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An amused breath gusts out of me. “Of course they did. Nothing gets by those two.”

“So you worked things out from all his broody staring, I take it?” She leans over me and her voice lilts with excitement. “Did you ride his motorcycle?”

It’s my turn to flush and I almost snort at the heat flooding my cheeks. I’m not embarrassed, but thinking about how we went from being at each other's throats to how it’s been since he let me in makes me warm all over.

“Pretty much. And yes, it’s… I can’t even describe how amazing riding it is.” I pause, waggling my eyebrows. “It’s not the only thing I was riding.”

Thea makes a scandalized noise that has both of us laughing and shoving at each other playfully.

I sigh, touching my leather bracelet as the amusement fades. “Until today.”

“What happened?” Her voice is soft and soothing. She’s always been nurturing and I close my eyes, letting her comfort me by running her fingers through my hair. “Tell me whatever you’re comfortable with sharing.”

I start at the beginning, explaining my childhood friendship with him in more detail than I gave her last year when he came back. Then I take her through his cold shoulder treatment, to everything changing after that fateful hookup at Jenna Taylor’s party and how he tormented me but I sought him out anyway. I couldn’t stay away from him if I tried. When I get to the story about sneaking into his car going from bribery to a car chase she yelps.

“Holy shit, Maisy,” she says with wide eyes.

“I know. Things have been crazy and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. There’s more.”

Now that I’ve started unloading this, it feels good. I don’t realize Connor is listening to me explain about all the corruption Fox and I have unearthed until he chimes in from the doorway where he’s propped against the frame, fingers tucked in the waistband of his basketball shorts.

“You’ve been doing all this under our noses? Shit, I could’ve helped you. I know some guys.”

Connor doesn’t elaborate, but I guess from the mischief in his gray eyes the guys he knows are probably like Colton and the friends Fox has described. The type of people that skate outside of the law.

“So does Fox. We haven’t been totally alone, but I didn’t want to interrupt up your lives with this mess. You just got married and after all the crap you both had to deal with last year, I didn’t want to add to any stress on top of opening the bakery.”

Thea squeezes me. “You can always lean on your friends no matter what, okay?”

“Thanks babe,” I murmur, soaking in the restorative energy of her magic hugs.

“Just let us know if we can do anything,” she says. “We’re here for you always.”

“You know we’ve got your back. You’re family and we protect our own.”

I snort. “Has anyone told you and Dev you sound like mob bosses when you guys say that?”

His wide smile is full of wickedness. “Gotta keep our reps striking fear in the hearts of our enemies.”

This time a laugh rolls through me, but it passes and I’m still left with the confused mix of feelings that haven’t really left since Fox confessed about Holden.

How can he still own my heart but make me want to tackle him for hurting my brother? If I did, would I fight him or kiss him?

“You still seem tense. Want me to roll a joint?” Connor offers.

“No thanks.” I shake my head, wanting to be clear headed more than relaxed right now. “Can Thea and I chill on our own for a bit?”

He gives us a charming crooked grin and nods. “You got it.” He comes over to the couch, bracing against the back of it to kiss Thea above me. “I’ll go see if the guys are all good for the opening, sunshine.”

“Thank you,” Thea murmurs, face tilted up for one more kiss.

My chest cinches tight watching them. It makes me miss the rich scent of leather and earthy woods mixed with motor oil. Makes me miss him. How can someone become necessary for breathing in such a short time?

He gave me my own freedom by letting me take his car. I could go back there…or I could get on the highway and drive until the road runs out. My dreams have always been focused on traveling, but I keep shoving it aside.

But this is where I should be right now. I can’t run from anything. My best friend is opening her bakery in two days and we’ve been planning the opening day for months.

“Peace out,” Connor calls as he leaves the apartment.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance