What are we drinking to?” he asks cautiously.

“Well, let me see…” My control is rapidly fading. I raise my index finger to him, “One…having a stupid crush on someone who doesn’t like you back…” I raise my middle finger. “Two…having a boyfriend pass out before midnight and having some strange girl answer his phone and be alone in his apartment with him…” I raise my ring finger. “Three…being the cute one! Always being the friend that guys want to take care of, but never the one they want!” I grab the glass from the table, clink it on Josh’s glass he has not touched, and nod at him, smiling. “Cheers!” I take the shot, the burn not as bad the second time around.

“Sophia…” Josh speaks like he’s trying to calm a skittish animal, "Why don't we go for a walk? Let's get out of here.”

"Right, good idea. Let's go out to the bonfire, and maybe I can catch the attention of one of the guys you chased away earlier," I say, not caring what comes out of my mouth, my filter obliterated.

"You know that's not what I meant…just, talk to me." His eyes plead with me to calm down. "What’s so bad about your friends caring about you?"

"Josh please…I'm not in the mood. Tonight has gone to shit, and I just want something or someone to get my mind off it. Please." My frustration is building.

He comes around the table, taking me into his arms and hugging me tightly. He rests his head on the top of mine and holds me for a few seconds before he murmurs, "Please be careful. I don't want you to do anything that you’ll regret in the morning. Stay in here with me."

I wrap my arms around his waist, happy I have friends who care about me, but too pissed and drunk to act smart.

"Thanks Josh, but…" I don’t know how to explain. So much is clouding my judgment, the alcohol, my anger at Caleb, my love/lust for Ethan. I pull away from him, leaning up to kiss his cheek, and walk out to the patio. I grab a beer from the cooler before walking down the boardwalk. I approach the bonfire and see the party still going strong.

I look around for the guy from Houston who hit on me earlier. He was cute with a nice smile. I find him standing in a group with Paige. I walk up, nodding to Paige, and stand next to the Houston guy. I place my hand on his upper arm and slide it down to get his attention. Paige tilts her head and raises her eyebrows. I smile at her, letting the liquid courage lead me.

I lean into Houston and tell him, "How about that walk?"

He looks down, giving me a devilish smile, "Are you sure? That guy you were with earlier seemed pretty certain you couldn't take a walk with me."

"He was confused. I'm free now."

Paige grabs my hand, pulling me away and gesturing to him to give her a second. I turn and look at her. "What the hell, Paige? Please don't. Just let me be. Ask Josh what’s happened and just…stop." I pull away from her and walk back to Houston, a smile spreading across my face.

He takes my hand and leads me away from the group. I take a quick glance back at Paige, and she’s shaking her head. I give her a small reassuring smile, not sure if it was for her sake or mine. We walk a couple of cabins down the beach, but close enough for us to hear the music. We talk, and I am enjoying myself, letting my mind go numb. He grabs my hand, leading me back to the bonfire to get him a refill.

All of a sudden, I feel a large hand around my upper arm yanking me backward. I fall back into Ethan’s familiar chest. Surprised by the jerk and my hand leaving his, Houston turns around to see Ethan pulling me behind him and staring him down.

Groupie Girl starts to whine, “Ethan…” She drags his name out. “What are you doing? Sit back down with me,” she slurs. Standing up, she grabs his upper arm and tries to pull him to her.

He looks at her and says with a steady, controlled voice, “Get the fuck off me.” He shrugs his arm until she releases him. He turns his glare back to Houston and says in a low but menacing voice, “I got her from here. Now run along.”

Houston, not ready to back off, replies, “I think that’s up to her. Don’t you think?” He takes a step to the side to get a clear look at me and asks, “What the hell is up with these guys dictating who you talk to? You need new friends.”

Tags: Tori Alvarez Romance