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As I thrust my fingers inside her, she shudders around them. She gasps against my mouth.

“All of your sounds belong to me and me alone. No one else gets to hear them.”

Gemma nods and presses up to kiss me. I give it to her, twisting my fingers again. She seizes up as her orgasm hits. I want to keep going until she’s a delirious oversensitive mess, wringing orgasm after orgasm from her until she can’t come anymore without sobbing.

I reel my urges in. Soon. But not here in the school parking lot.

“Good girl,” I rumble as I slow my movements, savoring how wet she feels.

Gemma breathes harshly, resting back against the car. She’s flushed and wrecked and fucking gorgeous.

I pull my hand from beneath her skirt and flick my tongue over my shiny fingers, tasting her. A hungry groan leaves me and I lean my weight into her body, pressing my cock against her.

I stroke her face as I touch her lips. She darts her hooded gaze up at me. I pet her lip and nudge inside her mouth. She hesitates, then closes her mouth around my finger and sucks her own taste, tongue curling around my finger.

Another groan leaves me and I tear my hand free to kiss her. When we part, I rest my forehead against hers.

“You’re mine, sweetheart. Don’t forget that.”



“Gemma?” Ms. Huang stops me as I’m packing up after class.


She smiles and tucks her short black hair behind one ear. “Could I ask for your help with a photo assignment? Usually I have two students from newspaper and yearbook club take photos, but they’re both absent.”

“Okay, sure.” I sling my bag over my shoulder. “I have my gear with me and I’m free.”

Ms. Huang lights up with a relieved look. She claps her hands together.

“Wonderful! It’s nothing major. You’ll be covering the boy’s football team practice after school today. The school paper needs your files by tomorrow morning for their story if you can meet that turnaround time.”

By some miracle I keep my face blank.

I know I just agreed, but I should refuse. Make up some important appointment I just remembered.

“Sure.” My voice is robotic. Foreign. “No problem.”

Inside, my shoulders sag. Once I leave the room,

I let out a big sigh.

“Of course,” I mumble.

Hitching my bag higher on my shoulder, I head off to my doom. I stop by my locker and drag my feet the closer I get to the football field. At least there will be other people around. And I won’t have to get close. The telephoto lens is the greatest invention ever for avoiding social interaction.

Parking myself by the fence surrounding the field, I set down my things and busy myself with my camera settings while the football team jogs warm up laps.

It’s not until Lucas runs by and our eyes meet that I admit I’ve been afraid to be alone around him since he touched me in public. I sink my teeth into my cheek as he grants me a smug look.


That’s all he says, voice deep and amused. One word and my insides dive-bomb for a crash landing.

Lucas’ buddies chuckle and give him playful punches.

Tags: Veronica Eden Sinners and Saints Romance