Page 72 of Billionaire Grump

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I grimace and pinch the bridge of my nose. “You know that’s not true.”

“I don’t need your pity, Clare. Go sit back down in your seat.”

That may be what he wants me to do, but I don’t follow his orders. When have I ever listened to him and done what he asked of me?

“I just said those things to get even with you for hurting me.” I stare at him, waiting for him to glance up and acknowledge me. “None of it was true.”

“So, you’re a liar?” he shoots, glancing up at me with daggers in his eyes.

I shrug. “If that’s what you want to call it.” I’m not going to win this round. Neither of us will. We’re both too bullheaded and stubborn.

Levi bites down on his bottom lip. “How about a truce? We keep the sexual stuff on the back burner, and you return as Amelia’s nanny?”

I exhale a heavy sigh. “You win.”

He raises an eyebrow, unsure what I mean. He shakes his head, waiting for me to elaborate.

“I’ll stay on as her nanny.”



I’m relieved when we’re back in New York and I can avoid being locked in an airplane cabin with Clare. At least the house is larger than the hotel penthouse. I don’t have to share a bed with her, let alone a suite.

It’s too bad we’re not on opposite sides of the house, although I contemplate moving her sleeping quarters if I don’t get enough sleep.

Amelia is oblivious to the tension between us. It’s thick and impossible to cut through as we do our best to avoid one another.

Am I that much of a prick? Maybe living with me is hell. It’s no picnic living with Clare. She’s all smiles and sunshine.

We’re complete opposites.

She’s bubbly and carefree. I stick to schedules and business, even when I’m not on the clock. I don’t spend as much time with Amelia during the first week that I’m home, not because I don’t want to, but because I’m busy handling the contract for the Paris hotel.

The place needs a lot of work, and for the price, I expected a better experience. Not that the relationship explosion was their fault. But the entire trip leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Maybe I should send Connor to look into any hotels next time. Although I honestly don’t trust him with that level of responsibility, and maybe that’s for the best, given what Clare told me in confidence.

I never did get the name of the girl he harassed and fired. My assistant, Nancy, was supposed to dig up employment records and try to get me a name, but the number of employees who have quit is insane. We’ve never had such a high turnover at any other location.

Connor is the problem.

Maybe it’s the Luxenberg brothers who are the issue. It’s not like I handled things well with Clare, either.

Nancy pages me in my office. “Your mother is calling again, sir.”

I groan and throw my head back. “Can’t you send it to voicemail?”

“She’ll just keep calling. She wants to meet Amelia.”

Is Nancy seriously siding with my mother? “Fine.” I take the call, not that I want to talk to her right now. I need to be in a good mood and this week has been spiraling in the other direction.

“Hey, Mom,” I say, forcing a smile.

“I thought you were going to call when you were back in the city?”

I exhale a sigh. “I’ve been busy, but I know you want to meet Amelia.”

Tags: Willow Fox Billionaire Romance